
SIGHTSEER: A Post-apocalyptic World

Zero woke up in the middle of a desolated desert, he doesn't know when it started but he is accompanied by SAI (Systematic Artificial Intelligence) and his fragments of a memory. Zero venture the world, a world different from what he knows. He shall see the world in his eye and judge it based on that. Whenever he understands his adventure or not is up for him to say. Who knows he might discover why he woke up in the desert later on. Update every Saturday (THOUGH I WILL BE HALTING ON UPDATING RIGHT NOW [05/ 02/ 2023], I STILL NEED TO FINALIZE SOME CHAPTERS I HAVE IN STOCK. AND IM KINDA BUSY WITH PERSONAL STUFF.) Hello, I saw some collections today (July 11, 2024) thank you for those peps who find my novel interesting, to those who's wondering if this is a dead novel, no it's not I have stock up until chapter 60 but still need further revision also chapter 1-33 will also undergo changes. However I would still halt myself from publishing those chapters, I would like to focus more on my last years in college, Thesis is coming up. STILL HOPE YOU LIKE MY STORY. (when I start uploading again)

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31 Chs


|Location: Wast#! %ela!#nd, Me#$%y|

-ZERO? -

My hand lay flat on my stomach and my back pressed against the clouds. It was peaceful then, but I suddenly heard a loud thudding sound, running towards me. As it closed in to my direction, I could feel my 'time' would be interrupted.

I heard a loud knocking on my door soon after. I opened my eyes and looked around. The room was the same as I remembered, my bed by the window, closet by the door, and a small playground made just for me located by the corner.

My eyes feel heavy and I am drawn to my bed. I tried to sit but my body can't shake off the comfort of my space.

I tried to ignore the sound by my door, but it only continued as I did so. That's when I heard his voice, the voice of my brother and the voice I forgot.

"Wake up already, it's not my fault if you're late."

His rustic deep voice echoed in my head. I really wanted to stay in bed so I tried to ignore his calls but I know it will only continue if I don't answer back.

I stood up and opened the door, there he stood in front of me, I looked up and saw how his dark hair dangled on top of me like the night. I looked at him serenely.

"30 more minutes." I said before walking back to my bed.

I tried to close the door but he easily slid his hand and pushed it open before I could have the time to lock it. I could have done it faster but I doubt that would even change anything, I should have not opened it in the first place.

"Stop wasting time, mom's going to scold me if you're not ready by the time she finishes cooking."

His nagging continues and I have no choice but to listen to him as he walks into my room.

"Ugh!" I dropped flat on top of my bed. I felt like my comfortable days would soon disappear as if they were taken from me by this guy.

I started to curl under my blanket, finding my lost comfort.

"You left me with no choice, take this!"

After he said that he suddenly tacked me under my blanket pulling me out of it in one swoop. I saw how he smiled at me and how his hands slowly made their way towards the side of my abdomen. I immediately knew what he was about to do, I tried to escape but he is quick and I have no choice but to receive it in full.

He started tickling me and with how sensitive I am I can't control my laughter; I can hear it echoed throughout my room. I tried to squirm away or kick him but his huge small frame was no match for his lean build.

"Brother stop it right away!" I said in protest but there seems to be no signs of stopping.

"That's what you get for not listening." I can feel my brother smirking in satisfaction, he continued his assault for a while. But then we heard footsteps.

We l turned around and saw 'her', our mother looking at us very meticulously and was on the verge of giving a sermon. We immediately stood up and smiled at her. She only crossed her eyes and sighs.

"And what are you two doing? Zarhe you have a presentation later and @%$# it's your first day of school."

She said as she looked at me. She then continued after crossing her arms together. "How about you guys get ready now, you have a long day ahead."

Zerhe, that's right my brother's name was Zerhe. I looked at him for a moment trying to register his face but no matter how hard I tried it kept getting drawn towards his hair. The dark hue of it seems like a hole that's going to devour me whole if I'm not careful. I immediately turned my attention back to our mother.

She stood there looking at us, we replied to her together. No matter how much I wanted to sleep right now it's best if I just follow what mother said, knowing her personality. She would certainly not hesitate to spank our buts if we won't listen and. And what was it again?

I began wondering how odd it was for me not to remember anything about her, but that must be just because I'm still young. Regardless, our reply to her made her genuinely smile and somehow it made me feel fluttering.

"Yes mom!"

"Sure mom!"

"Did I just hear a tone over there?!" She immediately noticed my desire to go back to sleep.

"You heard nothing. Oh, didn't you say we need to give those fruits to Mrs. Alaman? How about we give those along the way? I still have time before the presentation."

My brother said as he stepped in and tried to push her out of the room giving her a reassuring smile, plus he added something about forcing me to go outside, one of the few Ideas that I hate. 'Outside'

Our mother looked at him. "Are you sure Zarhe honey, your brother can just go by himself."

I can't believe she wanted me to go alone, though I wanted to visit Mrs. Alaman but outside and alone doesn't really mix well together.

"What~ it's no big deal. We'll be back right away." He spoke.

"Oh! Don't forget to tell her congrats, she got married last week and I wasn't even able to attend her wedding." She said before she headed back to the kitchen.

"Sure, come on, let's go." My brother said before he immediately dragged me to my closet to get dressed, into thicker clothes.

After getting dressed up he pulled be again towards the door and this time he was really dragging me 'outside'. The moment I saw the door Instinct came in and I immediately tried to run back to my room but my brother was quick with his hand, he grabbed me even before I could go past him.

Right when he opened the door the cold winds came rushing inside the house and slapping my face with it. The cold sensation really told me that the other side is the 'outside'. I looked up and saw how excited my brother was with bringing me along. I don't like going out maybe because I feel secure with my own comfort zone but seeing my brother enjoy it, I thought that this won't be that bad after all.

But I still protest my rights. "I can't believe my brother is dragging me and forcing me to deliver goods."

"Come on, you made it sound like we're delivering questionable items." He said as he showed me the basket on his hand full of fruits.

"Aren't we? This is child labor." I said bluntly, but he only scuffed me off as something silly.

"Stop being dramatic, Mrs. Alaman's house is just three blocks away." He said rubbing his hand over my head, I quickly shove it away and started to walk out, since I have no choice for the matter. But before we finally left, he sent his final goodbye to our mother.

"Mom, we're off."

Seeing him acting respectfully, as his younger brother it's good to follow his lead in times like this. With everything I've got I yelled; it somehow made my brother laugh a little.

"Child labor!"

We were walking down the road, the cold air made the ground a little slippery so I couldn't help but walk slowly on it, the light post became a rest stop for the bird, and the houses along the way made the walk more scenic.

My brother suddenly held my hand, I didn't understand why but it's too warm to let go. "By the way aren't you excited?"

"About what?" I replied immediately.

"School, you'll be attending your first day in school today." He said, I just gave him a shrug after I answered him.

"Yeah right, I bet they'll just force us to read something that I already know." I maintained a stoic face while saying that.

My brother furrowed his brows, I could also feel his grip tightening as his eyes pointed at me with concern. "Come on, you can meet children your age and make friends."

I decided to slap him in the face the moment I saw him looking at me with pity. "Is that why you don't have a friend's brother, because you didn't go to school. Mister genius."

Stunned by what I said, he suddenly let go of my hand and slowly fell on the ground dramatically. He placed the back of his hands on his lips and crossed his legs to the side.

"Ugh! My brother is roasting me."

"Now they say I'm dramatic." I rolled my eyes while I bluntly said that.

"Genius or not, it's better to have real people as friends rather than an AI." He hugged me from behind, lifting me up and spinning me around. At this point it would be a waste of energy to even retaliate so I can't help but let him do his thing.

A woman with dyed green hair suddenly approached us. Her smooth voice caught my attention. "Zarhe and @#%$? I can't believe you guys are here."

It was Mrs. Alaman, she wore a garnering apron and some gardening tools stuffed in its pocket. He removed her gloves and gave us a tight hug.

"Don't mention it Mrs. Alaman, also congrats on getting married." My brother said,

After that I saw a man walking out of the door with some dusty boxes in his hand. His bear-like figure made my brother look like a small child. I was fascinated by his bright brown hair and hazel eyes, really befitting for him.

"Ygg honey, who are these people?" His deep voice made my ears tingle.

Mrs. Alaman rushed to her, who I assume to be her husband. She hugged him and gave him a peck which made the man blush. "Drasil you're back."

I stared at him in disbelief. A man his size is blushing just from that, now he looks more like a puppy than a bear.

He immediately cleared his throat when he saw my expression. "And who's this little brat?"

"I'm not a brat, here take this my brother forced me to tag along just to give this." I took the basket from my brother's hand and gave it to this man.

"Haha you really never change." Mrs. Alaman giggled after seeing how I replied.

"Honey this is Zarhe and the feisty one is Z@#%."

"Well, it's nice to meet you, I'm Ygg's Husband, just call me uncle Dras and as you can see my left leg is partially paralyzed." He smiled at us.

I looked at him and something immediately caught my attention, a massive tree sits right behind the wide garden Mrs. Alaman owns.

I immediately rushed over the tree, the huge tree had been here since I can remember and it's even bigger than before. From what I know this tree would grow even bigger if time allows it, I touched the tree and felt a slight warm sensation from it making me feel comfortable. "Wow, it's really big now."

"Since he's already inside, how about I prepare some refreshments? "

She was about to go back to the house but my brother decided to decline it.

"Oh, please you don't have to, I'm also about to leave for my work, today's the presentation." He said with a bright smile.

She crossed her arms and sounded disappointed. "Well how about next time, you better visit then okay."

"Better expect it. Bye Mr. and Mrs. Alaman." My brother said to reassure her, he then walked over to me. "Come here we need to leave already. You can check on that tree again when you visit."

"Fine." He then carried me to his back and we started to walk away from the house and waved goodbye as we left.

"Bye Mr. and Mrs. Alaman." They also waved goodbye as we left.

Random thoughts appeared inside my head and I remember that my brother mentioned his project or something about a presentation, because of it I got curious.

"Brother you mention you have a presentation, what is it about?" I asked.

He replied right away. "Nothing much, just something I design for documentation purposes."

"Nothing much, just tell me." I said while holding a part of his hair tightly it is my way of threatening him that his head would have a bald spot if he won't answer.

"It's Project Sightseer." He answered me right away, but I couldn't suddenly hear what he said the next minute. It was like I suddenly heard a buzzing sound or it might be more like a static similar to a broken television. "That's why, You! @%#^$ ^$ @%!%#^."

"What? I don't understand that something must have gotten into my ears. Can you repeat it?" I said to him,

But then everything suddenly went dark and I heard his voice again but this time instead of a warm tone, it sounded desperate.

"Zero wake up! Please!" And it was then I finally opened my eyes after a long dream.
