
Sign In And Draw A Lottery, Start From The Ninja World To Become The S

Totsuka, who was about to play a game, suddenly crossed over! Opening the door, looking at the Hokage Rock with only two statues, Lin Tuo was even more dazed. Is this Hokage Rock? Is this Konoha Village? I have traveled to the world of Hokage? Or the era of Second Hokage? 【Ding! The sign-in lottery system is bound... the binding is successful] 【Host, please keep in mind that our goal is to become the strongest! 】 When Lin Tuo checked the entire system, he was in a bad mood! "Dog system, can't I choose by myself?" "Why do you have to rely on lottery to get everything?" There is no mall! There are no tasks! Only draw! 【Please host to explore by yourself】 Facing the coldness of the system, Lin Tuo expressed his helplessness! It's better to hug your thighs! Whose thigh are you hugging? The thigh of the future Fifth Hokage Tsunade Hime, of course! However, he slowly discovered that smoking and smoking... actually became the strongest existence!

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96 Chs

Chapter 85

If Totsuka really has a way to keep Uzumaki Mito from dying, then Tsunade has no reason to object.In fact, as long as Uzumaki Mito can live well, then Tsunade doesn't care about other things at all."Of course it's true!"Totsuka nodded and asked, "Don't you believe me, Tsunade."Don't believe Totsuka?of course not!If you want to say who Tsunade trusts the most, of course it is Totsuka who grew up with her and grew up with her.This is unmatched by anyone else!"Of course I believe you, see.Tsunade, who received Totsuka's promise, was relieved and sat down again.Seeing Tsunade calm down, Uzumaki Mito was also relieved.She looked at Uzumaki Ashina and asked:"Patriarch Ashina, is there any suitable candidate in the village?""Is the right candidate?"Uzumaki Ashina nodded lightly:"In the village there are indeed two awakened juniors with good physique and talent, why don't I call Mito and let you choose yourself!""Thank you!"21 Uzumaki Mito smiled gratefully and drank the tea.Uzumaki Ashina didn't talk nonsense, and immediately sent two Jōnin to bring the two juniors she said.When the two Jōnin from Uzushio Hidden Village returned, they were followed by two girls.The two girls have red hair unique to the Uzumaki clan, and they both look quite quiet and lovely.Totsuka's curious eyes fell on the two girls, but he couldn't recognize which one was Uzumaki Kushina.Uzumaki Ashina pointed to the girl on his left and introduced first:"Her name is Uzumaki Miko, my own granddaughter. The other is Uzumaki Kushina."Hearing this, Tuo knew that the girl near him was the original mother, Uzumaki Jiuxin.It's really cute!Of course, another girl named Uzumaki Miko is also very good.Not only Totsuka, Uzumaki Mito is also looking at the two girls.But what she saw was not their looks, but their physiques.As Uzumaki Ashina said, both Uzumaki Miko and Uzumaki Kushina, who have awakened the Sage Body of the Uzumaki clan, are very suitable to become the next Nine Tails Jinchūriki.After pondering for a while, Uzumaki Mito made a decision:"Patriarch Ashina, do you think this is okay? How about I bring them all back to Konoha?""Bring back Konoha?"Uzumaki Ashina was stunned for a moment, not quite understanding what Uzumaki Mito meant.Seeing this, Uzumaki Mito explained:"After all, Konoha is one of the five hidden villages, and their development in Konoha must be much better than staying here.Even if they can't become Nine Tails Jinchūriki, their future will be better under Konoha's training.In any case, I am also a member of the Uzumaki family, so I naturally hope that the Uzumaki family will become better.Hearing this, Uzumaki Ashina immediately understood what Uzumaki Mito meant.She wanted to bring Uzumaki Miko and Uzumaki Kushina back to Konoha, one to become Nine Tails Jinchūriki, and the other to be cultivated by Konoha.Let it return to Ushio Hidden Village after it has fully grown up, and strengthen the strength of Ushio Hidden Village.A bright smile appeared on Uzumaki Ashina's face, he immediately nodded and said:"Namiko and Kushina are left to you, Mito.""Do not worry!"Uzumaki Mito nodded with a smile and stood up directly."It's getting late, we should go too."Obviously she doesn't plan to stay in Uzuo Hidden Village any longer.Of course, the most important reason is because Uzumaki Ashina also pursued her back then, she was worried that it would be embarrassing to stay, so she just left!"Wouldn't you like to stay an extra day, Mito."A look of disappointment flashed in Uzumaki Ashina's eyes.After so many years, seeing that Uzumaki Mito is still so beautiful, he still has such a hope in his heart!But this hope was apparently nipped in the bud by Uzumaki Mito."No! You have to go back to the village as soon as possible."Uzumaki Mito shook his head and directly rejected Uzumaki Ashina's invitation.So after staying in Weichaoyin Village for less than half a day, Totsuka and the others set off to return to the village again.Looking at the carriage getting further and further away, Uzumaki Ashina sighed."I envy you! Senju Hashirama."Shaking his head, Uzumaki Ashina turned and went back to the house.That night, countless black shadows sneaked into the Hidden Uzumaki Village.That night, endless killings filled Uzumaki Hidden Village. Except for a very few Uzumaki clansmen who escaped, most of the Uzumaki clan were all beheaded.After everything was over, endless dead silence filled the entire Uzumaki Hidden Village.The Uzumaki family, perish!At the same time, beside a small stream, a bonfire was lit here.Totsuka, Tsunade, Uzumaki Mito, Uzumaki Miko, and Uzumaki Kushina sat around a campfire, each holding a fish that had been pierced by a tree branch and grilling on the campfire.Looking at the nervous Uzumaki Miko and Uzumaki Kushina, Totsuka couldn't help laughing."You two, don't be too nervous, we are not bad people. If there is no accident, you will always live with us in the future."Yes! Miko, Kushina, just treat us as your family from now on."Tsunade smiled sweetly, pointed at Totsuka and said:"You can call him brother Totsuka, and you can call me sister Tsunade."Hearing what Tsunade and Totsuka said, Uzumaki Miko and Uzumaki Kushina focused their eyes on 580 and them."Brother Totsuka, sister Tsunade."The two little lolis shouted obediently."well!"Tsunade responded, the excitement on his face was hard to hide."I've always wanted to have a younger sister, but I didn't expect to have two at once.Miko, Kushina, don't worry, after you go to Konoha, no matter who bullies you, you can tell me directly, and I will help you avenge!"Hearing this, the eccentric Kushina couldn't help asking:"Sister Tsunade, what if the person who bullies me is stronger than you?""It doesn't matter!"Tsunade waved his hand and said:"If I can't handle it" then ask you Totsuka to help you with everything!There can be no more powerful ninjas in this world than your brother Totsuka!He is the most powerful ninja in the world!""Wow!""Is brother Totsuka so good?"Uzumaki Miko and Uzumaki Kushina, Dr. Jinghu, looked at Totsuka with shining eyes, and the worship in their eyes was clearly visible.The corner of his mouth twitched, Totsuka looked at Tsunade speechlessly."Tsunade, stop blowing too much, am I that good?""Of course!"Tsunade also looked at Totsuka with admiration and said:"In my heart, Tuo-jun, you are the most powerful!"