
Sin of Kin

Is it Sin that makes one a sinner? Or is it Kin that makes one a sinner? Many say we are born innocent and untainted, and yet in Sin we are all related to one another. For we are one Kin, and with this Sin we share that we are born with. And even a certain doctrine holds that one's Kin, through the fact of birth, inherit a tainted nature with a proclivity to sinful conduct in need of regeneration… "I was brought forth in iniquity, and in Sin did my Mother conceive me." …or so the doctrine says, "We are all born sinners because of Kin that brings us together." …and so we think: we are born with Sin inherited from our Kin, But, should that hold us back from acting with virtue? No, we should not hold back, even when Sin entered the world through one Kin, and Death through Sin, and in this way, Death came to all beings, because all sinned, But even so, we all have freedom to be a being we want when we embrace Death, To be a fraudulent Human, To be a violent Angel, To be a benevolent Devil, And what one wants to be, neither "Sin" nor "Kin" should define what "Self" one is going to be, let "Journey" instead that defines one "Self"

Houraji · Fantasy
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127 Chs

Essence of Hidden Presence

The existence of nature of Time; the very nature itself that wrought the existence for all creatures clinging themselves into this very notion… whether Time was linear or cyclical, whether Time was endless or finite, and whether Time was real and absolute… despite all the said conflicting point of view, Time was alluded to have one intrinsic direction in the end, hence continuously moved forward seemingly being derived from a random starting point of all creations – if not the beginning of all,

Although time was borne out not to bless one with a Life even for those who were praying to and worshipping it, because to give one a Life, was simply beyond Time's kindness. Time was capable only of deteriorating those who were clinging to it, consuming them out of their own impermanence; bones shrank in size and density, weakening muscles and rendering them more susceptible to the eventual Death,