

Merrick an Heir of the Zee conglomerate is also a model known for his extravagant gay lifestyle. Kai an ordinary guy with a girlfriend who treats him like a money machine offered an opportunity no one could refuse....... "Go on a date with me" "Why" "Because you're cute" ",,," What happens next

Reality_Is_Scary · LGBT+
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5 Chs


Walking across the street kai could see the name "ELOM D" was written in bold caligraghy at the very top of the huge building.

He stood before the building, he looked sharp but not in a formal business way. He was applying for a job, he looked up everything he would be needing for an interview from the internet and ways to go about, behave, and speak in an interview. But wasn't really helpful to be honest, well he did find one or two stuffs he found useful here and there.

He stepped through the automatic doors, there were so many people! There were people in suits and formal clothing, the few who wore casual wears were models and they had on expensive outfits. Kai felt so out of place with his cheap casual wear. He felt like he was been stared at, but he shook the feeling off and walked up to the receptionist.

"Hi" kai greeted the receptionist

"Good morning sir how can I help you" the receptionist inquired with a professional smile on her pretty face, her partner was busy taking phone calls and typing endlessly on the keyboards with her head facing the monitor and tilted slightly to hold the phone in place. If Kai didn't know better he'd think the keyboards were crying for help. He laughed at that 'Too bad I came for a job interview or ild have confessed to this beauty in front of me' he thought as he flashed the receptionist a smile making her turn a light shade of pink.

"Yeah good morning" he felt satisfied as he saw her blush, a wide smile appeared on his face 'this is who I am' he thought ' I'm not some gay freak, I'm into women and the pretty ones at that and I think this beauty is into me' snapping out of it kai went to business"I'm here for the job interview"

"What job interview sir???" The receptionist asked confused

"The uhm..... The post of an assistant manager"

The receptionist looked puzzled.

"I'm sorry..... Ah ... I'm here to apply for it?" kai took out the card his sister gave him. Seeing this the receptionist apologized "AAHHHH...I'm so sorry sir please forgive my incompetence" kai flashed her a smile telling her it was ok "take the elevator to the the 56th floor,go straight, take a right then go left"

"Thank you miss" he smiled again and left

"You're welcome"


Melvin ran his fingers through his hair in frustration whilst looking as deadly as a beast about to pounce on its prey and slowly rip it's flesh off it slowly

"What!!?? I have to retake the shots again? Why???"

"Mr Melvin....."

"Don't call me Mr I'm not an old man" he barked back at the frightened photographer. He looked as though he was ready to pounce on and rip him into pieces

"I'm sorry... the pictures suddenly disappeared" the photographer squeaked out

"What are you sorry for? Your incompetence or your unprofessionalism? And Disappeared??? What am I a seven year old? Who would believe such crap talk?.." he sighed "Could this be the sign or the start of a bad day?" Melvin thought aloud.


Kai got into the elevator he saw a screen in the elevator showing the top models of the week and also some inspiring fashion shows. He was immersed and intrigued but was shocked when he saw the man with whom he had an unconscious one-night stand with as the #1 model of the week and company to. He waited patiently for the elevator doors to open his face was flushed he looked like he was running out of breath, he ignored watching the shows on the screen. He came out as soon as the elevator opened and took the directions the receptionist at the front desk gave him and saw another receptionist or 'a secretary' he thought. He walked up to her

"Hi....ah....I'm here to apply for the post of an assistant" He said handing over his office file. the receptionist looked up, her face looked cold her blue eyes were serious and lacked emotion but she was pretty.

"Right this way sir" Kai walked behind her as she walked in front of a door and knocked Kai guessed this was the office of the chairman.

"Yes come in" A man answered from inside

The lady opened the door and walked in and was cut off when she was about to speak "si...."

"Erika I thought I said I did not want to be bothered for the rest of today?"

"I'm sorry sir but a young man is outside he said he's here to apply for the post of the assistant manager" the secretary said handing over a file to the chairman. The chairman looked up when he heard that, he had a glint in his eyes

"Send him in" he said collecting the file from his secretary. so far he's been looking for an assistant who would be able to tolerate Melvin. The others were driven away by him(Melvin) with the excuse of unqualification "they are unqualified to stand beside me" he would say.

The secretary went out and gestured for him to go into the office. Kai stepped in through the doorway and was amazed by the view of the office. The office was a big, spacious and well lit environment, the glass wall showing the big view of the city made his breath hitch at the back of his throat it was simply beautiful, 'a truly beautiful place to work' Kai thought.

"Good day sir" Kai greet as soon as he finished ogling around.

" Hello Mr Kai please sit down." The chairman said gesturing toward a soft looking black leather chair.

"Thank you sir" Kai replied gratefully not one bit bothered by the fact that the chairman knew his name, 'he must've looked through my file' Kai thought. He smiled and then sat down carefully as though he would mess up a simple thing as sitting down.

"My name is Mr Chris Evansville and I am the company's chairman"

"I see you are applying for the position of the assistant manager, am I correct?"

"Yes sir" Kai replied politely. He was intimidated by the chairman. The chairman looked terrifying, he had a well built body which showed through the tailored suit he was putting on and had sharp grey eyes which could not be hidden by the glass he had on and the streaks of grey hair on his head would make anyone respect him. His had a powerful Aura.

"You're hired"

"Thank you..... Wait what?" Kai was stunned

"I said you're hired " the chairman repeated himself.

Kai still looked stunned

"Don't you want the job"

"I'm so sorry I'm just a little surprised"

"It's ok I get why. Ok then let me as you a few questions"

"Please go ahead sir"

The chairman looked like he was scrutinizing Kai carefully. Kai felt extremely nervous with the way the chairman was looking at him when the chairman spoke up Kai let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in.

"Why don't you want to be a model"

Kai was not expecting this question

"Well uhm....I....uh..... "


"I don't know"

just then Melvin walked in staring intently at Kai.