
SIGHTSEER: A Post-apocalyptic World

Zero woke up in the middle of a desolated desert, he doesn't know when it started but he is accompanied by SAI (Systematic Artificial Intelligence) and his fragments of a memory. Zero venture the world, a world different from what he knows. He shall see the world in his eye and judge it based on that. Whenever he understands his adventure or not is up for him to say. Who knows he might discover why he woke up in the desert later on. Update every Saturday (THOUGH I WILL BE HALTING ON UPDATING RIGHT NOW [05/ 02/ 2023], I STILL NEED TO FINALIZE SOME CHAPTERS I HAVE IN STOCK. AND IM KINDA BUSY WITH PERSONAL STUFF.) Hello, I saw some collections today (July 11, 2024) thank you for those peps who find my novel interesting, to those who's wondering if this is a dead novel, no it's not I have stock up until chapter 60 but still need further revision also chapter 1-33 will also undergo changes. However I would still halt myself from publishing those chapters, I would like to focus more on my last years in college, Thesis is coming up. STILL HOPE YOU LIKE MY STORY. (when I start uploading again)

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31 Chs


|Location: Wasteland, Clear sky|


After receiving a full-blown attack from his sister Nuk pressed his back helplessly on the ground, the numbing sensation overtakes his chest down to his legs, and purplish tone covered every part of his body. Nuk tried to scream but his lungs and his throat prevented him from doing so.

Nuk's breathing along with his vision, both gradually became heavy and no matter how much he focused, his body would never listen. Nuk's face suddenly started to burn up, he could feel the veins on his arms and legs began pulsating at a really fast pace, and his body felt as if it is ripping itself apart.

Nuk knew immediately what he is feeling, Sertium contamination.

Nuk realized that since he is experiencing this right now it only means that he has exceeded his limits before of what he did.

Without proper training will never result into something amazing well not for this world were everything must be done step by step in order to grow stronger, because miracles and blessings are the works of 'gods', creatures that plague this world over 2000 years after the great apocalypse.

Nuk tried his best to stay awake and crawl towards to Zero.

Dia finally finished absorbing the fog around the wasteland, her body grew two huge antlers on her head, her hair became that of a vine and the ground she steps creates a circle that made flowers blood inside it, her eyes glowed brighter than before but the only thing that remained the same is her sinister smile, the smile that reached from one point of her ear to the other. The smile of someone who would kill for enjoyment.

She turned around and diabolically smiled at Nuk which sent shivers down his spine. She started to walk towards her injured brother, every step she made left a flowery mark on the ground giving life to it but the moment it left her light it instantly died living a path deprived of life.

"What? Are you regretting now that you tried confronting me?" She said as she leaned forwards and the moment when she was on top of Nuk's face, she immediately grabbed his hair and tightly held it. She scuffed a little seeing the pathetic state her brother currently is in, she continued to watch in amusement but it also reminded her of the past she considered as filth the connection of her origin and the women who she considered her grime. "Don't worry I'll send you out of your suffering, by killing you!"

Her hair started to move like snakes, slithering its way towards Nuk and Zero.

"B**ch! Not on my watch!" Someone suddenly yelled from afar attracting Dia's attention, she tried to look around to see where it came from but suddenly out of nowhere a massive great sword came flying towards her direction, swiftly slashing forwards. Dia quickly backed away from the surprise attack, which landed right in between Nuk and her. She immediately looked for the person who intruded the scene.

A strange red silky bun suddenly appeared in front of her mid-air and suddenly before she could even react a fiery foot kicked her face sending Dia flying across the air.

"AH! Fire! Fire!" Dia immediately stood up grabbing her face and screaming as she scratched off the part where her face got burned, golden blood slowly dripped from it and began mending the burn she received. After her face got healed, she looked far ahead and saw a massive fire wall stood against her blocking her view to the other side. Her temper instantly spiked and wildly started to hit the wall hoping to pierce through it, but before it could even reach it her vines immediately turned to cinders. Seeing it her frustrations only grew wider. "Who did that!?"

On the other side, the woman grabbed a vial from one of her pouches attached to her legs, the liquid inside it has a translucent light blue color with a sweet scent of lime escaping from the lid. She lifted Nuk's head and forced the potion down his throat. Not a single second passed by after receiving the potion, the Sertium contamination happening inside Nuk's body is now slowly fading away. The purple hue on his chest and arms is fading and the bulging of his veins began to settle down, his breathing also became stable. Overall, the vial he received helped him escape death,

He was no longer in critical condition, the women thought as she saw how Nuk's body started to settle down. Relieved after what she'd done, the woman looked behind her and noticed how the monster ran rampant as it tried numerous times to hit the wall she made.

"Shit I can't fight that thing while protecting this guy." The women clicked her tongue and frown her brows while looking at how badly Nuk is injured, though he's already far from dying but the fact he suffered this kind of wounds made her remember the request Leila made to her that's why the women can't help but feel upset that she almost failed to fulfill 'her' request. "Come here, let's get out of this place."

The women tried to carry Nuk by his shoulders, but somehow Nuk managed to protest despite the current conditions of his body. "No!"

"Huh?! Do you want to die from that thing?" The women reacted strongly from what he said. She can't believe that Nuk would be reluctant to leave this place.

Nuk turned his attention to Zore who looked lifeless on the ground. With his hoarse voice he tried his best to speak. "Please save him too."

The woman looked hesitant from what she saw, the body of Zero looked dried up from her perspective, the torso looked dislocated along with some of his joints bending on the wrong places, especially how dry his body looked. The women can't help but see it as a dead person. "That corpse?!"

"He's not dead, help." Nuk's mind started to dwindle, but he still tried to insist that Zero isn't dead. "Friend."

"Shit! Don't pass out now." The women panicked the moment Nuk lost consciousness. She looked at Zero's body, remembering the contents of the letter. She can't ignore him now that Nuk mentions him to be his 'friend'.

She scratches her head from confusion on what she's going to do, she can't leave 'two' heavily injured people on her own; they might encounter 'difficulties' along the way if she did carry the two of them on her own. But as if it was time just right, Joshua suddenly appeared behind her.

"Sister! Why did you disappear?" He immediately rushed towards her side.

"Ha! Good timing." She smiled as she said that she felt like it was planned long before but decided to shake that feeling off her and focused on the things she needed to do.

Joshua noticed the person in his sister's arms and straight away knew who it was, aside from the fact that the body was covered in wounds and bruises. It's been years since the last day they met, despite Nuk's broad shoulders, bigger frame, his green hair, and pointy ears, even a part of his face all of it gave Joshua nostalgic feelings and that alone was enough for him to recognize who he was.

"Is that Nuk?"

He asked, but his reunion was cut short when he noticed the rampaging vines and Dia on the other side of the fire wall. "Gah! What is that thing."

The women immediately grabbed Joshua and handed Nuk over him. She also pointed to Zero who was lying on the ground. "Take these two and find somewhere to hide, I'll deal with that thing."

After that she dashed into the fire unscathed and immediately began her battle with Dia, both sides attacked fiercely, but from the looks of its Dia is being pushed back because of the ability to control flames that the women use against her.

Joshua Immediately dragged Nuk and Zero into a safer location, away from the chaotic fight. He couldn't use his teleportation ability on the two injured people because jumping through space could aggravate their injuries and might turn fatal, he can't risk that so he has no choice but to carry them on his own.

"Phew. This place should be safe."

He said after placing Zero next to Nuk.

"Cough! Cough!"

Nuk suddenly regained his consciousness, he immediately looked for Zero after he remembered the hesitation he received from the women when he requested Zero to be brought along with them, afraid that Zero will be left. His eyes could focus at the moment and could only distinguish rough shapes and thus he was unable to recognize Joshua at first glance.

"Y-you, Zero w-where is he?"

"Don't worry he's there." Joshua patted his back caressing it with his hand, he pointed his finger towards Zero.

But he felt skeptical when he looked at Zero's body. "He's."

Nuk smiled and sighs in relief, when he saw Zero beside him. He also noticed that the person who carried them seemed worried and conflicted, but he knew that Zero was still alive.

"Don't worry he's not dead." He said to reassure the person. Nuk noticed that he felt at ease which didn't sit right to him, sitting under the tree shielded from the bright rays of the sun, he noticed that they were in a different place far from the chaos.

"Wait! Whe-re are w-e, what hap-pened to D-ia?"

"Dia? You mean that monster." Joshua immediately replied and pointed his finger far away.

Nuk saw the rampaging of his sister, he can't help but wonder who's fighting her. So, he tried to ask despite his throat barely holding on to his voice. "W-what's ha-ppe-ning."

"My sister is fighting that thing."

Joshua said he then pulled out his wristband and tried to contact his group but Nuk placed his hand on top of it. "Wait, I'll call for reinforcement, since I can't teleport out of here together with an injured person."

"Don't bother, communication doesn't work in this place." Nuk said as he shook his head.

Joshua then looked at Nuk as he expects something from him, but Nuk didn't seems to understand what he wants'

"So…" Joshua said as he spread his two arms outwards.

Nuk looked at him confused. "What?!"

"Seriously, don't you have something to say to me?" Joshua said, he looked at Nuk disappointedly.

"Thank you." Nuk said.

"Yes, that but don't you remember me?" Joshua demanded.

"Who are-..." Despite the current tension of what's happening the awkwardness between Nuk and Joshua soon faded when Nuk finally remembered who it was. "Wait! Joshua? Does that mean the girl from earlier was Anna?"

Joshua has also grown after many years but Nuk remembered his golden hair and bright blue eyes. It was the same person who helped him when 'they' were escaping, and the first person he knew to be his brother, even though it's only connected through his father's blood, he's still thankful to him and would have returned his favor if not because of their current situation. But right now, Nuk felt happy with the sudden reunion.

Their moment embeds rapidly when Anna suddenly came flying towards their location.

"Kya!" She landed on her back destroying a few boulders along the way, but despite that she still held onto her broadsword very tightly.

"Sister!?" Joshua rushed to her side and assisted her to stand.

Dia's voice echoed from afar before she started to make her way to Anna "Is that all you've got?"

"What happened? I can't believe a plant did that to you." Joshua protested when he saw the rampaging monster closing in.

Anna shove Joshua away and replied to his 'insults'. "Shut up! She made pyrophyte vines."

"Stop talking and fight me!" Dia suddenly launches a massive group of vines towards their way, giving not a single moment for her opponent to rest.

"Let me breathe, you weed!"

Anna immediately rushed forwards with her great sword and slashed through the vines but she didn't realize that another group of it was already on its way, and this time she couldn't block it, she instinctively closed her eyes as it got close.

"Ah! Crap."

But then out of nowhere someone suddenly appeared in front of her and launched a single punch that instantly obliterated the incoming vines with pure force. The shock it made shook the earth and destroyed the surrounding trees in front of it.

Anna looked up and heard a monotonous voice.

"Update complete… System rebooting…"
