
Sign In And Draw A Lottery, Start From The Ninja World To Become The S

Totsuka, who was about to play a game, suddenly crossed over! Opening the door, looking at the Hokage Rock with only two statues, Lin Tuo was even more dazed. Is this Hokage Rock? Is this Konoha Village? I have traveled to the world of Hokage? Or the era of Second Hokage? 【Ding! The sign-in lottery system is bound... the binding is successful] 【Host, please keep in mind that our goal is to become the strongest! 】 When Lin Tuo checked the entire system, he was in a bad mood! "Dog system, can't I choose by myself?" "Why do you have to rely on lottery to get everything?" There is no mall! There are no tasks! Only draw! 【Please host to explore by yourself】 Facing the coldness of the system, Lin Tuo expressed his helplessness! It's better to hug your thighs! Whose thigh are you hugging? The thigh of the future Fifth Hokage Tsunade Hime, of course! However, he slowly discovered that smoking and smoking... actually became the strongest existence!

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96 Chs

Chapter 67

A shock wave visible to the naked eye spread in all directions, and everything around was blown away.After resisting for a moment, Senju Tobirama was still unable to resist the terrifying burst of Wind Dragon Power Slash, so he had to dodge.Abruptly, Senju Tobirama disappeared, and Totsuka's next slash fell directly into the air."What a quick Body Flicker Technique!"Totsuka's eyes widened, he didn't notice how Senju Tobirama disappeared!"Very powerful swordsmanship!"A voice of praise came from behind.Totsuka turned around and found that Senju Tobirama was still standing where he was just now, as if he had never disappeared."alright!"Senju Tobirama inserted the ninja knife back into the scabbard behind, and said to Totsuka:"Xiao Tuo, I have already seen your swordsmanship strength! Next, let me see your ninjutsu strength!"Ninjutsu power?Totsuka put the white dragon back into its sheath, and a somewhat embarrassed smile appeared on his face."Second Grandpa, my ninjutsu power is not too strong, you have to be merciful!""Don't worry! I won't hurt you."With the guarantee from Senju Tobirama, Tobirama immediately felt relieved.Totsuka directly started his own ninjutsu performance."Fire Style Fire Dragon Flame Bomb!"As soon as he opened his mouth, a fire dragon surged out and rushed towards Senju Tobirama.977 Totsuka's ultra-fast ninjutsu, not to mention Senju Tobirama, even Uzumaki Mito, who was watching the battle, was shocked!"Is it possible to release ninjutsu with just one seal? Xiao Tuo is really a ninjutsu genius!"Senju Tobirama clapped both hands in the face of Totsuka's Fire Dragon Flame Bullet.Snapped!There was a crisp sound, and a huge amount of water suddenly appeared in front of Senju Tobirama."Water Style·Water Flow Wall!"Just like a huge wave in the sea, the huge amount of water directly submerged Totsuka's fire dragon bomb in an instant, unable to turn over even the slightest wave!Looking at the huge waves sweeping towards him, Totsuka sighed in his heart:As expected of you! Second Grandpa!There is no meaning of colliding head-on with the huge waves.Totsuka used the Body Flicker Technique and appeared on the small lake to the right of Senju Tobirama."Water Style Water Dragon Bomb!"With a pat on the lake with his right hand, an unusually huge water dragon galloped out of the lake.Due to the fact that there is lake water under his feet, the Water Dragon Bomb that Totsuka uses is extremely huge!Although there is no way to compare with Senju Tobirama's water wall, the power is still very good!"Good boy!"Senju Tobirama squinted his eyes and smiled, his hands making mudras at a fast speed.The handprints fluttered, and Senju Tobirama's fingers made afterimages one after another.Then Senju Tobirama hit the ground!"Earth Style · Earth Flow Wall!"Rumble!A 50-meter-diameter earth flow wall rises from the ground like a city wall.Totsuka's Water Dragon Bomb collided with the earth flow wall, unable to break the earth flow wall at all.Some people may ask, how can Senju Tobirama produce so many Indian styles?The answer is simple!Because he is best at Water Style, if he uses Earth Style ninjutsu, he still needs seals.Helpless, Totsuka could only use the Body Flicker Technique again, avoiding the king wall and reappearing on the right side of Senju Tobirama.The two-hand seal is just one seal!This time Totsuka stood straight on the spot without moving.Beside him, the ground surged, and a huge earth dragon with a length of 25 meters rushed out of the soil.Roar----!The dragon chant exploded, and Tian Long rushed towards Senju Tobirama.Facing the attack of Earth Dragon, this time Senju Tobirama finally moved his feet.boom!With a loud noise, the earth dragon fell to the ground, but it didn't touch a hair of Senju Tobirama at all.what about people?Totsuka's hairs suddenly exploded [feeling an extremely dangerous feeling.Without any hesitation, Totsuka directly disappeared into Shunpo's place.The moment Totsuka disappeared, dense water needles directly submerged the place where Totsuka was standing.It is conceivable that if Totsuka did not hide, he would be directly penetrated by the countless water needles.Seeing this scene, Uzumaki Mito, who was watching the match, frowned slightly (cbci).She feels... Senju Tobirama seems serious?At the same time, Totsuka, who avoided the water needle, transferred to a large rock.Standing on the top of the stone, Totsuka's left hand is supporting his right hand, and the palm of his right hand is aimed at the position where Senju Tobirama is."Lightning Style Thunder Dragon!"--!Thunder Dragon roared, galloped out of Totsuka's palm, and blasted towards Senju Tobirama.How fast is Lightning Style? Second only to Wind Style.In an instant, the thunder dragon bombarded in front of Senju Tobirama.Seeing that the brontosaurus was about to hit Senju Tobirama, Senju Tobirama disappeared in place very abruptly.Flying Thunder God Technique?Totsuka could see clearly that Senju Tobirama didn't move at all this time, and just disappeared in the original place.Isn't this what the Flying Thunder God Technique is?Just when Totsuka was looking for Senju Tobirama's position, Senju Tobirama appeared at Totsuka's feet at some point.Right next to the big rock where Totsuka is!But Senju Tobirama used invisibility, so Totsuka didn't notice his breath.Looking at Totsuka on the stone, Senju Tobirama squinted and smiled, making mudras with both hands.Taking a deep breath, Senju Tobirama's stomach is bulging!"Water Style·Water Severing Wave!"The ultra-high-pressure water column shot out from Senju Tobirama's mouth, penetrated the entire big rock in an instant, and continued to shoot at Totsuka above the rock.When Senju Tobirama was using ninjutsu, the Chakra wave made Totsuka discover his position immediately.Without any hesitation, Totsuka immediately left his original position.It was this choice that made him lucky not to be shot through by the Water Severing Wave!Otherwise, in terms of the power of the Water Severing Wave, it would be impossible for Totsuka to resist the terrifying penetrating power of the Water Severing Wave."so close!"Landing steadily, Totsuka's heart beat extremely fast!Looking at Senju Tobirama, Totsuka couldn't help but feel puzzled.Could it be that Second Grandpa wants to kill me?With this thought, Totsuka shuddered all over!It seems that this is not impossible!The ability of his Mangekyō Sharingan's left eye is time travel, and time travel is the ability that Senju Tobirama fears the most.Now that you know that you can go back in time and go back to death, Senju Tobirama must have a try, right?Thinking of this, Totsuka quickly activated the Mangekyō Sharingan, and at the same time preset the ability to go back in time.Cold sweat broke out from his forehead, Totsuka was really scared!Mangekyō Sharingan's ability has no effect if it is turned off. If it was really killed by Senju Tobirama's Water Severing Wave just now, it will be really dead!