Being forced to give up your dreams and hopes just to get married is the worst thing that could happen to a woman, especially Emma Xavier, who was forced to drop out of school at the age of 16 after her family's company went bankrupt, her parents forced her get married to one of the most successful and ruthless businessman in the world for money. This is a story of how Emma's life changed drastically after she married Maynard and how she develops feelings for him knowing full well that she shouldn't because that would be against the contract. But unknown to her the marriage contract isn't the only thing that is not letting him allow her to fall in love with there is something else.
Third person POV
"Where did you hear that name from?"Maynard asked looking at Emma. his tone was getting darker and scarier by the second and Emma could no longer hide her fear. she could feel her body shaking in fear.
"Lucius said that we were going to Yarout kingdom so I decided to search it on the internet and I..."She could not finish her sentence because of her fear. the look thar he was giving her was sure going to make her pee on her self.
"And what makes you think that I know this Mabol?"He asked. Maynard was starting to suspect that Emma may have gone through his things when he wasn't looking and that didn't sit well with him.
"I... it was just a guess."She said hoping that that would convince him.
"Really? Because I don't believe a single word that is coming out of your mouth . I am going to ask you this one question and if you give me an honest answer I'll answer the questions that you keep asking yourself. " He said. Emma hoped that he was not going to ask her what she thought he was going to ask her.
"Go on."She said.
"Did you go through my things when I wasn't looking?"He asked. Emma mentally cursed him for asking her that question. She wanted to be honest with him but she knew that he would be angry at her if she admitted to going through his things without his permission, and then he would punish her,but on the other habd she wanted answers to her questions. This was starting to annoy Emma,she wanted to be honest so that she can get the answers that she needs to her questions, but on the other hand she did not want to be punished she had had enough of his punishments already.
"Before I answer your question can I ask you a question too?"I asked.
"I said that I'll only answer your questions once you've answered mine ,honestly." He said. Emma cleared her throat trying to fight off the fear that seemed to be taking over her body,bit that was not easy. her body was still trembling and her heart was still beating fast,too fast for her.
"Uhm...yes I did."She said. Maynard looked at her quietly. it was as if he was examining her or something. Emma was confused because she was just waiting fir him to snap or beat her up and anything a person would do when they find out that you had gone through their stuff without their permission.
"Well I can't sat that I'm surprised. I did expect it anyway. "He said seating down next to Emma. she was confused, he looked like he didn't have a problem with it.
"So you don't have a problem with me doing if?"She asked.
"Normaly I would kill anyone who does it but I am going to forgive you just this once. but if you do it again, don't blame me for not holding back. " He said. Even though he sounded calm,Emma could tell that his words meant a lot more. "So go ahead and ask."He said.
"Uhm... What is your relationship with Lucius?"She asked.
"I thought that I had already told you that he is my relative."He said.
"Even a two year old child can tell that you two are related. I wasn't to know how you are related, are you brothers,cousins, or uncle and nephew, or father and son. that's what I want to know. "She said.
"I have already answered your first question, what's your second question?" He asked.
"But... that' know what forget it. My next question is ,who are you?"She asked. she hoped that he would give her a good answer.
"Maynard Courtney your husband of course."He said. Emma felt like beating him up because he was frustrating her. She knew that he was hiding something from her and she wanted to know what it was.
"You know what I give up. Can you take me upstairs please, I want to take a nap I am a little tired right now."She said. she knew that he was not going to answer her questions the way that she wants him to answer them. she told herself that if he didn't want to tell her then she would just investigate it herself even if it meant eavesdropping on him,but first her wounds needed to heal.
Maynard carried her upstairs to his bedroom and he helped her lie on the bed. "Can I have my phone back now."She said.
"No."He said and then he walked out of the room , he was not planning on giving her her phone back anytime soon. He just didn't want to risk it.
Maynard opened the door to his study and he found Lucius sitting on his chair smoking. Maynard shook his head walking towards lucius,he was not in the mood for dealing with him. "What do you want?"Maynard asked.
"What could I possibly want from you?"Lucius asked standing up from the chair. he looked Maynard in the eyes. "But you do have one thing that I want, do you want to know what that is?"He asked.
"It depends on what that thing is."Maybard said. Lucius walked towards Maynard and he stopped infront of him.
"It's a teenage girl whose name is Emma."He said. Maynard didn't waste time he just punched lucius on his jar. Lucius fell on the ground putting his hand over his jar. "I knew it, you do care about her but you keep letting your ego and pride get in the way. ouch!"He said still feeling the throbbing pain on his jar.
"Are you really that bored? She is my wife, whether I care about her or whether I don't it has nothing to do with you. You can't have her because she's mine."Maynard said. Lucius could tell that he was not telling the truth. the look in his eyes told lucius everything that he needed to know.
"She's not your property. She deserves better you know. If you continue treating her the way that you are treating her then trust me she will leave you and run away with another man."Luciys said and his words only made Maynard even more angry.
"Is there another man in her life?"He asked.
"I didn't say that there was, I am just telling you what might happen, she might end up finding someone who is much better than you and who treats her with love and respect,and if she finds that person she won't even think twice about it she'll just walk right out if that door."Lucius said. Maynard knew deep down that lucius was not lying,there was a possibility of something like that happening. He knew that he had to change ,that treating her like the way that he is treating her would only drift her away from him,but isn't that what he wants. He was starting to get confused now.