[2013 – February – Valentine's Day]
Looking at her love wearing an all-black suit, including the shirt and tie, Wanda was shocked breathless.
The tight-fitting suit perfectly displayed his toned physique, while the black colour accentuated his crystal eyes and untameable pale hair. The burning desire in his eyes, just adding fuel to her own.
They were currently on a nearby hill, not far from their home, where Pietro had prepared something this evening as a Valentine's Day surprise.
The hill was surrounded by a few sparse trees and verdant grassfields, though as it was night time their beauty could only be appreciated with one's nose, as the fresh scent of the plant life wafted through the air.
"Come on, this way.", Pietro said, as he grabbed her hand and lead her towards the blanket he had placed down before he had brought her here.
Seating herself between his legs and leaning back against his chest, Wanda sat in the embrace of the one she loved the most in this endless galaxy.
"I have prepared a special gift for you, to show you how happy you make me.", Pietro whispered into her ear gently, as he placed soft kisses along the side of her neck.
"I thought … Mmh … we agreed to not buy presents … Mmh … for each other.", she answered quietly, soft moans mixed into her answer.
"Well, it's not really a present, since you can't take it home with you.", Pietro said with a mischievous tone in his voice, making her look at him questioningly.
"Look up.", he said lovingly, as he guided her head with a light touch of his right hand, while his left one, began to wander alongside her ribcage and hip.
Following his lead, while her own hands were placed on his leg and over his wandering hand respectively, Wanda raised her head.
At the first moment she didn't really understand what it was that he wanted her to see, as she looked at the stars and the two moons surrounding Xandar. Though that confusion diappeared completely, as her gaze locked onto the smaller one, of the two moons, a moment later.
Even with hundreds of thousand of kilometers between the celestial object and herself, Wanda still recognized the poppy – her favourite kind of flower – that was carved into the surface of the moon.
For a moment she didn't even know how to react, as she realised that Pietro had done something so incredible and monumental for her.
"Silver helped me with the layout, so this isn't just a symbol of my love alone.", her love whispered quietly, freeing her from her stunned state.
Small tears rolled down her cheeks, as Wanda turned around and kissed her soulmate deeply, locking gazes with him as she did so.
The tender love in his crystal eyes, causing her to be unable to wait a moment longer as she simply used her magic and disintegrated the clothes on Pietro's lower body and her own slip, while pushing aside her dress..
Grabbing his member, she guided it inside of her, connecting their bodies in a way, their souls already were.
Placing my hands on either side of Wanda's waist, I pressed her lower body against mine, as I pushed into her from below and giving both of us what we longed for.
Breaking the kiss, Wanda gave off a throaty moan as she arched her back, the beautiful dark green summer dress presenting her curves deliciously. Her chestnut-coloured locks framing her flawless face, while her green eyes darkened in love and need, as she once again locked eyes with me.
Moving one of my hands towards her derriere and keeping the other in place at her hip, I set the pace of this encounter, as we kept up the intense eye contact. Exchanging with looks, what we otherwise needed words for.
This went on for awhile, before I abruptly turned side-ways, moving Wanda onto her back, as I went in for a deep kiss, without stopping to sheath myself inside of her.
Her arms wrapped around my neck and torso, clawing at my back in an attempt to bring me even closer towards her.
I knew Wanda felt my approaching orgasm, as her legs similarly wrapped themselves around my waist, refusing to let me spill my seed anywhere else, but inside of her.
Still, even as I did exactly that and simultaneously felt her sex contracting around my member, I knew that this night was far from over. Our passion like an everburning flame, threatening to devour us both.
[2013 – February]
A few days later, when the memories of Valentine's Day were still fresh in mind, I decided to visit Nidavellir and have the dwarves forge something for me.
Using the Thanos-method i.e. coercion, it had been easy enough to persuade Eitri to do exactly that.
I would have preferred a peaceful negotiation, but the dwarves didn't have a reputation for being 'difficult to deal with' without reason. They had simply brushed me off and denied any kind of request to forge something for me at the beginning.
Their arrogance born from their incredible talent in weapon forging and their belief that Asgard would shield them from any kind of harm.
That arrogance though had shattered rather quickly, after I had used the Space Stone's power to simply stop the multi-ringed structure – their forge - from moving for a few moments.
Then they were quick to realise that I wasn't to be triffled with and finally had agreed to forge me what I had wanted, in exchange for their continued existence.
Yes, I had a bottomline and didn't want to hurt innocents, but in my eyes weapon manufacturers were never innocent. And the dwarves were the best weaponsmiths in the universe, with the blood of millions on their hammers. They weren't any different than Stark, before he had stopped manifacturing weapons of mass destruction.
To my knowledge there had been more than one incident of a dwarf-forged weapon being used to inflict harm on a myriad of innocent souls, because they had been more than careless in making sure that the weapons wouldn't land in the hands of the unworthy.
This kind of carelessness had long since drifted into neglect and dismissal, as they believed the Asgardians would surely handle any kind of repercussions that resulted from such incidents.
History had sadly proven them right until now.
Please check out my other stories too and leave a comment or review. (That rhyme was unintentional...) Enjoy the story!
This story is already finished and on my p@treon account. I will probably only upload it here occasionally, as this account isn't a priority of mine and just exists to stop others from stealing my intellectual property.
(My p@treon-acc: www.p@treon.com/GodOfFreedom; Don't forget to change the @ for an a...)