
Sin Society

"He skates one arm up my back, placing his firm grip at my nape and pulling me into a kiss. I'm not usually huge on public displays, but I can't help myself, melting into him completely. He turns his head slightly, moving to deepen the kiss and I open my mouth to him. A small moan escapes me which he deftly swallows. I feel his other hand creeping up my front as his fingertips slip below my bikini top and heat explodes deep within me. If I weren't already in a hot tub I would undoubtedly be wet at the contact." Genvieve Dubois has built a new life for herself. After moving away from the toxicity of tinsel town to start college to become an investigative reporter, she finds success in the true crime world - which proves helpful as tragedy strikes when her sister is brutally attacked while attending Windsor University back in Hollywood. Gen moves back home, going undercover to crack the mystery of what happened to her sister, but runs into some unexpected secrets buried within the lore of Windsor University's High Society. One of those secrets quickly becomes; who exactly is Lexington Wells? Blue-eyed bad boy and all-around campus heartthrob. What exactly does he want with Genvieve? Can Gen crack the case before she's exposed?

TayeSteele · Urban
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177 Chs

Deadly Sin Sixteen

Lately, sleep seems to evade me like a train leaving the station I'll never be able catch. With my mind in so many places at once, it's been difficult for me to give enough focus to any one thing in particular. Usually, Lexington is asleep the moment his head hits the pillow leaving me to wallow in the weight of my overwhelming pressures on my own. Tonight, he seems to be shifting uncomfortably just as much as I am.

"Lex. Why didn't you tell me there was foul play on your dad's flight?"