
silver moon demon

The story is about a human known as the "Demon God" in a distant era after the rise and fall of humanity, a legendary era filled with heroes, monsters, fairies, and demi-humans. Yawen, a frail noble youth with a small magical beast that barely hatched, leads a life of being bullied by his classmates. Everyone ridicules him as a useless embryo who destroys the "Stark Family's" esteemed reputation. However, when the "Stark Family" is framed and becomes a target for the entire nation to kill, Yawen reveals his hidden powerful spiritual abilities and shoulders the daunting task of protecting his family. Thus, Yawen embarks on a bloody path of demons, creating the most astonishing and thrilling legend of the Demon God since the "Great Destruction" of humanity.

dylan_ben · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Part 1 Chapter 17 Platinum Horned Python

On one side, Yahua saw Yawen and Baijinjiao Python, two formidable beasts, confronting each other, feeling uneasy. He quickly reached into his luggage and pulled out an iron sword that was about 150 centimeters long, and threw it to Yawen, saying, "Yawen, catch the sword."

Immediately, he threw the long sword towards Yawen.

Yawen heard his elder brother Yahua's words, and swiftly turned around and caught the iron sword that was coming at him with great speed.

Their coordinated movements and tacit understanding were evident, indicating that they had cooperated many times before.

After catching the sword, Yawen immediately circulated his Tianxin True Qi, and the ordinary iron sword in his hand emitted a faint golden light, indicating that Yawen had infused his Tianxin True Qi into the sword.

Hanluo on the side sighed, "I didn't expect Yawen to have reached the level of circulating internal energy through external objects. I didn't achieve this until I was in my twenties. Impressive."

While Hanluo was admiring, Yawen had already waved the long sword in his hand and attacked the Baijinjiao Python with Greedy Wolf Star on his left and right.

Every time Yawen swung the sword in his hand, it was accompanied by a golden light, following a peculiar trajectory. Often, he could bypass the defense of the Baijinjiao Python and hit it, but Yawen had to admit his failure.

Although he could hit the Baijinjiao Python every time, at most, he could only leave white marks on its body, without causing any real damage. Greedy Wolf Star on the other side was also the same, unable to harm the Baijinjiao Python at all.

While the Baijinjiao Python could not harm Yawen or Greedy Wolf Star either, its flames, acid, sharp teeth, powerful forelimbs, long tail, and its massive body that seemed too agile for its size, along with its habit of using its horn on its head to attack, made it extremely difficult for Yawen and Greedy Wolf Star to evade. Yawen was particularly annoyed by its indestructible white horn.

There were several occasions when Yawen narrowly avoided being hit by the flame or the long tail while trying to dodge the white horn. He was also grazed by its claws, making it a close call for Yawen.

Especially when Yawen was once left with four bloodstains on his left shoulder by the Baijinjiao Python's sharp claws while trying to dodge the white horn, Yawen was furious and cursed loudly, "Xiao Xing, quickly find a way to remove this damn white horn for me, so that I can make a few holes in this cursed snake and show it who's boss."

Originally just a casual remark, but unexpectedly, at this moment, Yawen and Greedy Wolf Star have established a deeper spiritual connection than usual in terms of their fighting spirit. Although it is not as deeply integrated as his usual focused spiritual connections, it is enough for Greedy Wolf Star to launch its special ability - "fusion" upon receiving Yawen's command.

Yawen saw Greedy Wolf Star suddenly retreat to the outside of the battlefield, and while he was wondering what it was up to, Greedy Wolf Star had already seized an opportunity for a long jump, leaping towards the platinum horn on the head of the Platinum Horn Python.

The Platinum Horn Python also sensed that Greedy Wolf Star's target was its horn, so it directly aimed its platinum horn at Greedy Wolf Star's head, intending to strike it head-on.

Seeing Greedy Wolf Star's seemingly suicidal move, Yawen couldn't help but exclaim, "Little Star, what are you doing?"

At the same time, unconsciously deepening his spiritual connection with Greedy Wolf Star, intending to call it back, but little did he know that this was exactly what Greedy Wolf Star needed.

Everyone present, including Yawen, witnessed an unimaginable scene.

Just as the tip of the platinum horn was about to touch Greedy Wolf Star's head, something strange happened.

When Greedy Wolf Star was about to be pierced by the platinum horn, its whole body suddenly appeared with numerous golden runes, and its entire body not only disintegrated, avoiding the fatal blow, but also completely surrounded the platinum horn on the head of the Platinum Horn Python.

Seeing Greedy Wolf Star's unusual action, Yawen was stunned, as he had no idea what Greedy Wolf Star was trying to do.

The Platinum Horn Python, after having Greedy Wolf Star attached to its horn on its head, was clearly in great pain, completely ignoring Yawen who was standing less than five meters away from it, and only emitting waves of painful roars while rolling on the ground.

However, due to the fact that Greedy Wolf Star's horn was located in a place that it could not attack, the Platinum Horn Python of the Historical Family could not take any action against Greedy Wolf Star other than roaring in pain.

Yawen, seeing this situation, was also stunned, using her spiritual power to once again establish the deepest and closest connection with Greedy Wolf Star.

The feeling from a year ago reappeared, and Yawen felt again that Greedy Wolf Star was continuously "analyzing" the platinum horn that was claimed to be the hardest.

And this time, it felt even more deeply that Greedy Wolf Star was not only analyzing the platinum horn, but also gradually eroding it bit by bit. The feeling was as if Greedy Wolf Star was "eating" the platinum horn.

In the eyes of Han Luo and others, the scene they saw was that the Greedy Wolf Star inexplicably transformed into a silvery cocoon, enclosing the platinum horn within it, while the Platinum Horn Python writhed in pain on the ground.

Yawen stood still in front of the Platinum Horn Python like a statue, emitting a faint silver glow that seemed to be in harmony with the silver light emitted by the Greedy Wolf Star.

Such a strange scene made the four of them feel a sense of unease.

Suddenly, Yaxu exclaimed, "Look!"

The gazes of Luo and the other three turned towards the direction pointed by Yaxu.

They saw the strange cocoon-like object formed by the Greedy Wolf Star suddenly twist strangely, giving them the feeling that the volume of the Greedy Wolf Star seemed to shrink with each twist.

Moreover, whenever the Greedy Wolf Star twisted, the Platinum Horn Python would let out a painful howl, and that was exactly when the silver glow on Yawen's body became even more dazzling.

The phenomenon of these three entities deeply puzzled Han Luo and the others, and it was clear that there was a significant connection between them, with the key being the silver glow on Yawen's body.

In fact, Han Luo's guess was not wrong at all.

When Yawen felt the merging of his consciousness with that of the Greedy Wolf Star, it felt as if the entire consciousness of the Greedy Wolf Star was "melding" with his own consciousness, and its consciousness was also "melding" with that of the Greedy Wolf Star, with no distinction between man and beast. He could know the thoughts and actions of the Greedy Wolf Star, because they were his own thoughts and actions.

Being in this situation for the first time, Yawen couldn't help but want to try if he could control the actions of the Greedy Wolf Star, so he tried absorbing the platinum horn with the Greedy Wolf Star.

The result was exceptionally satisfying. When he wanted to increase the absorption speed, he just had to think about it, and he felt that the Greedy Wolf Star was like another body for him, naturally speeding up the absorption speed when he wanted to, and slowing down when he wanted to, without needing to consciously do anything, just like picking up something with his own hand.

In this way, Yawen was overjoyed and began to focus his attention on the Greedy Wolf Star, and his extraordinarily powerful mental power began to take effect through his connection with the Greedy Wolf Star, increasing its energy and strength.

With the combined efforts of Yawen and the Greedy Wolf Star, the platinum horn on top of the Platinum Horn Python's head was quickly eroded away.

After completing the task, the Greedy Wolf Star immediately left the head of the Platinum Horn Python, leaving only a blood hole about fifteen centimeters in size.

After leaving the head, the Greedy Wolf Star did not return to its original form, but instead flew towards Yawen.

In the astonished eyes of Han Luo and the others, the Greedy Wolf Star directly transformed into its second form, half-transformed and attached itself to the upper half of Yawen's body.

The massive body of Greedy Wolf Star transformed itself like a chameleon and merged into the clothes of Yawen, extending from the neck down to the waist, completely enveloping Yawen's upper body. Yawen's body immediately grew two sizes larger as a result.

The originally greyish-white color of Greedy Wolf Star gradually transformed into Yawen's skin color. Even the old scars on Yawen's body were replicated on Greedy Wolf Star's body. Up to this point, it was similar to the second type of shape-shifting of ordinary mythical beasts, but much more intricate and unbelievable. This was something that people could accept. However, what happened next with Greedy Wolf Star's shape-shifting actions made Han Luo and others exclaim, "How could such a thing happen?"

They saw that after Greedy Wolf Star completed the second type of shape-shifting, it extended a part of itself from Yawen's arm, following her arm and wrist until it surrounded the iron sword she was holding, as if it were attached to the sword.

After some twisting and turning, the attached part gradually transformed into the shape of the iron sword. Soon, Yawen was holding a giant white sword with the same color as the platinum horn on the head of the platinum horn python.

This...this...this is simply testing the basic knowledge of Han Luo and others!

They had never seen or heard of any mythical beast in the world that, when attaching to its master in the second form, also included the master's weapon, and even appeared to increase the weapon's attack power.

This unprecedented and unheard-of phenomenon appeared vividly before their eyes, challenging their millennia of research on mythical beast knowledge!

Han Luo and others looked at each other, and decided to give up their research. When Yawen and Greedy Wolf Star, this ancient mythical beast left behind, worked together, how many strange abilities did they still possess that were unknown to them?

While Han Luo and the other four were greatly surprised by Greedy Wolf Star's strange ability, Yawen, as the person involved, felt that it was only natural.

When Greedy Wolf Star completed eroding the platinum horn of the platinum horn python, Yawen had already sensed that Greedy Wolf Star had consumed almost all of its energy for this task, and had no remaining energy to perform other actions, such as attacking the platinum horn python.

Moreover, it instinctively wanted to return to Yawen's side, attach to her, and absorb the energy from her to replenish its depleted energy.

Yawen was helpless in this situation.

However, when Greedy Wolf Star began to attach itself to Yawen, Yawen suddenly had an idea. Since Greedy Wolf Star could attach itself to her, it could also increase the parts of attachment, such as the iron sword in her hand right now.

The Greedy Wolf Star, still deeply connected to Yawen, sensed Yawen's thoughts and indeed separated a part of itself that attached to Yawen's ordinary iron sword. Furthermore, under Yawen's will, the part attached to the sword was composed entirely of the platinum horn that it had just forcibly taken from the head of the platinum horn python.

The ordinary iron sword in Yawen's hand transformed into an indestructible platinum sword.

After completing this action, Yawen felt that the Greedy Wolf Star gradually fell into a state of energy depletion and dormancy.

At this moment, the platinum horn python was in a state of fury, enraged by the invasion of intruders into its lair, angered by the attacks it received, and frustrated by the loss of its proud horn, which was usually only used as a snack for the four-hoofed animals. Moreover, it was experiencing intense pain for the first time in its life. All these combined to make it so furious that tearing the strange two-legged creature in front of it to pieces was not enough to quell its raging anger.

Yawen saw that the platinum horn python, which had lost its horn and suffered heavy injuries, was no longer attacking him, but staring at him with its eyes emitting a nearly blood-red light. This calmness after the storm made Yawen even more cautious.

His year-long experience in battles told him that the platinum horn python's next attack would be as frantic and intense as a storm.

In order to avoid getting into a crisis, Yawen decided to take the initiative.

Tightening his grip on the platinum sword that was now attached to him by the Greedy Wolf Star, Yawen assumed a stance. He held the sword handle with both hands, with the sword tip slanting to the right, lightly tapping the ground. His right foot was in front, left foot behind, slightly squatting, forming a bow and arrow stance. His whole person looked like a sharp arrow pulled to the full, ready to shoot at his target.

Without warning, Yawen shouted, "Sword of Swift Speed!"

His whole person was like an arrow released from the bowstring, accompanied by a white flash, rushing towards the platinum horn python.

Yawen's movements were too fast for others to see clearly, but the platinum horn python's movements were not slow either. It roared wildly, swiped its claws, and spat acid from its mouth, but it missed Yawen who was attacking.

However, this claw swipe missed, and Yawen's lightning-fast figure suddenly turned, changing direction and drawing a large arc, not only avoiding the platinum horn python's frontal claw attack, but also circling to its right side. He swung the huge sword in his hand heavily, leaving a wound that was a meter long on the right abdomen of the platinum horn python.

The platinum horn python roared in pain. Unlike its previous attacks, Yawen's attack this time actually broke through its tough scales and caused it to bleed green blood.

The sudden and intense pain made the platinum horn python even more frenzied in its attack on Yawen. It could never have imagined that Yawen, who was usually quiet and gentle, could be so fierce and skillful in battle.

After Yawen's successful strike, he was confident in his heart. The platinum-horned python was no longer invulnerable to his platinum greatsword.

With this assurance, in Yawen's eyes, the platinum-horned python was just a large-sized monster, with no significant difference from other monsters except for its ability to breathe fire and spit acid.

With this realization, Yawen calmly dodged the flames and acid attacks from the platinum-horned python, and when it attacked with its claws and tail, he countered with a sword, leaving wounds on its claws and tail. When the platinum-horned python retreated, Yawen boldly attacked its massive body.

In less than ten minutes, the platinum-horned python was covered in green blood, with wounds of various sizes inflicted by Yawen.

Seeing Yawen toying with the platinum-horned python effortlessly, Hanluo and the others were incredulous, especially Hanluo.

Thirty years ago, the immense attacking power of the platinum-horned python had resulted in the sacrifice of three to four hundred people before it was finally eliminated. This had left a deep impression on him. However, now, a platinum-horned python twice the size of the previous one was being treated as if it were nothing by Yawen. It could live or die at his whim, which made him sigh in amazement.

Looking at the pitiful state of the platinum-horned python, covered in blood, Hanluo felt a pang of sympathy and said, "Yawen, spare it! After all, we intruded into its territory first, and it didn't provoke us. Let it have a chance to live!"

Hearing Hanluo's words, Yawen was momentarily stunned, and quickly withdrew the sword that was about to strike the already weakened head of the platinum-horned python.

After retracting his sword, Yawen asked doubtfully, "Grandfather, why did you ask me to spare it?"

Hanluo shook his head with a sigh and said, "Seeing it like this, I can't bear it in my heart. We were the ones who intruded into its den first, and it suffered innocently. If we exterminate it completely, then what's the difference between us and De Ye Wang who drove us to a dead end?"

Upon hearing this, Yawen fell into silence.

Yes, the platinum-horned python hadn't harmed any of them. From beginning to end, it was Yawen who intruded into the peaceful den of the platinum-horned python, and he was the one who initiated the attack, even cutting off its platinum horn and inflicting severe wounds all over its body, nearly killing it.

Indeed, enough was enough. Continuing to fight would be unjustifiable both morally and logically.

At this moment, the platinum-horned python, which had stopped due to Yawen's intervention, was able to catch its breath. After resting for a while, it had regained some mobility, as if it knew that the old man with a long beard in front of it was the enemy who had prevented the final blow and saved its life.

It let out a soft, low howl that sounded somewhat like the wind rustling through the treetops.

Slowly crawling towards Yawen and Hanluo, its huge head nodding towards them, its originally blood-red eyes returning to a beautiful pink color, which was probably its original eye color, expressing gratitude.

Anyone with discerning eyes could tell that the Platinum Horned Python had completely submitted at this point.

Han Luo and Ya Fan were initially stunned, but then Han Luo burst into laughter and said, "Wow, what a clever creature! It truly deserves to be a ninth-tier super mythical beast. It's so intelligent."

Ya Fan was also taken aback and took a moment to realize that this Platinum Horned Python was actually a ninth-tier super mythical beast. He couldn't help feeling a bit proud of himself for defeating it.

The Platinum Horned Python suddenly let out a soft roar, nodded at Ya Fan, turned its head, and walked towards the lake, looking back several times in between.

Seeing this, Han Luo was momentarily stunned, then he smiled and said, "Let's go. The Platinum Horned Python is calling us to follow it."

After saying that, he took the lead and walked forward. Ya Fan, Ya Hua, and the other three brothers looked at each other in confusion, but quickly followed.

They arrived at the lake, and the Platinum Horned Python turned its head and roared softly at Ya Fan and the others, then dove into the water and disappeared into the depths.

Ya Fan and the others looked at each other hesitantly, unsure if they should follow the python into the lake.

Fortunately, just as they were hesitating, the Platinum Horned Python quickly returned to the surface of the lake and crawled back onto the shore.

Ya Fan and the others quickly made way for the massive body of the Platinum Horned Python to come ashore smoothly.

Once back on land, the Platinum Horned Python opened its huge mouth and spat out several egg-sized objects that emitted a faint blue light and were somewhat translucent.

Everyone saw that the Platinum Horned Python picked up one of the smaller ones, extended its tongue, wrapped it around the gem-like object, tilted its head back, and swallowed it with a gulp.

Then it lowered its head and nudged the gems towards Ya Fan.

Ya Xu reached out and picked up one of them, carefully examining it in the blue light of the cave, and suddenly exclaimed, "This is the Diamond of the Gods! It's unbelievable that it actually exists!"

Hearing Ya Xu's revelation that it was the Diamond of the Gods, Han Luo also quickly picked up one and examined it carefully.

After a while, Han Luo trembled all over, tears streaming down his face, and murmured, "Heaven has taken pity on us, heaven has taken pity on us. Our family is saved."

Seeing Han Luo and Ya Xu so excited, Ya Fan was full of question marks in his mind and asked, "Big brother, what is the Diamond of the Gods?"

Yahua also had a strange expression on his face as he said, "The God's Diamond, a legendary energy stone, is so rare that hardly anyone has ever seen it. There are only three recorded occurrences in history, which were in the hands of the founders of the Three Kingdoms: Hua Nation, Stada, and Tailong. Even whether it exists or not, no one can prove it. It is only recorded in history that 'there is a stone, with a pink-blue color, crystal clear and deep like the sea, possessing immense supernatural powers, capable of giving life to all things and controlling death, as if it possesses the divinity itself, and it is called the God's Diamond.'"

"It is said that the God's Diamond has infinite energy, enough to supply a mythical beast with energy for its entire lifetime without running out. With the God's Diamond, a mythical beast can instantly surpass several levels and possess limitless potential. In addition, if a martial artist who cultivates qi or a magician who cultivates divine or magical powers has a piece of the God's Diamond, it is equivalent to holding an undying gold card, because they can refine the energy from it through their own cultivation, not only enhancing their own strength, but also having the ability to quickly recover from injuries in critical situations, with the power of resurrection. Legend has it that the founders of the Three Kingdoms escaped countless deaths because of the God's Diamond."

"The preciousness of the God's Diamond lies in the fact that, up to now, no one knows its origin or where its energy comes from, and no one has ever found it. Therefore, it is impossible to replicate and manufacture it like ordinary energy stones on the market, and most people don't even know its name."

Upon hearing this, Yawen couldn't help but interject, "Does that mean even the poison in Brother's and Grandfather's bodies..."

Yahua nodded with a big smile.

Yawen couldn't help but feel joyous upon hearing this. If it's true that the God's Diamond has such amazing uses, then the long-held fear of the toxic poison in his grandfather's and brother's bodies might finally be lifted.

Yawen was also busy picking up one of the pieces and examining it closely. As expected, it was exactly as Yage, his elder brother, had described - a gem the size of a chicken egg, with a mysterious powder-blue color. At first glance, it seemed transparent, but upon closer inspection, he could see endless depths inside, as if there was an unfathomable distance visible through the gem. It was hard to put into words, as if something that could be held in the hand appeared boundless and vast when looked at closely.

At this moment, the platinum-horned python on Yawen's body began emitting a faint white light, and something miraculous happened. Yawen and his family saw that the wounds inflicted by Yawen on the platinum-horned python were gradually shrinking and healing until they disappeared. What was even more incredible was that a white substance began to emerge from its head, gradually growing larger and protruding. Soon, a brand new platinum horn, longer and more prominent than its original one, appeared on the forehead of the platinum-horned python.

Everyone watched in amazement as the platinum-horned python in front of them confirmed the legend of the gem's ability to bring the dead back to life.

They saw that not only had the platinum-horned python fully recovered from its injuries, but it also seemed even more spirited than before. Yawen and the others immediately burst into laughter, hugging each other tightly. Yawen even shed tears of joy, as the bitterness of the past year had finally paid off.

Hanluo watched the platinum-horned python nodding at him before turning back into the lake.

Muttering to himself, "All things are predestined by fate."

If he hadn't had a sudden impulse and let Yawen spare the platinum-horned python, the python wouldn't have gratefully gifted them with the precious gem - the gem of the gods.

And so, the Starker family settled down in this mysterious underground cavern, living as neighbors with the platinum-horned python.