
Sign In And Draw A Lottery, Start From The Ninja World To Become The S

Totsuka, who was about to play a game, suddenly crossed over! Opening the door, looking at the Hokage Rock with only two statues, Lin Tuo was even more dazed. Is this Hokage Rock? Is this Konoha Village? I have traveled to the world of Hokage? Or the era of Second Hokage? 【Ding! The sign-in lottery system is bound... the binding is successful] 【Host, please keep in mind that our goal is to become the strongest! 】 When Lin Tuo checked the entire system, he was in a bad mood! "Dog system, can't I choose by myself?" "Why do you have to rely on lottery to get everything?" There is no mall! There are no tasks! Only draw! 【Please host to explore by yourself】 Facing the coldness of the system, Lin Tuo expressed his helplessness! It's better to hug your thighs! Whose thigh are you hugging? The thigh of the future Fifth Hokage Tsunade Hime, of course! However, he slowly discovered that smoking and smoking... actually became the strongest existence!

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96 Chs

Chapter 66

Where did Totsuka fail to guess what Uzumaki Mito wanted to do? He quickly grabbed her."No need! Grandma."Totsuka comforted:"Since Second Grandpa wants to see my strength, let him see it! In fact, I really want to compete with a strong man like Second Grandpa!"Hearing this, Uzumaki Mito stared at Totsuka for a while, and finally nodded."Okay then! Grandma will have a good talk with him on the day you compete with your second grandfather.Hearing that Uzumaki Mito insisted on doing this, Totsuka was also helpless.But it can be delayed for a while!"Thank you grandma for thinking of me so much.""Silly boy!"Uzumaki Mito stroked Totsuka's black hair gently."I'm your grandma, I don't care about you who cares about you?Don't worry, as long as grandma is here, grandma won't let anyone bully you!"Totsuka was moved by Uzumaki Mito's 'guarantee', and he tried his best not to shed tears.It feels so good to have family!the next day.An Anbu ninja suddenly appeared in front of Totsuka."Master Bailong, Master Hokage asked you to come with me."Looking at Anbu in front of him, Totsuka didn't know that Senju Tobirama was going to compete with him?"Okay! I'll go with you."Totsuka nodded and was about to leave with Anbu.However, at this moment, a noble and beautiful figure suddenly appeared behind Anbu ninja, and the speed was as fast as Ultimate!Anbu Ninja trembled all over, and cold sweat broke out from his forehead in an instant.At this moment, he felt that he was being watched by something terrifying!Scratching his head stiffly, the moment he saw Uzumaki Mito, the Anbu ninja quickly saluted."Master Mito!""Um."Uzumaki Mito nodded lightly, and asked calmly:"Where are you taking Xiaotuo?""Master Hokage asked me to take Master Bailong to the first training ground." Anbu hurriedly explained.In Konoha, only the huge first training ground can withstand the collision between Kage-level powerhouses."The first training ground||?"Uzumaki Mito nodded slightly, turned and walked towards the house.Just when Anbu thought Uzumaki Mito let him go, Uzumaki Mito's voice suddenly came:"Wait!""Yes! Master Mito."How dare the Anbu ninja say anything? Silently stood in the courtyard with Totsuka and waited.Seeing Anbu's tense look, Totsuka couldn't help being dumbfounded."Actually, grandma is very kind!""I know."Anbu nodded seriously, not daring to refute anything at all.Totsuka was speechless, so he closed his mouth and waited with Anbu.It didn't make Totsuka and Anbu wait for a long time, Uzumaki Mito walked out of the house with Tsunade after a while.Compared with Uzumaki Mito who was wearing home clothes just now, at this moment she changed into a white kimono, looking noble and beautiful."let's go!"Uzumaki Mito ordered, no matter Totsuka, Tsunade, or Anbu could only obediently follow behind her.The first training ground is coming soon!There is no sign of Senju Tobirama at the door."Where is Hokage-sama?" Uzumaki Mito asked lightly."Please come with me!"Anbu said politely, and walked ahead to give Uzumaki Mito the way.Coming to the small lake in the middle of the first training ground, Totsuka and the others finally saw the existence of Senju Tobirama.Seeing Uzumaki Mito coming, Senju Tobirama smiled awkwardly."Sister-in-law, why are you here?""Can't we come and see?"Uzumaki Mito asked back and led Tsunade to the side."You can learn from yours, and I won't disturb you."Hearing this, Senju Tobirama quietly breathed a sigh of relief.He does know, Uzumaki Mito is far from being as quiet as he looks!Once angry, Senju Hashirama will be afraid!Without saying anything nonsense, Senju Tobirama turned to face Totsuka."Let's get started! Little Tuo.""good!"Totsuka nodded, with his right hand lightly resting on the handle of the White Dragon Saber inserted obliquely on the belt behind his back."I'm going to go! Second Grandpa."Before making the move, Lin Zhao reminded him."Don't worry..."Before Senju Tobirama finished speaking, his eyes widened suddenly.why?Because Totsuka who was standing there just now suddenly disappeared!Instead, a flash of knife light hit him.Instant cut!"What a speed!"Senju Tobirama's heart was shocked, the ninja sword behind his back was pulled out instantly by him, and it was directly crossed in front of him.when--!A crisp sound!The figure of Totsuka appeared in front of Senju Tobirama, and Ninja Sword White Dragon even resisted Senju Tobirama's Ninja Sword.Totsuka didn't hold anything back in this blow, but he couldn't move the ninja sword in Senju Tobirama's hand at all!Seeing this scene, Totsuka was extremely shocked.Originally he thought that Senju Tobirama was elite Kage-level, but now it seems that it should be far more than that!To be able to block the instant knife cut so easily, Senju Tobirama's strength is at least super shadow level!Why is there such a judgment?the reason is simple!Because Senju Tobirama didn't rely on other things, but relied entirely on his own reaction force, speed and strength to block his knife.Looking at each other, Senju Tobirama asked with a relaxed face:"...Xiao Tuo, what's the name of this sword technique?""Instant knife cut!""Instant knife cut? Sure enough, the knife lives up to its name!"Senju Tobirama gave a compliment, and suddenly exerted force on his hand.An incomparably terrifying force struck, unexpectedly forcing Totsuka back!"What a terrifying power!"Totsuka was so shocked that he didn't dare to underestimate him at all.Senju Tobirama, who forced Totsuka back, did not pursue, but instead said:"Xiao Tuo, show me your most powerful swordsmanship!""It's better to obey than to respect!" (得好)Totsuka nodded, and the cyan Wind Style Chakra wrapped the blade of the white dragon.Seeing the changes in Bailongdao, Senju Tobirama also showed seriousness.He could clearly feel that Totsuka's next blow was very powerful!"Profound Truth Wind Dragon Slash!"With a light drink, Totsuka's figure disappeared again.Instead, a blue dragon rushes towards Senju Tobirama.The power of swordsmanship at the esoteric level is unimaginable, even Senju Tobirama can't ignore it!"Good claw!"Senju Tobirama laughed, and the Chūnin knife in his hand was also wrapped by Chakra.However, compared to Totsuka's Wind Style Chakra, Senju Tobirama's ninja sword is wrapped in white lightning.boom!The terrible crash resounded through the sky!The collision of two ninja swords created an unimaginable scene..