
Chapter 74 Rapid Development_1

Translator: 549690339


Cao Ge walked out of the underground basement.

"Mr. Cao."

As soon as he came up, he heard the security personnel in the living room greeting him.

With a slight smile, Cao Ge waved his hand in response as a greeting.

The security personnel were arranged by the state. He initially said it was unnecessary because he didn't plan to go out, but the authorities insisted on it.

Having no other option, Cao Ge agreed, with the understanding that only one person would enter his place, Miss Li Qiu.

She was good-looking and not talkative, so Cao Ge reluctantly agreed.

Ignoring Li Qiu as she rose from her seat, Cao Ge went straight to the kitchen; he wanted to have a good meal to celebrate.

Just as he was opening the fridge to prepare food, Miss Li Qiu, who was reading in the living room, came over.

"Mr. Cao, are you hungry? If you are, I can have someone bring some food. You don't need to spend your time on these meaningless tasks."

Cao Ge, holding the pork in his hands, looked at it, then back at Li Qiu, thought for a moment, and said, "Miss Li is right, let's have some food delivered then."

Cao Ge stuffed the pork he was holding back into the fridge.

"What does Mr. Cao like to eat?"

"I'm from Hunan, so a few Hunan dishes will do. I'm not picky," Cao Ge closed the fridge and moved towards Li Qiu.

"Alright, Mr. Cao, I'll get that arranged."

After learning his preference, Li Qiu put down her book and walked towards the door.

Li Qiu was quite satisfied with Cao Ge as a Wallfacer.

In the past two months, although she hadn't understood what he was doing, he was certainly working on something.

Unlike the Professor surnamed Luo next door, who did nothing of substance and, exploiting his Wallfacer privileges, found a secluded paradise to fall in love under the guise of "it's all part of the plan," making the Planetary Defense Council helpless against him.

But everything Cao Ge did was noticed by her. Especially over the past month, he stayed in his laboratory, working tirelessly from morning till night. Although she didn't know what he was doing, his attitude alone was commendable.

Therefore, she thought it was necessary to make life a bit easier for Cao Ge; after all, he held the status of a Wallfacer. If he had to cook for himself, it would be unacceptable.

Watching Li Qiu's retreating figure, Cao Ge shrugged his shoulders and happily settled down by the dining table, while waiting, he pondered over the next steps for his mech production.

He was, unsurprisingly, planning to build one of Tony's Mark series mechs.

With Iron Man's equipment and Murphy's cooperation, his safety would be secured.

He had already used his Wallfacer privileges to launch ten surveillance satellites. Now, three of those satellites were above him, monitoring a ten-kilometer radius of his area, with Murphy identifying and reporting any nearby information at any time.

As a result, long-distance assassination attempts had been put on hold for the time being.

And now, Cao Ge needed to improve his close-combat defense capabilities.


"Mr. Cao, I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

An hour later, Li Qiu came in carrying two large bags of food, which filled the entire table with seven or eight dishes.

Seeing the hometown dishes on the table, Cao Ge said to Li Qiu, "Miss Li Qiu, you've gone through too much trouble.

"It's just that there's too much food; it's a bit wasteful because I can't finish all this. Don't bring as much next time."

"Have you eaten, Miss Li?"

Cao Ge picked up the rice, ready to start serving himself, when suddenly he remembered to ask.

"Not yet."

"Since you haven't eaten, let's eat together. I can't finish all this food anyway," Cao Ge said while waving his chopsticks.

"There are two bowls of rice here; one for me, one for you."

Cao Ge put down his box of food and opened another box for Li Qiu, handing it to her.

"Thank you, Mr. Cao, then I won't be polite," Li Qiu said.

"Of course, you're here every day, I should take care of your meals," Cao Ge said with a smile.

After that, he picked up his own bowl and chopsticks and wolfed down his food.

He really was hungry; the energy consumed by scientific research was by no means less than that of physical labor and brainpower.

Half an hour later, both of them had finished eating.

After the meal, Cao Ge went to the floor-to-ceiling windows to enjoy the scenery outside.

He walked to the lake in front of the house and took a stroll.

About an hour later, as the sky gradually darkened, he returned to the house, took a bath, greeted Li Qiu in the living room, and then went upstairs to rest.

A month of intense work had left him quite exhausted.

In the following week, he planned to take advantage of the testing period to get some good rest and recuperate.


A week passed in the blink of an eye.

The Ark Reactor had been operating stably for a week without any issues.

Cao Ge had already begun to create the Iron Suit.

Without nanotechnology, he could only produce the earlier generations of the Mark series.

The Nanotech Suit would likely have to wait a while longer.

In designing the suit, Cao Ge handed over the work entirely to Murphy,

letting it handle the design and control the robotic arms to manufacture the corresponding parts.

Meanwhile, Cao Ge sat in front of the computer, designing the appropriate control modules.

And so, another month went by.

One morning, a month later.

Underground Laboratory.

After a busy night, Cao Ge had finally completed the testing of various modules, and now only the actual inspection remained.

The components of the Iron Suit were laid out in the order of the human body on a large table by Cao Ge.

Cao Ge felt it was time to begin.

"Murphy, start the assembly," Cao Ge said, looking at the Iron Suit in front of him.

"Assembling now."

No sooner had Cao Ge finished speaking than Murphy began merging the components on the table, and about a minute later, an Iron Man almost as tall as Cao Ge stood before him.

Cao Ge walked up to it, astonished, and ran his hands over the body of the Iron Suit.

He could hardly believe that this was something he had made.

Filled with a sense of accomplishment, Cao Ge had Murphy control the Mark I to walk out of the basement.

The Iron Suit had barely left the Underground Laboratory when it caused a misunderstanding with Li Qiu.

She immediately drew her gun and aimed it at the Iron Suit.

"Miss Li Qiu, don't shoot, this is my latest research achievement," Cao Ge hurriedly walked out from behind the Mark I to explain.

Seeing that Cao Ge was safely appearing from around the corner of the staircase, Li Qiu relaxed and re-holstered her gun at her waist.

Then she approached, full of surprise, and began to look at the Mark I all around.

"Mr. Cao, is this the result of your research these past two months?"

"I suppose so," Cao Ge nodded.

"So Mr. Cao, what is this for?" Li Qiu asked, pointing to the Iron Suit, puzzled.

"Oh, it's like this, this is a mech I developed. It's just been assembled; I'm about to go out for a real-world test," Cao Ge explained.

Only then did Li Qiu understand.