
Simple Travelling Merchant

Greetings, kind traveller. I am Suel, but many know me as the red-cloaked bastard. My wares carry secrets and wonders from many realms. Until our paths cross once more, kind traveller.

Bobmon · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 4: Can't think of a title

- Bob Garnt –

After parting ways with his friend Paul at the gate, Bob hurriedly made his way to his Familia's compound. A sense of urgency propelled him as he needed to promptly brief his captain about the intriguing new vendor who had just arrived in Orario.

Thankfully, Captain Shakti Varma was expected to be in her office, likely in discussion with their deity Ganesha about the current affairs of the Familia. Though Bob felt a mix of nervousness and shyness about meeting with his captain, he recognized the necessity of reporting this situation accurately and swiftly before the news about the elixirs spread to other Familia.

Bob knocked on the door of Captain Shakti's office and patiently awaited permission to enter. It wasn't long before he heard her voice, granting him access. "Enter."

Upon stepping into the room, Bob's gaze fell upon the familiar and striking figure of his azure-haired captain. Beside her sat their patron god, Ganesha, an imposing figure donning a red and yellow elephant mask over his face. His attire included an orange sash diagonally across his body and an ornate gold-accented leather plate securing his garb. White pants and robust dark brown boots completed his distinctive ensemble.

"Bob? What brings you here? Weren't you supposed to be at the gate with Paul?" Shakti's puzzled expression conveyed her surprise at unexpectedly finding him in her office.

"I am Ganesha!"

"I've come to report a morning incident, Captain. Here's my written account of the situation," Bob explained, handing over the report he had diligently prepared.

Shakti proceeded to peruse the report, her forehead creasing with a hint of surprise as she absorbed the details. Once finished, she passed the report over to Ganesha.

"I am Ganesha!"

"So, where is this Suel now?" Shakti's thoughtful question followed a moment of contemplation.

"We believe he's still within Orario. He'll likely head to the guild to secure his selling permit," Bob responded, drawing from the information available.

As Shakti tapped her fingers on the table in contemplation, she considered the strength estimation of this individual or group.

"Ganesha-sama, are they familiar to you? People with significant strength tend to be known figures. According to the report, they're likely at least Level 4 or even Level 5."

Though the notion might appear unlikely, Shakti placed her trust in Paul's judgment, given his heightened sensitivity to such matters. Unfortunately, Paul's own level was only at 3, limiting the effectiveness of his skills. The possibility that these newcomers were even more powerful remained possible but also unlikely.

'They could also be remnants of the past...' Shakti contemplated, acknowledging the possibility of the past Familia's adventurer.

Ganesha, however, shook his head, indicating no familiarity with this specific group or Familia based on their distinctive attire.

"...I believe we should investigate this vendor's stall and gauge their demeanour. Their elixir presents an intriguing prospect, and this fellow should have more types of elixir with him," Ganesha mused, his gaze fixated intensely on the report.

"Furthermore, Shakti, I grant you authority to take out funds from the treasury. I trust your judgment for the Familia's future." With these words, Ganesha rose from his seat and exited the office.

"I am Ganesha!" said the deity as he dropped the report on the ground.

Shakti rubbed her temples, her gaze shifting towards Paul, who had patiently awaited further instruction. "You may return to your duties now, Bob."

"Yes, Captain!" Bob replied with solemnity, readying himself to exit the room. However, before he could depart, a soft voice from his captain caught his attention.

"Good job, Bob. You handled this admirably."

Bob's reaction was immediate, his eyes widening in astonishment. "!!!"

"YES, CAPTAIN!" Bob exclaimed, his enthusiasm amplified as he left the compound, a foolish grin adorning his face.

Shakti couldn't help but smirk as she returned her focus to the paperwork that lay ahead.


- Ais Wallenstein –

"Ah…" "Hmmm…." "Ohhh…"

Ais found herself dealing with many options that could potentially enhance her strength. The extent of the choices caught her off guard; she hadn't anticipated such an assortment. The compendium she'd received from the merchant had unveiled a world of possibilities.

Her habit was relentlessly exploring deep into the dungeon, honing her skills and augmenting her stats. However, the question of what to purchase left her genuinely conflicted, and she wasn't swimming in wealth either. The consequences of her frequent dungeon exploits were evident in her debt, rising from her inclination for damaging her armour and weaponry through her daily battles. Fortunately, figures like Riveria, the older members of the Loki Familia and even Loki herself were always there to offer assistance.

As she scanned the compendium further, her attention was captivated by the section on weapons. The allure was undeniable; acquiring a powerful weapon from the merchant could absolve her from the cycle of her debt.

Yet, it was imperative that she didn't choose a weapon too powerful, as it might hinder her growth. On the other hand, selecting a weak weapon would be equally counterproductive. However, she might be thinking too much since she doesn't have the money for it.

'How troublesome.' Ais mused, a slight dizziness overtaking her as she wrestled with the decision. She contemplated seeking Riveria's advice when something piqued her interest.


An untapped blade pulsating with latent potential. This dormant Zanpakuto eagerly awaits the bond that will unleash its distinct spirits and capabilities.

Price: 10,000 Valis

"Have you found something, Ais?" Riveria inquired, peering over her shoulder with a contemplative demeanour.

"I believe this weapon might be an excellent choice. It's an opportunity to acquire a personalized weapon tailored to you. We should consult Suel for more information about the blade and the nature of this Zanpakuto," Riveria suggested.

Prompted by Riveria's words, Suel, now versed in the topic of Zanpakuto and Asauchi, shared his insights. He presented Ais and Riveria with the information he possessed. "A Zanpakuto is a unique and formidable type of weapon. It serves as a physical tool and houses a spiritual essence. Each Zanpakuto is endowed with a sentient spirit that resides within it. These spirits embody the core of the sword and reflect the wielder's soul and personality. Hence, the symbiotic connection between the wielder and their Zanpakuto spirit significantly influences their growth, power, and abilities."

The gravity of this revelation rendered the group speechless. The potential held by a Zanpakuto was great, offering a weapon that could evolve alongside its wielder. Such a concept was almost unheard of among mortals.

Creating these self-enhancing weapons was a privilege exclusive to deities like Hephaestus or Goibniu. The astronomical potential of Zanpakuto wielded enormous allure for adventurers worldwide. Yet, the inexplicable part was how a weapon of this magnitude was priced so cheap.

Suel perceived the astonishment in their eyes and proceeded to address the apparent paradox. "An asauchi is a plain vessel, brimming with potential for a Zanpakuto spirit. It's a blank canvas, void of unique attributes or capabilities."

Ais couldn't contain her anticipation. She stared at the Asauchi excitedly, her voice trembling as she inquired, "How does one awaken them?"

Riveria pondered aloud, "The prerequisites for awakening must be demanding, I presume?"

"Indeed," Suel concurred, providing clarity on the stringent process. "Transforming an Asauchi into a Zanpakuto requires the wielder's reflection, a connection with their soul, and awakening a distinctive spirit within the blade. This metamorphosis enhances combat prowess and signifies personal growth, forming a profound partnership with the Zanpakuto spirit."

Suel concluded his explanation, leaving the group deep in thought, awed by these unique weapons' possibilities.

"If you decide to purchase an asauchi, I will provide you with a comprehensive guide to Zanpakuto Manifestation, facilitating the process of awakening your Asauchi's spirit."

"Ais made her decision resolute. "I'll take one." With a swift exchange of funds, she secured an Asauchi and guidebook from Suel.

The twins, Tiona and Tione, eager for their own tailored weapon, chimed in. "We want one as well!"

"Absolutely," Suel acknowledged, promptly arranging for their acquisition.

With the transaction completed, Suel gazed at the twins, his curiosity piqued. "Is there anything else you two require?"


- Tiona Hiryute –

Tiona clutched her copy of the compendium, her finger pointing at the page that had captured both sisters' attention. Suel and the others turned their gazes, focusing on the indicated page.

"Intriguing, Tiona! Seems like you've stumbled upon something very good," Suel exclaimed.


The epitome of martial arts mastery! Comprising six foundational techniques and a seventh, attainable only by the most skilled Rokushiki practitioners.

1- Tekkai – The iron Shield Technique: Transform your body into an impenetrable fortress of iron, allowing you to withstand even the most devastating attacks without flinching.

2- Shigan – The Bullet Fingers Technique: Your fingers become lightning-fast projectiles, piercing your opponents with surgical precision and penetrating opponents.

3- Rankyaku – The Whirlwind Kick Technique: Launch a razor-edged air blade from your legs, cleaving through obstacles and foes alike.

4- Soru - The Blink Step Technique: Bestow upon yourself the power to teleport in short distances instantly, rendering you nearly untouchable.

5- Geppo - The Airwalk Technique: Defy gravity, taking your battles skyward with Geppo! Glide across air and surfaces previously impassable, catching foes unawares.

6- Kamie - The Ethereal Art Technique: For the true masters, Kamie offers a rare and bewildering talent. Turn your body into paper-thin perfection, rendering attacks useless against your intangible form. Slip through barriers, evade harm effortlessly, and baffle your foes with your ethereal prowess.

7- Rokuogan – The Ultimate Apex Technique: The crowning achievement of Rokushiki. Accessible only to those who have truly mastered the preceding six skills! Unleash a devastating shockwave from your knuckles, inflicting severe internal injuries upon your target.

Prices: 600,000,000 Valis (For the initial six techniques) and 300,000,000 Valis (For the seventh technique)

The entire group gasped at the astronomical prices yet felt that such abilities warranted the price. Even Riveria was stunned, nearly uttering a swearing in front of everyone.

The notion that these incredible powers were classified as martial arts bewildered her. She wouldn't have been surprised had they been labelled as skills. The fact that they were martial arts techniques changed everything – implying that even those without a falna could potentially learn them.

Tione and Tiona hesitated as they couldn't afford this much money even if they combined their fortune. Their financial state wasn't any better than Ais's.

Like Ais, they often incurred significant expenses due to their inclination to break equipment while dungeon diving. Their gazes met, and after deliberation, they settled on Geppo and Soru.

"Regrettably, our money fell short, and we don't have that much money with us," Admitted Tiona.

Suel's response was swift and encouraging, "No worries! We can arrange a contract, and you can remit the payment later."

"That suits us perfectly. Could you visit our Familia residence for the transaction?" Tione inquired, hopeful to avoid returning to their base and come back to the market.

"Of course, that's convenient. I'll drop by your place tonight," Suel agreed.

"Excellent! Thanks, Suel. You're turning out to be not so bad after all," Tiona exclaimed, a genuine smile gracing her lips.


- Ouranos –

In the shadowy depths beneath the Guild's imposing edifice resided not just any god but Ouranus — one of the original gods who had descended from the heavens to the mortal realm, sculpting Orario with his hands.

Though he could rightfully claim dominion over Orario, he had chosen to operate from the shadows, orchestrating events behind the scenes. This clandestine maneuvering had given birth to the Adventurer's Guild itself.

"Have you uncovered anything, Fels?" inquired Ouranos, his gaze fixed on his partner in this intricate web of schemes.

"Regrettably, Ouranos, my findings are scarce. Exploring too deep could have exposed me, or so it seemed. Curiously, the travelling merchant named Suel discovered my presence yet refrained from revealing me," Fels murmured contemplatively.

Ouranos absorbed the report in silence, his eyes closing in deep contemplation. "Do you believe they pose a threat to our goals?"

"I believe not, or rather, they might evolve into our most invaluable allies."

An intrigued lift of Ouranos' brow beckoned Fels to elaborate. "Oh?"

"I perceive the man to be firm, much like a stubborn merchant who regards his role with utmost dedication. He appears committed to adhering to his purpose. Rumours of his extraordinary wares preceded his arrival in Orario. Whispers have even painted his merchandise as foreign to our realm."

"Perhaps we might find something that may advance our goals."


"What about his companion?"

"As anticipated, they indeed are Alfia of the long-lost Hera Familia and Zald of the forgotten Zeus Familia. Their auras betrayed their identities, grown stronger since their assault."

Ouranos rubbed his temples, a burgeoning headache accompanying these developments.

How come the mortal realm's complexity soared further?

An enigmatic wandering merchant, seemingly transcending dimensions, paired with two adventurers from a distant era under him.

"…Continue your surveillance. Initiate contact when you discern the opportune moment. Your discernment is my reliance, Fels."

"Of course, Ouranos," Fels acknowledged before exiting the chamber, leaving Ouranos to his solitary contemplation.

I bought a new mouse today because the old one was not working anymore...

Yet it works perfectly fine now after my purchase...

Oh, I do want to thank everyone for their support.

So here is an extra chapter


Bobmoncreators' thoughts