
Sign in from resident evil

Alice: "Lin, you are my hero!"   Captain America: "Lin, are you really human?"   Sun Wukong: "What do I want this iron rod for?"   Transformers, Journey to the West, Marvel World... ... No. 1   in the world, Mr. Zombie, Super God World...   Lin Yu: "Don't make trouble, I'm just a passer-by, why do you always introduce me girlfriends?" Not my novel just translating for master he tu

Shadow_Kid978 · Movies
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92 Chs

Chapter 54

"A new check-in task is released, do you accept it?" Just as Lin Yu and Jill were shaking hands, the system's prompt sounded instantly.

"Sign in." Lin Yu replied without hesitation.

Task: Start Biochemical II World First sign-

in location: Ren's home

Time: Within two days

Reward: Perfect level gun proficiency

Please start your performance

Perfect level gun

proficiency His gun skills are about to be improved to the perfect level.

Thinking of this, he pulled his hand out, looked at Alice, and asked, "Where are Matt and the others?"

"They are in a hospital in the northwest, and they seem to be with Mr. Arthur. Together." Alice had been in touch with Matt before, so she knew what was going on with him.

"Then, what about Rya?" Lin Yu continued to ask.

Alice looked at Lin Yu with a half-smile, and joked, "Why, I miss your female knight."

"You're jealous." Lin Yu didn't change his face.

"Oh," Alice chuckled, and then said calmly, "Come with me, she is trapped at home now."

Lin Yu walked side by side with Alice, Jill supported the injured Peyton behind him, and finally Next to her is the female reporter Teri.

Walked out of the cemetery, came to the street, and then found an empty cart, and a group of five people began to rush towards Ren's house.

Meanwhile, at Ren's home.

"Ren, Jedi, and I will lead the way. After you and Kaplan break up, we have to rush out." James held a microcharger, looked at the other three, and ordered.

He originally brought Jedi and Kaplan to join Ren, but he didn't expect dozens of zombies suddenly appeared in the corridor of Ren's door after the meeting.

They must either break out of the siege or be trapped to die.

But with their unruly characters, how can they wait to die?

Moreover, they have already gotten in touch with Alice.

So, they had to fight

to the death. Ren looked at Jedi sharply and asked, "Are you okay?"

"Leave it to me."

Jedi nodded. A little more steady.

"Everyone, get ready to act."

James put on his helmet, beckoned, and walked to the door with Jedi.

"I'll count to one, open the door, and shoot."

He stretched out three fingers, his breath gradually became heavier, and said "three two one"


James opened the door, and the two of them leaned back against Jedi Back, rushed out

"Kaplan, pay attention to the left side, I will guard the right side."

Ren and Kaplan followed closely behind, both fully armed at the moment, maintaining tactical movements, aiming their guns at the door of Zombies outside.

"Roar, roar, roar"

As soon as the zombies in the corridor heard the movement, they gathered from both sides to the center and surrounded the four members of James' team.

The situation seemed to be very bad

. "Shoot"

James gave an order, holding a micro charger, and fired at the crazy zombies in a burst. The bullet casings fell on the ground and merged into a pile.

"Thuk Thu"

James and Jedi opened the way, and the flames filled the entire corridor. Bullets with strong penetrating power shot at the heads of the zombies, and the zombies kept falling.

Ren and Kaplan guarded the rear to prevent the zombies from attacking, but the number of zombies was too many as if they were endless.

When one end falls, the other end will make up for it.

Kaplan can be said to be a computer genius, but he is not proficient in the application of firearms, so at this moment the rear is relying on Ren to suppress firepower.

Stepping on the body of the fallen zombie in front of them, everyone finally walked more than half of the distance, seeing that victory was coming.


Suddenly, the number of zombies in the rear rose sharply, and they approached Lei En all of a sudden, the distance was only about one meter.


Ren's calm expression began to become tense, and while shooting, he said, "Captain, the firepower is about to be overwhelmed."

"Hold on."

James wanted to say something, but a huge one suddenly appeared in front of him. The monster stopped him from shooting.

"What's wrong?"

Ren asked.

"Ahead, the licker is coming."

James swallowed a mouthful of saliva,

Look a little nervous.


Ren was startled and then looked at the zombies approaching from behind. She hurriedly said, "Quick, contact Alice."

After they came out of the hive entrance last time, they obeyed Lin Yu's instructions and everything went smoothly It goes on naturally.

I remember that day, after leaving the hive, Alice returned to the company with the agents sent by the umbrella company. The rest of them returned to their residences.

In the next month or so, Raccoon City began to change drastically, and ordinary people continued to become cannibal zombies.

In the chat group, they also know that Alice's body has changed, and her skill is stronger than that of Lin Yu who was in the hive before

. There are already three lickers who died in Alice's hands.

So, facing the present In this difficult situation, the best way they can choose is to seek Alice's help.

In the group chat, Kaplan didn't bother to check the historical news and hurriedly sent out a voice message, "Alice, we are besieged by zombies and lickers. We are at Ren's house." In

a short sentence, the most important words were said.

"Thug Thuk"

The micro-pistol in Ren's hand was out of bullets, he threw it behind his back, took out two 14 pistols from his waist, and became very nervous.

"Bang, bang, bang" I

have to say that Ren's marksmanship is not inferior to that of James, and it can be said to be a headshot of the zombies behind. However

, what is the use of this?

only lickers exist

At this moment, the licker stayed quietly at the end of the corridor, like a leopard ready to hunt, silent but full of danger.

I hope Alice can come on time

. On the other side, Lin Yu drives the car and rushes towards Ren's residence.

At this moment, Raccoon City has become a purgatory on earth. The streets, shopping malls, residential buildings, hospitals, etc. are all full of zombies hunting.

Survivors can hardly see

"Lin, just now Kaplan sent a message saying that they encountered a licker" At this moment, Alice checked the group chat message, and she told Lin Yu in time when she learned the situation.

Although she has power beyond human beings, it is impossible for her to feel Ren's residence at once and rescue them.

Lin Yu frowned, and then checked the group chat messages.

"Alice, you drive."

Lin Yu gave up his driving position to Alice and jumped out of the car directly from the left door.

The moment he jumped out of the car door, Lin Yu summoned the steel armor from the ring, and the armor immediately covered his whole body, and then he flew into the sky.

Locking on Ren's position, his figure flashed and disappeared into the sky

. "What is he going to do?"

Jill sat behind, looked at Lin Yu's figure going out, and asked Alice in horror.

"Save people," Alice said lightly.

Thank you for the tomb of Teshe, thank you for the dream of dying songs, thank you for the dragon, thank you for the user who is suspected of driving and has been blocked, thank you for the rewards of the confused elementary school scum, and keep it in mind, thank you