
Sign up To Be Great Ninja

[Welcome to Ninja world] [Your data have been registered, please sign in to start your journey] 5 years old boy kneels in front of the grave looking blankly into the sky. He saw the memory of the body and understand where he is now. For no reason, yeah no reason. Why why why Why am I here. He is living a good normal life (well at least not too bad if the not freaking rich or whatever generation rich heir) Never asked to be reborn(NOT EVEN DEAD) , just casual fan of anime and manga. The most important is never given a choice which world he want to be. "Ask me!!! Whoever you are. why put me in this world. I rather be in one piece or dxd or hxh or gundam. Why NARUTO!!!" Not that he hate naruto. While he never gave chance to Boruto, he watch and read naruto to the end. But he just know the story plot barely, not remember them that much. Just barely knows who bad boy and good boy. That much the information he had. "Haizz, maybe it is my fate then. To know and experience this world better" Hoseki lament his fate "Sign up" . . . . . . . (Doesn't know where this fan fic will go through) Credit for all original world build, characters and all original indicators goes respectively to the owner. I just write a fan fic.

Cute_Melon · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

05. Declaring Creditor

Hoseki looks at the academy buildings with shiny eyes with a though 'yeah my new grind space for sign in'

The way his face looks at the academy same as same as other children who is new to this academy. While the some of them who not really interested or uncared face most of usually come from big family like Uchiha or Hyuga. Well Kakashi does look uninterested as well. Other than that, mostly kids who enter this place with passion and dream to be a ninja, comes with excited face.

Enrolment sheets are give for the fill and then they proceed to the test. Ninjutsu, taijutsu, genjutsu, kenjutsu and some physical and mental test.

While Kakashi choose to perfom perfectly, Hoseki choose to perfom only above average to stick with his plan. He only perform well in ninjutsu and taijutsu. After the test they proceed into classrom

In the classroom, they are ask to introduce themselves. They introduced themselves in various attitude, autisticly, excitedly, cool, lazily and shortly with just his name.

When it comes for his turn, Hoseki stand behind his desk with wide smile and say, "Hello I am Hatake Hoseki. A war orphan and the village still don't pay his debt to me. So I will declare my self as Konoha Creditor.

"Whoaaa" some of the kids make noise when heard that and they start to gossip with each other. The teacher got some sweat hearing that bold statement and fell into panic for a while. Then he get himself back to control the kids in class.

"Quiet" shout the teacher in charge after banging his palm on the table.

"Alright. All students are to be in training field in 10 minute, Hoseki, follow me." the teacher walk away fastly follow by Hoseki. Luckily Hoseki is the last students to introduce himself or he the teacher will be in odd situation.

In teacher room. The teacher, Shiki look on Hoseki face and body, up and down, frowning several times. "Say, you have grudge with the village?"

"No" Hoseki answer shortly with smile on his face.

"Then why do you introduce your self like that just now?" Shiki ask again

"The truth" again with short answer with smile.

"Then what is your next plan?" Now he curios what this boy had in his brain.

"Banner, article, distribution short note to whole village and public declaration "Hoseki answer steadily, still with smile on his face.

" You!" Shiki surprises on the method that Hoseki laid down. "Why are you doing this? Are you that desperate?"

Then, Hoseki looks toward his teacher face directly. "MY parents, BOTH of them, DIE for village." Hoseki say the word one by one and continue, "What did the village do as they sacrifice themselves for village? Two tombstones? At least pay compensation for my parents to show your attitude. Or the village plan to throw other war orphan on street next time it happens? Or it already happen? I will show my attention to the village, hokage and those elders that how you should respect the sacrifice of my parents. I never ask anyone money, just asking they paid their debt to me". Hoseki turn and walk out from the room and walk towards training field without care what reaction of his teacher.

" Is he really 5 years old boy? To think that bold statement comes from him." Shiki shakes up is head and decide to write letter passing what happens to the third hokage.




On training field. Looking at Hoseki who walk into the field, the students are having their own assumptions and hussing among themselves.

"What happen? Are you okay? " Kakashi sat beside him and ask.

" Nothing. The teacher just got confused and asked about my statement. Hehe" Hoseki explain with small laugh.

" Then, why you were saying that kinds of declaration" Kakashi ask whole look to him weirdly.

"Dad used to say, if you want to catch big fish you need big bait. That old fish won't come out unless the bait not good enough. Hehe." Hoseki say his intention with smile.



Shiki come to the training field to continue teaching. The morning pass over just like that. Some small ninjutsu and trowing shuriken taking times untill end of class.

Shiki announced end of class and tell Hoseki to come with him again. "Hokage sama want to see you" he states that and brings Hoseki to hokage office.

"I bring Hoseki here, hokage sama." Shiki reported.

"Umm... Good work. Leave us." Hiruzen look deeply toward Hoseki. "Three months, and you are making this bold declaration?"

" Does hokage sama means that my parents death only worth 2 tombstone in memorial hall?" Hoseki asks while looking into hokage eyes.

"Well how much money that you think village should give you as compensation?" Hiruzen ask with dark face

"Money? My family lack of money? Does hokage sama think my uncle will let me starve to death? Did Hatake clan had become that poor?" Or Hokage sama think that my parents death only worth for some money?" Hoseki ask multiple questions in one go.

"Then why did you keeps bring out compensation topic. I heard you plan to makes some banner amd public declaration? Just because your parents give their life for village, you think you can do whatever you want?" shout the third hokage angrily.

"Of course I do asked for compensation, but why did people think it is about money. I do say the village owes me. Never did i said anything about money." he continues, "Hokage sama, there are many ways to compensate us, for example education, shelter and protection. Yes I say Us. The war orphans. Before my parents dies, mom always sad seeing war orphan fate when their families die. Some of them are stealing foods, some of them were taken to mysterious orphanage and never beeing seen again. Some were kidnapped sold to other village. Why? Lack of welfare is the answer. I am keep asking you and the village to us compensation. At least, if you can't gives us anything else, just protect us from this tragedy. We are just small kids. We cannot fend ourselves from those danger . And those mysterious people. Yes. I am talking about the 'Roots'. Did their parents give their life for village so those people can take their children freedom to be put underground until their death? Give them your protection. Give them some education. Gives them some foods. It's not like the village treasury will empty just for some orphan foods." Hoseki declare his true intentions


The third hokage only looks at Hoseki. After some time he ask again. "Then what do you means by education? "Didn't the village open academy that everyone can enter?"

"Yes. Everyone can enter. But how many of the orphans can focus on training without being filled. They need to work after academy session, while others people continue to train themselves. There will have gaps between them and it will continue to increase. Talented person might losing his chance to become great shinobi, and becomes average. Asking for education, at least filled those orphan so they can focus on their training and improve themselves. The village is also profit from strong shinobi." Hoseki put all his idea.

The hokage frown and say, "It easy to give some ideas, but to see them becoming realty are another matter."

"They are your jobs, You are the hokage" Hoseki immediately rebutted

"Okay I will see yor suggestions seriously. You can go." the third give his final word to Hoseki.

"Thank you hokage sama". Hoseki walks to the door and stop, "Oh I am also not reluctant for some sponsorship from village" and he continue to walk out of office without turn his head.

The third hokage holding this tea cup with shaking hands, gritting his teeth and shout "And you say this is not about money!"

A few moments later. . .

The third hokage suddenly laugh. "Hahaha. Do you hear that Sakumo? You have great nephew. To think he score only above average with that brain. What a faked boy"

"Haha, no Hatakes are average." The voice Sakumo says that statement with pride