
Sign In Buddha’s Palm Status:Drop

Su Qin crosses into a world where martial artists run rampant, where Buddhist monks from the Yuan Dynasty dominate the world. Jiuyang’s successor’s fist conquered the mountains and rivers, and Xiao Li’s flying knife smashed through the void. Because Su Qin had no martial arts qualifications, he could only become a sweeping monk in the Shaolin Temple. At this time, the ‘Sign In System’ was activated. Sign In in front of Buddha’s Golden Body, get [Buddha’s Palm]. Sign In in front of the Arhat Hall, get [Invincible Vajra Divine Art]. Sign in at the back mountain of Shaolin Temple, get [Golden Demon Body]. The Shaolin Temple was riddled with treasures, and you can sign in everywhere. Su Qin decided that he would never leave the mountain without Signing In to everything in the Shaolin Temple. And so, he Signed In the Shaolin Temple for twenty whole years! Twenty years later, the Shaolin Temple got mixed in the battle between the Righteous and Evil. The Demons were fierce and powerful, they blatantly invaded the Shaolin Temple and were pushing forth with great force, but that is until they met Su Qin who was sweeping the floor…

SHALLOWS · Fantasy
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81 Chs

Chapter 51: Back 

"It's almost there."

Su Qin stopped and continued to swallow the medicine pill.

Whether it is the Great Revitalizing Pill or the Divine Accumulation Pill, they are only part of the medicine pill insignificant that Su Qin has obtained during the 15-year registration.

Through these years of sign-in, Su Qin has realized the'medicine pill freedom' for a long time, and he won't blink his eyes no matter how much he eats.

"Just now I blocked the avalanche and faced Heaven and Earth Might, I seemed to vaguely grasp the internal qi between Heaven and Earth?"

Su Qin divine sense slow Slowly spread, blend into Heaven and Earth, and perceive carefully.

If Grade 1 Great Grandmaster wants to go further, in addition to completing the Fleshy body, divine sense, and Inner Strength Third Transformation, it is also necessary to grasp the internal qi in the dark between Heaven and Earth .

Compared with the former, the latter is even more difficult.

Because whether it is the transformation of Fleshy body, the transformation of Inner Strength, or the transformation of'Divinity', there are traces to follow.

Grade 1 Great Grandmaster knows where to go.

If the fleshy body is weak, forge the fleshy body.

If'Divinity' is weak, we will nurture'Divinity'.

If Inner Strength is not pure, purify Inner Strength.

For Grade 1 Great Grandmaster, if you want to complete the Third Transformation, you can't do it at best, not it.

But grasping the wisp of internal qi between Heaven and Earth, I'm completely confused.

For thousands of years, many Third Transformation's superb Grade 1 Great Grandmaster has been forcibly ground to death.

Grasp the internal qi?

What internal qi do you grasp?

Internal qi said, extremely mysterious and abstruse.

There is no specific direction to do it.

Even the internal qi that every Grade 1 Great Grandmaster has to grasp is different, and it is completely impossible to remind.

Originally, Su Qin was planning to wait for the transformation of Inner Strength to observe Heaven and Earth with Eyes of Truth and capture the internal qi.

Anyway, Su Qin life essence is so much that it can be consumed.

However, what Su Qin didn't expect was that this time through the opportunity to face Heaven and Earth Might, he was vaguely aware of the ray of internal qi.

In other words, in the future, as long as Su Qin Inner Strength completes the transformation, there will be no obstacle between him and the'Arhat'.


"Happiness, really happy!"

Su Qin is in a happy mood, blood is rushing, in the heaven where the snow falls In and Earth, it is like a hot stove.

All the snowflakes melted within 100 meters of Su Qin.

Southern Witch Mountain.

The Southern Witch Mountain was broken because of an avalanche, but the Southern Witch Mountain was not greatly affected because of the terrain.

And now.

Under the snow, a silhouette suddenly appeared.

silhouette panted, staring in the direction of Demon Sect's rudder, filled with deep fear.

This silhouette, named Kun Kong, is Demon Sect dísciple.


"Sect Master is dead, Elder is dead, all dead."

Kun Kong's voice trembled and his face was ashen.

Yesterday, he saw with his own eyes a young monk wearing a gray monk robe entering the great hall where Demon Sect's many Elders and Sect Master retreat.

At that time, Kun Kong still felt that the young monk was bound to die.

After all, you, a Shaolin Temple monk, came to Demon Sect, how could you get out alive?


Just dozing off in Kun Kong, when he entered the great hall, he found blood flowing into a river.

All Demon Sect Elder died on the spot.

Even the Demon Sect Sect Master who has been retreating for many days and has entered Grade 1 Great Grandmaster realm is a skeleton doesn't exist.

When Kun Kong saw this scene, his scalp exploded. Without the slightest hesitation, he ran away from the Demon Sect rudder, found a remote place, and hid in a quiet place. Under the snow.

Kun Kong is scared.

I'm really scared.

Can you easily slaughter all Demon Sect Elders in the upper three realms, including Sect Master, into a clean existence, is it Kun Kong imaginable?

"That monk?"

Kun Kong shivered suddenly.

In Demon Sect many Elder before death, only the young monk has been to the great hall.

"Holy monk!"

"That monk is a holy monk!!"

Kun Kong whispered to himself.

Kun Kong is a Demon Sect dísciple, and the most basic Martial Dao level is still clear. The Buddhist monk corresponds to the Grade 1 Great Grandmaster on the rivers and lakes.

"Demon Sect is over…"

Kun Kong's heart is cold.

Although he survived, once the news of the fall of Demon Sect's many Elders in the upper three realms spreads, waiting for the fate of their Demon Sect dísciples, I am afraid that they will be wiped out by righteous path sects.

Jingdao will not let go of this opportunity to completely eradicate Demon Sect.

"What should I do?"

Kun Kong expression is low.

As the Demon Sect dísciple, within the body, it runs the Demon Sect cultivation technique, which can't hide from the righteous Sect.

Unless Kun Kong is ready to stop doing business in this life, he can be a farmer with peace of mind.

"That's not right."

"Demon Sect has hope!"

Just when Kun Kong was extremely desperate, something suddenly came to mind.

He once heard from a certain Elder in Demon Sect that the previous master of Demon Sect was brilliant and powerful, using Heavenspan. However, he wanted to break through and left Demon Sect and chose secluded. cultivation.

It is precisely because of this that for decades, Demon Sect has been losing ground in the confrontation with the right way. In the end, it occupied the three states from the beginning and was forcibly squeezed into Yong Prefecture. .

Thinking of this, Kun Kong finally regained hope in his heart.

If he can find the last master of Demon Sect, and if he re-takes his seat in Demon Sect, Demon Sect will not end, but it will flourish again.

The Heavenspan method of the Lord of Demon Sect above, by then, maybe you can seek revenge from the unnamed monk of Shaolin Temple!

"I remember Elder said that more than fifty years ago, the last Lord of Demon Sect went to Western Desert alone, and there was no more news."

"In other words, The place of secluded cultivation is most likely in the Western Desert?"

Kun Kong thought quickly in his heart.

The Western Desert is vast, and it is no different from heavenly ascension to find someone from such a large area.

But Kun Kong has no other choice.

Only by bringing the previous master of Demon Sect out of the mountain can Demon Sect be reorganized.

At the same time.

Su Qin also rushed back to Shaolin Temple.

There are monks patrolling outside the Shaolin Temple, and the common martial artist can't sneak in, but for Su Qin, it's not a problem at all.

"I'm finally back…"

Su Qin came to the handyman courtyard quietly, entered his room, and sighed with emotion.

Although he only left Shaolin Temple for two days, he felt that several months had passed.

"It's better to Shaolin Temple…"

Su Qin sighed as he heard the bell ringing leisurely.

"No one should know during the time I was out."

Su Qin scanned the room and speculated in his heart.

As a'senior' dísciple who has been in the monastery for fifteen years, Su Qin does not need to clean every day.

Before going out this time, Su Qin found the new head of the Handyman Hospital and took a two-day rest on the grounds of physical discomfort.

The new head of the Handyman Institute has a good relationship with Su Qin, so I directly agreed.

"Since I'm back."

"Go to the Scripture Pavilion to sign in first."

Su Qin thought silently.