
Silhouette of The Boy

Toyama Koji discovers he has a different magic attribute then everyone else in the Kingdom. During his ceremony, he sees his own Silhouette which told him about the future and the demise that would occur. Toyama now has to go through heavy training in order to prevent the future he had seen.

Verzena · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Shadow Of The Same Person

Magic. It is a blessing that everyone in the world has. Many people use magic for the good of the world and some people use magic for harming the world. Magic is a major part of today's society and people can't live without magic. This story is my story of how I was able to stop a major catastrophe befalling upon the world and how I was able to stop a major group of evil beings. Welcome to The Silhouette of The Boy!

Toyama - "I'm finally 10 and my magic attribute will soon be discovered, right dad?"

Sirio - "Yes Toyama, today is the day we finally find out what your magic attribute is!"

At the age of ten years old everyone in the Kingdom of Wiliaria needs to attend a ceremony with a priest in which they discover their magic attributes and it gets written down in the Kingdoms Magic Affinity Book. For my parents, they didn't discover theirs until the age of 13. This is mainly because they had a late start to their mana core and because they possessed very weak magic.

Toyama - "Hopefully I can get your magic dad!"

Sirio - "Why would you want my magic? It's very weak and there's not much you can do with it."

It was true, there's not much I can do if I had my dad's magic. My dad possesses magic that can control lightning while my mom possesses water magic. If anything I think my dad's magic is really cool so I would want to have his. Water magic may seem like a good choice too but the majority of the kingdom has water magic.

Toyama - "Well I mean it is really cool and I would love to have a magic attribute which no one else has. I want to be able to control lightning and make it a good magic attribute!"

Sirio - "I guess you could say that, but let's wait until you get much older in order to train with it."

Toyama - "Awe really dad, I want to start my training as soon as possible"

I said this as we finally approached the church.

??? - "Good Moning Sirio and Good Morning to you too Toyama."

Toyama - "Good Morning Priest Michael, are you conducting the ceremony today??"

Priest Michael - "Yes I am, I can't wait to see what magic you possess Toyama."

Sirio - "Good Morning Priest Michael, I hope today finds you well. Little Toyama here has been bothering me all morning to come to the church and find his magic."

Priest Michael - "Is that so Toyama. Well it is your birthday indeed and you finally turned ten so I can see why you were so happy today"

Toyama - "Haha yeah, I couldn't wait any longer to see it"

Priest Michael - "His attitude reminds me of when I was little and discovered my magic. I couldn't stop bothering my parents at all."

Sirio - "Same here, although I didn't find mine until I turned 13"

I can see my dad's expression turn rather sad. I didn't know why. Was it because he had a late start? Or maybe it was because the magic couldn't be used for anything? For the first time in a while, I was confused.

Priest Michael - "Well let's get going, I don't want to hold back on Toyama's growth any longer"

As we entered the church there were many people there. They started looking at us and started whispering to themselves.

Toyama - "Why are they looking at us dad?"

Sirio - "I don't know Toyama, just let them be."

??? - "Hey Toyama I'm really glad you're here today!"

I turned around to see a really cute girl standing in the middle of the alter. She had beautiful purple eyes and was wearing a really cute dress. This was my childhood best friend, Katsumi Sato.

Toyama - "Oh Goodmorning Katsumi!! I'm glad to see you here!"

Katsumi - "Yeah, I was relieved to at least see someone I knew here. It's been a while since we have seen each other ever since my parents moved to the city."

Toyama - "Yeah, how is it going in the city?"

Katsumi - "It's going really good. The city is beautiful and filled with really good people!"

Toyama - "That's great to hear I'm glad you're doing great, I---"


As soon as I was going to continue the priest cut me off but hey at least we get to start the ceremony.

Katsumi - "Let's get going we don't want to have everyone held back."

Toyama - "Yeah haha I'm really pumped to find what my attribute is!"

We walked towards the alter. The church was really spacious and it was well decorated. It has been a while since I have come to the church but I still remember the way it looked. I remember sneaking in the church one day to get a peek of one of the ceremonies. I couldn't see it clearly but it looked so beautiful. There was so much light coming out of the alter but it looked like the night sky.

Priest Michael - "Parents of the children, We have gathered here today to find the magic attributes of these children and to give them hope for the future of Wiliria! Now parents please give your sons and daughters the pendant of revelations you have received at their birth."

The pendant of revelation? I asked in my head.

Sirio - "Here you go Toyama, this pendant was given to all the parents when their children are born to guide them to good. I have been taking care of this ever since you were little and now I can finally give it to you."

My dad handed me a gold pendant, it had a little black stone in the middle. I swear I saw this same pendant somewhere before. As I said that in my mind I saw the same pendant around my father's neck. It was a gold one too but the stone was different it was yellow instead of black. I looked around to see the parents of the other children hand them the pendant as well. They had the same pendant but the difference was that the parent all had a color in their stones but the kids all had a black stone.

Sirio - "Put this around your neck and make sure you never lose it or give up on your magic attribute. This will guide you to good and will never make you go into the path of evil. Wear it proudly son"

I placed the pendant around my neck and gave a big smile at my dad. I was finally ready to go and receive my magic.

Priest Michael - "Now children please step in front of the altar and we will begin the ceremony. In order for the ceremony to start, we would need you to get a drop of blood from your finger. We will hand out each a needle. This needle will prick your pointer finger and the blood will be used in the pendant. Now let us begin. MAY THE FIRST CHILD STEP UP!"

This seemed really scary at first because the only time I have ever seen my own blood was when I had an accident when I turned 5. I was attacked by a pack of wolfs and I ended up tripping in a ditch while running away I had almost fallen to my death, but luckily my dad came in quickly and saved me but I still have the scars on my back from when I fell. We began the ceremony and the first person up was Katsumi.

Priest Michael - "Now Katsumi, please prick your finger and let the droplet of blood fall on your pendant. This will start the ceremony."

Katsumi then proceeded to do as he said and as soon as the blood dropped a heavy green light surrounded the altar. This was the same very light effect I had seen before but this time it was green. I then saw her start to float in the air and her pendant started shining bright green-yellow color.

Priest Michael - "Now Katsumi Congratulations, Your Magic is Earth Magic. Please use this magic well and please continue to be a good person"

The light began to fade away and soon enough Katsumi stood on the ground again. A big golden book appeared in front of the Priest. This must be the Kingdoms Magic Affinity Book. The priest began to write her magic attribute and Katsumis pendant turned Green. I was surprised at first but then thought to myself that this looked really cool.

Priest Michael - "Now let us continue on"

I was really anxious to see what my magic was and after almost fifty kids have gone by it was now my turn.

Priest Michael - "Now Toyama please step forward to the altar and prick your finger."

I did so and at first, it felt really odd. It was like I've experienced this before.

Priest Michael - "Now Please continue to drop the blood on the pendant"

I did so and what came after shocked me.

Priest Michael - "What is going on?? What is this?"

I started looking around me and a big black shadow came around me. A dark purple aura was emitting from me and it looked really scary. This was definitely not normal.


I could see many of the priestesses gathering around me but then I had seen them get blown away. I started to get worried but I couldn't move my body. The dark light started getting heavier and all I could hear was everyone shouting and running away. Then I saw the priest running as well. My body felt heavy and cold and I couldn't see anymore the shadow completely covered my vision. I then passed out.

??? - "So you have come again?"

I woke up in a dark room. This room was one I have not seen but I definitely felt like I have. A dark deep voice talked to me but I couldn't find who it was.

??? - "Young boy it looks as if you are confused, do not worry anymore we will guide you but we will not reveal to you who we are."

I saw a dark silhouette in the corner of my eyes. It looks as if it were a boy... no it wasn't any normal boy it was me, the silhouette was me but older.

??? - "You will return here when you are fifteen we just wanted to introduce us to you. Just know that a great disaster will soon occur. We can't say when or how but we know its coming. Train hard young boy as we have given you the blessing of magic. You are our only hope"

As the voice started to fade away I lost my consciousness once again.

??? - "Toyama wake up...Wake up son..."

Toyama - "Huh where am I?"

I saw my dad worried he was carrying me in his hands

Sirio - "You are still at the church son, your ceremony was completed but everyone became afraid of what they saw and they ran."

I looked down and remembered the place I had just been to. Where did I go? I thought. I then looked down at my pendant. It was different than all the other ones I've seen. The pendant itself changed colors, it was now silver instead of gold, and the stone as well changed. It was a dark black and half clear white. I was confused and my body hurts. I looked at the Kingdoms Magic Affinity Book. My name was written in red and my magic was listed "Unknown" was my magic. I then blacked out. I couldn't remember what happened afterward but I knew it wasn't normal. All I could remember was the darkroom I was in, the voice I had heard and, The Silhouette of the Boy.

Welcome, Everyone! This is my very first Web Novel! I hope you enjoy this story and I hope you can give me some advice! Thank You again for reading and I will post another chapter soon! Have a Nice Day!

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