
silver moon demon

The story is about a human known as the "Demon God" in a distant era after the rise and fall of humanity, a legendary era filled with heroes, monsters, fairies, and demi-humans. Yawen, a frail noble youth with a small magical beast that barely hatched, leads a life of being bullied by his classmates. Everyone ridicules him as a useless embryo who destroys the "Stark Family's" esteemed reputation. However, when the "Stark Family" is framed and becomes a target for the entire nation to kill, Yawen reveals his hidden powerful spiritual abilities and shoulders the daunting task of protecting his family. Thus, Yawen embarks on a bloody path of demons, creating the most astonishing and thrilling legend of the Demon God since the "Great Destruction" of humanity.

dylan_ben · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Part 1 Chapter 16 Strange Beasts

Looking around the dense jungle that blocked out the sunlight, Yu Fang could hardly see the sky. The thick foliage of the trees almost completely blocked the sunlight, leaving only faint rays of light filtering through the occasional gaps in the branches and leaves, illuminating their surroundings and allowing them to continue moving forward.

Checking the calendar, it had been half a month since their last battle. This was the longest period of time without encountering pursuers in the past year, and perhaps they had finally shaken off their relentless pursuers.

However, Yu Fang dared not let his guard down. No one could be certain if these persistent pursuers would suddenly appear from behind them again, just like before.

Even though they hadn't seen anyone other than their family since entering the Central Magic Domain for half a month, Yu Fang remained cautious. Along the way, they hadn't encountered anyone else since dealing with a group of greedy adventurers half a month ago. Moreover, that battle had been triggered by those adventurers seeing the ten-centimeter pearl in his hand used for illumination, not because they recognized them as the Stadak family.

Looking at his family, Yu Fang noticed that his grandfather and three older brothers were all struggling to move, showing signs of exhaustion. It was getting close to evening, and it was time to find a place to spend the night.

Suddenly, Yu Fang's gaze caught sight of a hidden cave entrance between three large trees. It would have been impossible to see if he hadn't been standing in that exact spot.

Making a hand gesture, Yu Fang signaled for his family to rest in place. With a thought, a low roar echoed as his spirit beast, the Greedy Wolf, disappeared into the cave entrance.

Yu Fang closed his eyes and established a strong and seamless mental connection with the Greedy Wolf. This was an ability they had developed over the past year, where they didn't need any special gestures or actions to communicate. The Greedy Wolf could naturally sense his thoughts and respond accordingly, allowing them to coordinate their actions in battle with perfect synchronization, annihilating their enemies with seamless teamwork.

And when Yawen focused his attention and established a spiritual connection with the Greedy Wolf Star, he seemed to transform into the Greedy Wolf Star itself. He could command the movements of the Greedy Wolf Star at will, and everything that the Greedy Wolf Star saw and heard would appear in his mind. With this extraordinary ability, Yawen had led his family to survive countless death traps and dangerous situations.

Seeing a faint silver light emanating from Yawen's body, Yahuang and Yaxu exchanged glances, knowing that he was once again using the power of the Greedy Wolf Star to search for something.

To be honest, if they weren't in hiding, this little brother of theirs would surely have shocked the entire continent with his exceptional talent in martial arts!

They had never known anyone with such exceptional talent in martial arts like Yawen, as if he were born specifically for martial arts. Coupled with his almost reckless practice, he was constantly improving every minute and second. Although he was not yet mature, given time, Yawen would undoubtedly become a great figure.

However, there was one thing that puzzled them. It seemed that Yawen had many secrets hidden within him, secrets that he himself did not fully understand.

Take the silver light on his body now, they had seen Yawen emit it countless times when he was in a crisis. Whenever the silver light appeared, Yawen seemed to be divinely assisted, displaying immense power and defeating enemies effortlessly. But when they asked him about it, Yawen couldn't explain why.

He only knew that it seemed to be related to the psychic power he possessed.

While they were still pondering, Yawen approached them with a joyful expression and the Greedy Wolf Star that he had just explored.

Coming in front of them, Yawen exclaimed, "Grandfather, brother, the Greedy Wolf Star has found a good place. Perhaps we can settle down there."

Upon hearing Yawen's words, everyone's spirits were lifted. Ever since they entered the Central Magic Domain, they had been looking for a place to settle down, but they had not been successful. Now, with Yawen's suggestion, how could they not be thrilled?

Without hesitation, Yawen and the Greedy Wolf Star took the lead, leading the way to the cave. Yahuang and others followed closely behind them.

Seeing the entrance of the cave, Yahuang and others couldn't help but exclaim, "What a hidden entrance!"

Only three ancient trees, each over a hundred years old, were seen growing on both sides of the mountain cave, perfectly covering the entrance and making it well-hidden. Coupled with the dense weeds and vines, if it weren't for Yawen's precise angle of view just now, it would have been hard to discover this underground entrance.

As they arrived at the entrance, Yawen and the others instinctively treaded carefully, so as not to disturb the original scenery of the entrance, and entered the cave.

Upon entering the cave, there was a low tunnel that stretched downward with an unknown destination. Xing the Greedy Wolf led the way, Yahuah and the others followed in the middle, and Yawen brought up the rear. Following Greedy Wolf's lead, they bent their bodies and moved forward slowly.

After about half an hour of walking, the tunnel gradually widened and grew taller, and the footsteps of everyone quickened.

Before long, they finally emerged from this long tunnel and saw the scene in front of them, leaving everyone dumbfounded and incredulous.

After descending through the tunnel that stretched straight down, everyone knew that they were now deep underground, but how could there be sunlight underground?

When Yawen, the last one, walked out of the tunnel, he saw his family members all frozen at the entrance of the tunnel. He knew why, because when he first saw the scene here through the eyes of the Greedy Wolf, he was also stunned, almost unable to believe it.

So without waiting for instructions, Greedy Wolf eagerly brought them here without conducting a thorough search.

Yawen carefully looked around and found that it was indeed an enormous underground cavern, with an estimated area of nearly two thousand square meters. The walls around rose straight up to a height of nearly twenty meters before meeting at the top.

The entire cavern presented an irregular semi-circular shape, with light coming from the top of the cavern through countless small holes. Strips of sunlight streamed down from these holes, illuminating the entire cavern. Yawen could feel the warmth of the sunlight in the cavern, which was truly incredible.

Perhaps due to the presence of sunlight, numerous plants grew in the cavern, and it did not resemble a cold and dark cavern at all.

Those plants looked like a small forest, with many trees, flowers, and even a winding stream that traversed the entire cavern. Most notably, there was a small lake that occupied about one-fifth of the cavern's area.

This cavern was like a little paradise of its own, and it was no wonder that Yawen and his family were amazed.

Seeing such a unique and beautiful place, all the fatigue of everyone seemed to vanish in an instant.

Yahua and the others were all wearing smiles that they hadn't had in almost a year, like children with unabated innocence, running around in all directions, including Han Ya Wen.

When the whole family was tired and gathered at the entrance of the tunnel, Yahua, as the eldest brother, glanced at his three younger brothers and then at Han Luo, who was in a state of dementia.

Qingqing, loudly said, "What do you think of these caves?"

Yaruo nodded and said first, "Big brother, this place is really nice. I would love to stay here for ten days or half a month, if possible."

Yaxu also said, "I agree with what Yaruo said. This place is not only hidden but also very comfortable. Maybe we can consider it as a temporary hiding place."

When they heard Yaxu, who had the most insight, saying this, everyone's eyes lit up, waiting for Yahua's decision.

Yahua thought for a moment, saw the hopeful eyes of everyone, and thought about the past year of wandering without a fixed home, which made him feel tired.

So, under the gaze of Yawen, Yahuaxu, and the other three, Yahua nodded heavily and said, "Alright! This is our new home!"

Everyone cheered, finally having a home!

The excited group immediately found a flat ground by the small lake and built a small shelter as a temporary resting place. By now, the sunlight that had penetrated into the cave had gradually disappeared.

However, Yahua and the others saw another strange and beautiful sight.

After the sunlight that had been illuminating the cave disappeared, instead of plunging into darkness as they had expected, the walls and ceiling of the cave began to emit a faint blue light, a soft and gentle blue light that not only illuminated the dark cave but also added a soft and misty scenery.

Seeing this scene, everyone was intoxicated in this completely different scenery from daytime, mesmerized by its beauty.

But suddenly, a weird and eerie sound resembling the clash of metal and iron rang out from the lake, awakening Yahua and the others who were immersed in the beautiful scenery.

Yawen was the first to react. He swiftly moved to his brothers' side, facing the lake in a defensive posture, and Tancrou, who had transformed into a wolf, appeared by Yahua's side.

Everyone looked towards the lake, and in the middle of the lake, about fifteen meters away from them, there appeared a giant head. It looked almost a meter in size, resembling a snake's head, covered with white scales. The most peculiar part was a round, white spike about one meter long on its forehead.

Yaruo exclaimed, "What kind of monster is this?"

No one could answer him, as no one had ever seen such a creature before. Then, an old voice spoke up, "This is the legendary Platinum Horned Python."

Everyone looked, and to their surprise, Hanluo had regained his normal senses and emerged from the temporary shelter. It was him who answered Yaruo's question.

The crowd was overjoyed to see Hanluo in his right mind after such a long time, and they all called out "Grandfather" in unison.

Hanluo said, "We can talk about it later. Let's leave this small lake first! Don't provoke it, or things will go bad!"

Upon hearing Hanluo's words, Yawen and the others cautiously retreated until they could no longer see the Platinum Horned Python, and then they stopped and gathered together again.

Hanluo took a glance at his four worried grandsons and sighed, "I've caused you all a lot of trouble these days."

Hearing Hanluo's words, Yawen and the others blushed, and Yawen hurriedly said, "Grandfather, please don't say that! But how did you suddenly get better now?"

Hanluo explained, "I don't know why, but ever since I came to this place, my senses have gradually cleared up. Not only did my old illness disappear, but I also remembered things I did when my mind was unclear before. I can't figure it out myself."

Upon hearing Hanluo's explanation, Yawen and the others finally noticed that his eyes were clear and his senses were much sharper than when he was previously affected by the illness. It seemed like he had completely recovered.

This made everyone very happy, hoping that Hanluo had truly recovered.

Suddenly, there was a roar from the Platinum Horned Python in the lake.

Hanluo's face changed drastically as he exclaimed, "Oh no! The Platinum Horned Python has noticed us intruding into its cave, and now it's angry."

Yawen asked in doubt, "Grandfather, what exactly is the Platinum Horned Python? Why are you so nervous?"

Hanluo sighed and said, "The Platinum Horned Python is not just any ordinary monster. It's an extremely fierce mythical beast. Its horn is one of the hardest things in the world. It can breathe out white incinerating flames and acidic liquid from its mouth. It has four claws and resembles a dragon or a serpent. Its entire body is covered in tough scales that are impervious to blades and spears, and its movements are lightning-fast. Some people say that the Azure Dragon of the Four Sacred Beasts is a variation of the Platinum Horned Python."

Yawen frowned, finding it hard to believe that the Platinum Horned Python was so powerful.

Han Luo saw the look on Ya Fang's face and naturally knew what he was thinking. He sighed and said, "Thirty years ago, I once led a march to the outskirts of this Qi Hua Forest, where there was a town in the forest. At that time, there were reports of the threat of a platinum horn python in the town. I sent a team of one hundred people to eliminate the rogue platinum horn python for the first time. Little did I know, the team never returned, all killed by that platinum horn python. So, the second time, I personally led a team of five hundred people to besiege it. That time, less than two hundred people returned, with most of them dead from the flames and acid of the platinum horn python, and its indestructible horn. It left a deep impression on me. So, just now when I regained my senses, although I didn't know what happened, I immediately recognized that platinum horn python, and moreover, this one is at least twice as big as the one I besieged back then."

When the four Yahuas heard how dangerous the platinum horn python was, they couldn't bear to give up such a good place.

They were really unwilling to just abandon such a good place like this.

Seeing all four grandsons looking eager to try, Han Luo couldn't help but feel curious and asked, "What's wrong with all of you?"

After Yahu explained, Han Luo understood that they had already chosen this place as their future settlement. And when he heard that this place was really so secluded, Han Luo couldn't help but feel tempted as well, but the problem was the platinum horn python.

Yawen on the side said straightforwardly, "Grandfather, brother, let me go and try first. If I really can't beat it, we'll figure out another way."

As he spoke, he called out, "Xiao Xing, let's go!"

Without waiting for Han Luo to object, he and Tuan Lang Xing quickly ran to the front of the platinum horn python that was climbing out of the lake, without saying a word, they joined forces to strike and knocked the platinum horn python, which was about ten meters long, back into the lake.

Han Luo anxiously said, "Why is this child so impulsive? This platinum horn python is not easy to deal with, and it's not something that can be dealt with by one person alone."

Yaxu comforted, "Grandfather, don't worry, Ya Fang is not to be underestimated now, even without the Beast Phantom Armor, he is not inferior to us before. So don't worry, let him try first, if it really doesn't work, we'll figure out another way."

Han Luo frowned and thought to himself, "Even if Ya Fang has made a lot of progress, he shouldn't go to challenge it recklessly on his own like this!"

But seeing the three Yahuas looking full of confidence in Ya Fang, Han Luo couldn't say anything more, so he could only raise his voice and say, "Ya Fang, pay attention to what the platinum horn python spits out from its mouth, don't let it entangle you or hit you with its horn. Its weak point is its eyes."

Without Hanzo's reminder, Yawen knew from his life-and-death experience that he absolutely should not get too close to the Platinum Horn Python.

When he struck the Platinum Horn Python, he felt as if his strength slipped and the force seemed to scratch it, as if tickling it.

Yawen felt at a loss, just like the situation of Greed Wolf Star on the other side, biting and tearing, but the Platinum Horn Python seemed unfazed.

Instead, it aroused the ferocity of the Platinum Horn Python even more. It let out a roar, opened its big mouth, and shot out a dazzling white flame towards Yawen.

Yawen was startled and quickly twisted his body to avoid it, letting the flame pass by about half a meter outside his waist. Even so, Yawen could still feel the intense heat from the white flame.

He broke out in a cold sweat and just then Hanzo's warning came.

Yawen immediately shouted, "Little Star, shoot its eyes with your needle-like hairs."

Greed Wolf Star let out a long howl, and its fur stood up on its own without any wind. The hairs on its neck stood up like steel needles. It shook its head, and dozens of needle-like hairs shot out and hit the head of the Platinum Horn Python, with some hitting its eyes.

Sure enough, it was immediately effective, and the Platinum Horn Python roared in pain once again.

These steel needles were from the Blood Devourer of Wei Nuo. A year ago, Greed Wolf Star had swallowed the tentacles of the Blood Devourer to protect Yawen. At that time, when Yawen and Greed Wolf Star established a mental connection, Yawen felt that Greed Wolf Star was analyzing the tentacles of the Blood Devourer. Although he didn't know what role Greed Wolf Star played, Yawen later discovered during battles that Greed Wolf Star could turn its fur all over its body into either soft or steel-like, and could extend or shoot them out. This was equivalent to having the ability of the tentacles of the Blood Devourer. Yawen was puzzled, but he was naturally happy that Greed Wolf Star had such abilities, so he didn't investigate why Greed Wolf Star had such abilities anymore. However, in this year, Greed Wolf Star had not demonstrated this ability again.

Therefore, when Yawen asked Greed Wolf Star to shoot out the steel needles and saw them take effect, Yawen was very happy. He instructed Greed Wolf Star to shoot out several more waves of needle-like hairs, but unfortunately, they were ineffective this time.

The Platinum Horn Python had sunk into the water, and the power of the needle-like hairs greatly decreased when they entered the water. Moreover, the Platinum Horn Python was in the water, making it difficult to aim. Greed Wolf Star's needles were all shot in vain.

Yawen saw the Platinum Horn Python disappear into the water and felt secretly alarmed. He didn't think it would just give up like this.

So, Yawen summoned the Greedy Wolf Star to his side, his eyes shining with a dual color of gold and silver. He had used his Divine Demon Eyes to track the whereabouts of the Platinum Horn Python, but he was disappointed. The once clear lake water had been muddied by the Platinum Horn Python, and no matter how hard Yawen looked, he couldn't see its traces.

At this moment, a sudden white light shot out from the ground where Yawen was standing. Yawen sensed an unusual vibration from underground just a moment ago, so when the white light burst out, he jumped back a few steps. At the same time, Yawen smelled a pungent and sour odor.

"Not good!" Yawen thought.

It turned out that the white light that burst out from the ground was not just any light, but the horn on the head of the Platinum Horn Python.

The Platinum Horn Python had actually used its indestructible horn to drill from the bottom of the lake to underground, and then burst out from under Yawen's feet, while also spitting out a corrosive acid at Yawen.

In a panic, Yawen twisted his body and retreated with all his strength, instantly crossing a distance of five meters, keeping a safe distance from the Platinum Horn Python.

Yawen broke out in a cold sweat, realizing that he had narrowly avoided the Platinum Horn Python's consecutive attacks.

And at this moment, Yawen finally got a clear look at the full appearance of the Platinum Horn Python.

With a massive body over ten meters long, covered in white scales, snake-like head with a long neck, swollen body, and a tail that occupied half of its entire body length, its four limbs appeared thick and powerful with four clawed toes, and its blood-red eyes fixed on Yawen with a fierce and menacing gaze, completely ignoring Hanluo and others standing twenty meters behind Yawen.

Of course, the intruder who had invaded its territory and hurt its eyes, Yawen, was the only one in its eyes. Apparently, it had attributed all the blame to Yawen.

Sensing the intense anger and killing intent emanating from the Platinum Horn Python's eyes, Yawen couldn't help but bitterly smile in his heart.