
Sign In Buddha’s Palm Status:Drop

Su Qin crosses into a world where martial artists run rampant, where Buddhist monks from the Yuan Dynasty dominate the world. Jiuyang’s successor’s fist conquered the mountains and rivers, and Xiao Li’s flying knife smashed through the void. Because Su Qin had no martial arts qualifications, he could only become a sweeping monk in the Shaolin Temple. At this time, the ‘Sign In System’ was activated. Sign In in front of Buddha’s Golden Body, get [Buddha’s Palm]. Sign In in front of the Arhat Hall, get [Invincible Vajra Divine Art]. Sign in at the back mountain of Shaolin Temple, get [Golden Demon Body]. The Shaolin Temple was riddled with treasures, and you can sign in everywhere. Su Qin decided that he would never leave the mountain without Signing In to everything in the Shaolin Temple. And so, he Signed In the Shaolin Temple for twenty whole years! Twenty years later, the Shaolin Temple got mixed in the battle between the Righteous and Evil. The Demons were fierce and powerful, they blatantly invaded the Shaolin Temple and were pushing forth with great force, but that is until they met Su Qin who was sweeping the floor…

SHALLOWS · Fantasy
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81 Chs

Chapter 53: Internal force is transformed, Grade 1 Great Perfection!

Abbot Hui Wen glanced away, and he knew the doubts in your heads.

"Before entering Grade 1, I was similar to what you thought, but now…" Abbot Hui Wen said this, paused, and continued.

"Until now, I have not realized how sacred the ancestor of the monk in this monastery is. Compared with him, I am afraid I can't even count as a frog in well… ."

Hui Wen's face was bitter, showing a trace of awe.

Not to mention the other behaviors of the ancestor of the holy monk, just a single year ago, the other party rescued Abbot Hui Wen from the cultivation deviation. This method is that Abbot Hui Wen is hard to beat in his life. Up.

Abbot Hui Wen is honest, now he is also Grade 1 Great Grandmaster, but if he is asked to save a martial artist who is a cultivation deviation, the only way is to hurt himself. , Barely hang his life.

As for more, Abbot Hui Wen can't do it.

The human body is so complicated. After cultivation deviation, the martial artist within the body tends to be in disorder, and the Inner Strength runs away. Even if it is Grade 1 Great Grandmaster, a little carelessness will not only save the opponent, but may even accelerate The degree of cultivation deviation.

But what about the ancestor of the holy monk?

It not only saved Abbot Hui Wen's life, but also made him completely recover. This kind of ability to reverse life and death is not an exaggeration to Heavenspan.

When the other heads heard these words from Abbot Hui Wen, they looked at each other and made a huge wave in their hearts.

How come they didn't expect that Abbot Hui Wen had such a high evaluation of the ancestor of the holy monk?

Especially the head of the precepts. At first he thought that Abbot Hui Wen was humble, but after listening for a long time, he found that Abbot Hui Wen was saying this remark completely and sincerely.

"What are you doing with your faces crying and crying?"

"It should be a good thing for me to have such a predecessor in Shaolin Temple?!"

See you at Bodhi Academy To all the heads of the hospital, coldly snorted and said.


The other heads suddenly woke up.


Even if what Abbot Hui Wen said is true, the strength of the ancestor of the holy monk is unpredictable, but isn't this a good thing for Shaolin Temple?

Thinking of this, the faces of the heads of the hospital once again risen with excitement.

As for Abbot Hui Wen, what all the heads of the hospital didn't know was that all their conversations at this moment fell into the ears of Su Qin who was sweeping the floor not far away.

"Holy monk ancestors?"

Su Qin didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Although he often hears the four words'holy monk's ancestors' from other Shaolin Temple dísciple, now, even Abbot Hui Wen respects him as'seniors', which makes Su Qin feel quite For fun.


After Abbot Hui Wen chatted with the heads of the hospital for a few words, they separated and went back to the hospitals to do their own things.

Abbot Hui Wen becoming a Grade 1 saint is certainly a happy event, but other things cannot be forgotten.

And Su Qin also returned to the handyman hospital.

As soon as he arrived at the handyman yard, Su Qin saw some dísciples gathering together again, whispering something.

"Have you heard? The Demon Sect rudder in Yong Prefecture was said to have been cleaned by an unknown holy monk."

"Many Demon Sect Elders in the upper three realms, Even is Demon Sect Sect Master, both body dies and Dao disappears."

"The huge Demon Sect collapsed overnight, and countless Demon Sect dísciples flee for their lives, so miserable."

A teenage novice monk spoke quickly, with great shock in his tone.

Su Qin was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

He clearly remembers that he did this one year ago?

Why are people still talking about it now?

It's just that Su Qin understood after another thought.

This life is not comparable to Su Qin's previous life. Without network transmission, the speed of message transmission is naturally greatly reduced.

Especially in Yong Prefecture, there are several thousands li far from Shaolin Temple.

Perhaps Abbot Hui Wen and the heads of the hospital have dedicated intelligence'channels', and they have known this for a long time.

But these little novice monks obviously do not have such conditions.

Just when Su Qin was thinking.

These dísciples began to talk again.

"True and false, Demon Sect has many experts. If it is so easy to clean, how could Demon Sect exist for so many years?"

"Of course it is true, I Tell you, the source of the source is absolutely possible. This is what my cousin from Yong Prefecture said, it is true!"

The little novice who spoke at the beginning patted his chest and promised.

"I don't know the nameless monk who cleaned the rudder of Demon Sect, which ancestor of my Shaolin Temple…by the strength of oneself, suppress Demon Sect, it's simply Legend!"

There are many dísciple expressions admiring, and they whispered.

"Yes, I hope that one day, I can also have the strength of the unknown holy monk?"

The teenage novice monk was full of longing.

"Don't dream, even if you have a thousand years of cultivation, you will still be impossible to reach the level of an unknown monk."

There is dísciple rolled the eyes next to it.

"Yes, if you have this dream time, it is better to work obediently and honestly. Maybe you can ask the head of the hospital to transfer you to Martial Monk Court, Arhat Court…"

"Okay, you dare to laugh at me!!!"

The teenage novice was suddenly unhappy.

Just then.

When these dísciples saw that Su Qin was walking this way, they didn't dare to continue talking, they scattered.

For these dísciples, Su Qin's "qualification" is very high, and he can even speak at the head of the hospital, coupled with the age difference, and Su Qin usually does not speak, they see Su Qin was scared in his heart.

Su Qin doesn't care about these.

For Su Qin, the "gossip" that the disciplines talk about is usually listened to, and he doesn't take it to heart.

Time is passing slowly.

Three years have passed in a blink of an eye.

In the past three years, as Su Qin continued to purify Inner Strength, he almost felt that the transformation of Inner Strength was about to end.


"It should be today."

Su Qin's thoughts fluctuated, and at night, he dived directly into the mountainside forbidden area. Prepare to complete the transformation of Inner Strength here.

Mountainside is the forbidden area of ​​Shaolin Temple. With the seal left by Pao Arhat 900 years ago, it can be said to be absolutely safe and hidden.



Su Qin sits cross-legged, and Inner Strength collapses within the body.


I saw a cluster of invisible flames slowly burning, purifying Inner Strength continuously.

Time does not know how long it has passed.

At a certain moment.

Su Qin within the body's Inner Strength seemed to be purified to a certain qualitative change, and all contracted inside of Dantian, and then, a drop completely appeared from the liquid Inner Strength.

Compared with the previous gaseous Inner Strength, the liquid Inner Strength is obviously too strong, and there is a slight pressure rise.

This drop of Liquid Inner Strength seems to have caused a chain reaction. After that, drop after drop of Liquid Inner Strength continued to appear, quickly integrated into every part of Su Qin's body, and kept running between the veins.

After a few hours.

Su Qin opened his eyes leisurely, and the depths of his pupils seemed to hang upside down, slowly turning.

At this time, Su Qin Inner Strength, divine sense, and fleshy body have all completed their transformation.

Three elements in one, namely Grade 1 Great Perfection!


A gentle breeze blows slowly, centering on Su Qin, moving towards all around and spreading.