
Alien Queen!!


VawterMOSE · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 012 - The Geryon Giant

Whoosh ...


The alien sprinted out of the forest, Johnsan controlled it to stop and jumped to the ground to put the alien back.


"Ai, still nothing to show for it." He touched the magic crystals of the rank five magical beast Red Flame Python that he carried in his arms, this was the result of today. Originally, he still wanted to take the Red Flame Python and summon it, who knew that its body was almost ripped into a rubber band by the four aliens, but it still preferred to die rather than to obey, there was no other way, Johnsan had to let the aliens cut it open from its abdomen, and stripped the skin intact to take out the crystals.


By a small stream not far from the Locomotive town, Johnsan had a top secret stone cave, in which he hid the furs and some bones of the magical beasts that he had hunted during this period of time. Most of the ones in there were from level 5 magical beasts, the level 4 ones were given to Anna to sell, and it was Anna's idea to hide the ones that were level 5 and above.


"I don't know how you guys got these, the most famous Coyote Mercenary Group in town can't even hunt a level 5 magical beast for half a month, if these magical beast pelts trickle down to the town, it will definitely cause an uproar, you guys might as well find a place to hide them." These were Anna's exact words, Johnsan and Fate thought deeply.


Walking along the wide street towards the west street of the town, Johnsan saw a group of people crowded in front of the main gate of the Coyote Mercenary Corps with a lot of noise, he couldn't help but be a little bit curious, and busied himself by squeezing over.


"It's tragic."


"Those dirty big men are so mean."


"It's so sad, half the body is gone."




Hearing the exclamations coming from the onlookers, Johnsan grew more and more curious, and with his lean body, he nimbly squeezed his way through the middle of the crowd.


A dozen people lay in the hall, and Freni, the town's only priest, was sweating profusely, chanting a holy light healing spell to treat the injured.


Sweeping down, Johnsan was shocked and horrified, a dozen mercenary members, half of them had already stiffened, the remaining missing arms and legs, covered in blood, the most tragic one warrior was cut off from the waist down, blood flowed like a stream of eyes can't live.


"What kind of people do that?" Johnsan couldn't help but whisper to Silu at his side.


Xilu is also a face of fear, trembling said: "They went to the north desert to look for gold, ran into the big man, became so. This is still injured and ran back, did not run back ..." Remembering those legends about the big man, Xilu made a cold war and said that he could not go on.


"The Big One" is the name given by the residents of the Locomotive town to the giant Geryon in the desert to the north.


"How did it get there?" A man next to him interjected.


"I heard that it seems like the edge of the Moonfall Mountain Range doesn't know what's going on lately, and they can't even hunt a level 4 magical beast. So many people in the Coyote Mercenary Corps want to eat, and they don't dare to go deeper into the Moonfall Mountain Range, so they ran to the north desert to look for gold mines."


Johnsan subconsciously shrunk back, he naturally knew in his heart why this was so, by virtue of his shifter, he had dodged many a collision with the Coyote mercenaries that came to hunt in the forest.


The Locomotive town most of the mercenary groups and adventurers work is to hunt magical beasts crystal core for gold, as for the protection of passing merchants, before others still believe, now the town of mercenary groups themselves have made a bad reputation, passing merchants are in the empire of the major cities of the regular mercenary union to hire those well-equipped official mercenary corps is not they can resist.


"Ah!" The mercenary who had lost his legs still didn't hold on, and screamed out with his eyes open angrily as he didn't breathe.


"Go and get everyone back for me, as well as a few other mercenary corps leaders, invite them all over." Coyote Mercenary Group Leader Harissa's voice came out from the hall.


Johnsan backed out and hurried back towards the tavern at a quick pace, Fate was still meditating in the house and Johnsan ran upstairs and downstairs a few times but didn't see Anna.


"Johnsan," Anna hurried back from outside, pulled Johnsan aside, and whispered, "You've got a lot of ghostly ideas, help auntie to persuade that bastard Harker not to follow those people from the mercenary group."


Johnsan wondered, "Uncle Harker isn't a member of any mercenary group, so what's he got to do with it?"


Anna blushed and sighed, "Harker's wife had died at the hands of the big men before, and had always held a grudge, and now that she heard that those mercenaries might go after the big men, she wanted to follow them to get her revenge."


"So that's what happened." Johnsan nodded and said, "Don't worry Auntie Anna, I'll definitely have a way to persuade him." With that he ran towards the outside of the store.


"Come back early after your errands, the town is too chaotic today, don't run around outside."


Johnsan waved a hand to Anna to signal that he understood, and he ran ahead to the Coyote Mercenaries to pull up Cyrus, and within a few moments he was at the Harker's house, where the sound of hokum sharpening could be heard coming from the grocery store from a long distance away.


"Uncle Huck, what are you doing?" Johnsan asked, pretending to be unaware of the situation and crouching in front of Huck.


Harker had a machete in his hand, sharpening it hard on the whetstone blade, and without looking up he said, "Johnsan, you're just a kid, what's the point of asking."


Johnsan smiled slightly and turned to Silu, "Your father is going to avenge your mother's death, are you going?"


Cyrus froze, then reacted and stormed into the backyard like a clouded panther, and in no time ran out carrying his own giant axe, red-faced and shouting, "Whoever doesn't go is a son of a bitch."


"Asshole." Throwing down his machete, Harker took a step forward to snatch Silu's axe and cursed, "You went looking for death."


"Why can't I go." Xilu shouted with a terse neck, "I've been a beginner warrior for a long time, and I'm about to advance to an intermediate warrior, so why can't I go."


"Even a senior warrior can't go." Harker raised his palm and slapped Silu, shouting angrily, "You can't go when I say you can't go."


"Uncle Huck." Johnsan interjected, "Seiru is also filial, besides, if a son avenges his mother's death, there's no reason to stop it even if God comes."


"You know shit." Huck took his anger out on Johnsan's head and huffed, "All these years down the line, our Bob family is all that's left of me and Silu, can I just stand by and watch the bloodline break in my hands."


"Waiting for you to say that." Johnsan said in his heart, his face sighed in a serious manner as he said, "Uncle Harker, you also know that going to those big guys is a no-win situation, so why do you still have to go? Do you want to fight to kill one even if you can avenge your blood? But have you ever thought about it, Xilu's nature is straightforward, to put it bluntly is a bit reckless, do things without thinking, if you have something, do you think he will live well?"


"Seiru, what would you do if Uncle Huck died in the northern desert?" Johnsan asked Silu.


"Is that even a question?" Cyrus gritted his teeth and said, "Go get revenge on the big guy."


"Uncle Huck, don't be angry yet, did you hear what Silu said?" Johnsan clears his throat and continues, "That said, Auntie Anna can't persuade you, and neither can I, but there are ways I can keep Silu, but do you think his life will be good in the future? After losing his mother, and then losing you as his father, even if Auntie Anna can take care of him in the future, do you think just that will be enough?"


Johnsan's words were like a huge axe in his hand, hitting Huck's head so hard that the iron man finally couldn't bear it and threw down the huge axe and picked up his head and cried bitterly.


"Father." Cyrus let out a cry as well, running over and throwing his arms around Harker as father and son hugged and cried.


"Uncle Harker, big man or human, hatred will only blind your eyes and your heart. The big man and the dwarf have already paid for their sins, all you have to do is live well, live bravely, and remember that the power of love is the greatest."


Seeing Harker bury his head deeper and hugging Silu without a word, Johnsan knew that he had beaten it out of him and that he was no longer fit to be there, so he stood up and headed for the door.


"Actually, I'm here for Auntie Anna." Walking to the door, Johnsan slightly stopped and said without looking back, "How Auntie Anna treats you, you should be clear in your own heart. The deceased relatives also don't want you to live like this, being a man, come out with the courage of a man, don't let your beloved woman shed tears and worry for you at the back."


With that said, Johnsan walked straight out and kept turning the corner leaving the grocery store behind before he let out a long breath.


"That's not a good job." Johnsan just felt his throat go dry.


"What you just said wasn't bad." A melodious voice came from behind and Johnsan froze, turning to see that Sally had somehow followed him.


"Sally." Johnsan, surprised and delighted, busied himself with, "What are you doing here?"


Sally smiled slightly, revealing a mouthful of white broken teeth, and said, "My father and I were just about to come over to persuade Uncle Harker as well, but I didn't go in when I heard you talking nicely inside, and my father said it should be fine, so he went back first, and I listened to it for a little while longer."


"Hatred only clouds your eyes and mind, it is the power of love that is the greatest. You said it so well." Sally's talking eyes were full of laughter.


"Huh." Johnsan giggled as he rubbed his hands together, those were the same words he had been racking his brain for halfway through the day, and now that he heard Sally praising herself, he couldn't help but feel a surge of joy.


Just feel the faint fragrance of Sally's body came over, Johnsan heart a swing, can not help but blurt out: "want me ..." words have not finished, see Sally's face changed, busy changing his mouth: "uh ... like me, also just say, if these things fall on my head, also may not be able to be like what they say."


"Hmm?" Sally blinked, wondering, "What would you do?"


"Let's say." Johnsan said, "My beloved Auntie Anna or you are captured by the big man, and I just have to crawl to the desert to save you."


"Bah." Sally's fair face was dyed red and she spat, "Who wants you to save me." Saying that, she stretched out her fist with a slight release of fighting qi that glowed with a greenish color.


"See?" Sally said proudly.


"See." Johnsan's eyes widened as he marveled, "It's so beautiful, delicate hands, hands like catkins, skin like cream, so beautiful."


"You ..." Sally stomped her foot in anger and her fist held up a green colored fighting aura and struck at Johnsan.


Johnsan had been prepared for this and laughed and ducked back, seeing Andri's figure appear not far away, he was busy running away in a huff.


"Count on you to run." Sally waved her fist with a godly look on her face.


"Baby girl, how is your Uncle Huck doing?" Andry asked as he walked over.


"It's okay, Johnsan talked him down." Sally was taken aback by her father.


"Huh, why is your face so red?"




"How can I be wrong, is Johnsan saying those mushy words again."




"No what are you blushing about?"


"Why are you asking so many questions?" Sally glared at her father and turned to run toward the smithy.


"Inexplicable." Andri scratched a messy head of hair and shook his head as he chased after them.