
Silhouette Serenade

In the aftermath of a childhood trauma, Kiara discovers an unexpected connection with the mysterious killer. As their paths entwine, a complex dance unfolds, revealing layers of emotion, mystery, and the promise of an unconventional love story. Explore the nuanced interplay between the protagonist and the enigmatic figure, where shadows and romance converge, offering a captivating narrative that invites readers to savour the uncharted depths of a unique relationship.

Ana_lifestyle · Teen
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Chapter 2

My days were fine, but nights were the most boring shit because I had to spend it all alone. It's like literally 5-6 hours alone daily because most of the time Sarah will leave the house by 6 or 7 pm. No probs, I got used to it now. And soon my summer holidays are gonna start, it is from coming Wednesday to next month Monday.We have about 30 days in hand. My friends, not really. My classmates are planning for a trip and some are planning for summer stalls. But look at me, I have nothing in my mind. I am just gonna be lazy the whole time. Watching Netflix, slogging off, eating junk, sleeping and getting up late. That's how my holiday is gonna be because no one is close to me who could invite me to such fun-filled things. I mean, I am an introvert and a bit nerdy. So people call me a young boomer, a nerdy bitch and an arrogant bitch also because I never talk to them like those so-called cool people. According To me, they are weirdos and are utterly dumb to judge me like that. And some people call me like that because they think that I am rich and have the self-pride to talk to others. They think I am ill-treating them because they are not rich. I sometimes calm myself telling myself that they are jealous, but at times like these, being lonely makes me feel like I made a mistake. 3 days before my summer holidays started, Sarah entered the house and was shocked to see the mess that I created, but immediately changed her reaction when she saw me lying on this couch staring at the wall and was too lazy to get up. She laughed looking at me and started to clean the mess. I apologized for being such a mess. She glanced at me and asked what happened. I stammered in shock thinking about how did she know that I was disturbed. I tried to hide it as if nothing happened, but she glanced at me once more and asked me? With a suspicious look. I couldn't hide it for a long time. I just opened it up to her. She listened to all the rubbish I had in my mind. She was patient and polite. She replied in a calm and composed tone. Kia, oh my dear, what's to think and worry about? Go ask them about the summer trip. That whether if you could join them. I was telling her that it was impossible. That they would never accept me because I am so introverted. And I said they assumed a lot of things about me. Sarah said with a soft sigh. Oh, Miss Kia, you cannot assume things about them too. If you wanna know about something that you need, don't assume things. Just ask them straight. And by the way, you said that they assumed things about you, right? I think it is a very good chance for you to prove them wrong. And you could get new friends to hang out with. And live like a normal teenager. I was like, what? Am I not normal right now? And started arguing with her. It was a funny and friendly fight. The next day, at school, I went straight to the trip organizers. And asked them whether I could join. At first, they gave a shocking look. But later said okay. I was surprised by their reply. Deep down in my heart, I was excited about it. That day, I went back home and hugged Sarah for her wonderful idea and thanked her. She was happy to witness my excitement after a long time. That day, I was so happy. We went shopping and was packing things for the trip. Those two days, Sarah did overtime to help me with things. Finally, the day came. My trip for the summer was to Canada. The place where I faced a lot of tragedy, but it bother't mind me. I had fun. Many people around me were shocked to see me being socialized to others. Manjoin with hehe, and became friends. We went to Hayat Blue Moon, the famous 10-star hotel in Canada, also one of my mom's business assets. As soon as we got there, it was a long way inside the hotel. It was covered with trees. It became dark even though it was day. We finally reached inside. Many people recognized me, but I didn't. They greeted me and were happy to see me and my schoolmates. They gave us rooms which are shared by two members. We occupied two floors. Out of 40 floors, it was a big hotel trust me It would take at least 5 days to look around the hotel itself. It was big and extravagant. That day was over with a good buffet dinner made only for our school members as complimentary. We had a good time and went to bed by 10.30 pm. But I didn't have a good sleep because after all these years, out of nowhere, I had a nightmare about that tragedy. I was scared, but I thought it was because of my coming back to the same place again and just having a nightmare because I was thinking about it. So I ignored it and slept. The next day, we got up early and went to a nearby famous handicraft worker's area. It was so amazing and interesting and later we went for cycling and trekking. It was 10 am. By the time we reached the hotel for breakfast, many of us were starving because our energy was used faster than usual because of some extreme activities we had done before. We went to the room, got 2 minutes to freshen up, and went to a different place this time to have our breakfast. This time, it was not only us but there were others too. The usual VIP customers of our hotel. I didn't mind it. I had my breakfast, washed my hands, and was ready to go back to my room, on my way I heard a lot of whispers suddenly, I mean, I heard it before because people were talking about those VIPs seated in the same room with us. It was our school members mainly, but suddenly the whispers got too strong which captured my attention. I turned around to see who it was. As I did, the manager saw me looking at the commotion and said it was one of our famous VIP customers whose rank was higher than everyone present in the room. It was a bunch of high schoolers who were older than me. He said it was the Theo's group of companies, the chairman's only son Kristen Theodore Jade. He was with his friends. It was a small group that could create a commotion among people no matter where they went. I leaned forward to get a better view, but what I saw traumatized me. I was whispering and stammering inside my mind. I.... t.... It.... It's him. Tears flowed down my eyes. I rubbed my eyes to glance again, thinking it was my imagination because of yesterday's nightmare, but I was wrong. He was still there, laughing with his friends, chit-chatting with them. Once and for all, all the tragedy flashed in front of my eyes. The manager saw me and was confused by my behaviour. Suddenly, that bastard saw me, saw my eyes with fear and disbelief. He stared into my soul like the last time. We made eye contact just like before for a straight one minute. As my mind was filled with so many questions, he just gave me a grin as an answer to all my queries. That night, I went back to my room. My roommate, Ronnie, was busy with her Insta when I got freshened up and entered our room's living area. Suddenly, Ronnie was shouting, looking at her MacBook, which was on her lap. "OMG, look at this hottie, he's got a charm to make everyone fall for him. This hottie, how could one be so perfect in all looks, wealth, influence, charm, an all-rounder hottie?" At first, I ignored it, but I peeped into her MacBook out of curiosity and found that it was that bastard she was talking about. I got so furious and yelled at her to shut it off and sleep. She did it with an annoyed face and cursing me inside. That night, I couldn't sleep at all. I tried convincing myself that he's not who I think he is. He's just a look-alike of that bastard. But I couldn't sleep. I opened my Insta and was scrolling it down, but I accidentally bumped into a new reel posted by ★kris10_theos_jade★. So this is the ID Ronnie was talking about. I wanted to close it, but I opened it out of curiosity. He doesn't have a bunch of pics or reels on his profile. There are very few, but each reel and post gets more than 50k likes. I'm surprised that his profile is booming with followers every minute. I checked his followers and following list. He only follows 5 people. He has almost 5 million followers by now, but his profile is still booming with more followers. I clicked on his following list, but it didn't open because I am not following him. I thought of leaving it, but I couldn't resist my curiosity. I sent the request, and within seconds, it was accepted. Thank God!! I clicked into his following list with only 5 people, and they were the same guys I saw at dinner: Ethan Sinclair, Eva Hamilton, Lily Sebastian, Noah Sebastian, and Lucas Harrington. Their handles are @ethan_sinclair13, @ava_hilton17, @lilac_lily19, @noah_seb16, and @harry_lucas20."

Author's Note:

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