
sigh ,here we go again

Nyawa_Mainza · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 4

With everything packed and sorted we decided to take a break and so we sat down in the comfy (not really )library chairs with nothing more than the company of each other. We made some small talk as we packed and I got to know him more I inquired as to why he never approached me before he never replied to that question.

Suddenly the power went off. I felt alarmed for no reason. I stood up not long after I heard Andrew standing up as well. Being the cloudy day that it is today the library was extremely dark and this didn't help my growing anxiety .

A pair of hands intertwined into mine at first I jumped then that feeling was soon replaced by assurance ,for some odd reason I felt safe with Andrew even if I just met the dude hours ago .

"I have a bad feeling about this stick close don't let go of my hand and keep quiet Okey. "

The smart thing I did in that moment was nodding my head in reply knowing damn well it was pitch black and Andrew probably wouldn't be able to see me .

Wait I can see in the dark if I chanel my energy into my vision is could sorry of use my eyes as a torch in a way you know like night vision goggles.

Deep breaths ...deep breaths I focus on my energy I see my energy mentally and then I work to project it when I open my eyes ,soon enough I opened my eyes and I could instantly see everything as though the light was on .

I mentally thank my parents for my genetics, the one time I'm thankful for being a freak. We soon start moving steadily and quietly Andrew leading the way me holding on to his dear hand.

From one isle to another ,we move not use what we would expect or what was expecting us .We abruptly stop in our tracks at the same time as if we move read each others minds,something was following us and it seemed to be doing a good job at it cause you could barely hear a thing if your were an average person. That's the thing Andrew and I are not average people.

I gesture on for him to keep on moving my plan we reach the corner then make an abrupt run for it because whatever it is that's following us could be dangerous. Who am I kidding it's obviously dangerous .

Well Andrew and I need to talk out how were gonna run away so I need to make make a diversion .

"Babe I'm scared." I said (I'm just acting Okey not like he's really my babe)

"Don't worry let's just find a torch Okey don't worry I'm here."

Within a whiplash I'm spun around and it's done in such a quick manner that I fall to the ground.

Andrew steps infront of me and in no time hurls fireballs at the enemy his back blocked my view so couldn't really see what Andrew was fighting.

I feel my heart racing several times faster than its supposed to.

Frozen I watch as Andrew in combat mode swang and dodged attacks . Again in a whiplash I am dragged abruptly I screamed and with all my might pulled myself from whatever was trying to kidnap me rudely .

I turned to face it ,my body becomes paralyzed with fear. The most hideous scariest creature I had ever seen stood before me and I could barely feel my pulse . It was tall ,taller than anything I've ever seen , a disgusting hunchback it had no eyes just empty hallow holes where the eyes should have been , gnashing teeth that were disturbingly sharp.... sharp enough to rip off my body in one go ,the hands were swords not literal swords but they were shaped like actual swords .It's like the monsters my parents told me about whenever I refused to do my homework .

It started approaching me ,my body too paralyzed with fear to do anything just remained glued in position .

On que Andrew swoops me to my feet and hurls me in a direction ,we started running as fast as we could turning and jumping over chairs as we ran . Not far behind the creatures ran along ...geee great nothing like being chased by monsters that want my head on a platter that makes me happy.

"Andrew I'm sacred ." I said through my ragged breath.This time I meant it for real.

"Keep on running let's make it to the entrance we can do it. "

Those simple words filled me up with a little comfort .

And so I ran ignoring the rapid beating of my heart against my chest and the harmonizing growls of the creatures that want to eat me .

I could spot the entrance ahead ,I sighed in relief .

Suddenly more creatures appeared in our vision and surrounded the entrance ,my heart dropped again.

We were trapped ,we both abruptly stopped in our tracks and we stood side by side hands intertwined.

Was this it? was I gonna die in a library with a guy I just discovered that he existed hours ago? yet alone would the last thing I would see be creatures with disturbing hunchbacks?

"What now hotshot?" I asked

He laughed ,is this idiot seriously laughing when we're about to die .

"We fight sweetie ain't no way around it,I promise you it will be fun."

"Fun?!! I don't see how it would be fun to fight these things Andrew clearly you're delusional and it shows."

"Clearly you're scared and it shows."

I gave him a look . The creatures near we stand our guard.

And you know what happens next power comes back and lights up the whole library .The creatures instantly disappear we're saved by the bell.

I pant like a mad woman.

I turned to Andrew.

"They are already here ,those are whatever call ghouls they appear in the shadows ,rarely in the daylight seeing that they made made an entrance here I'm sure you know that it isn't the end right. After all night time will fall upon us and we need to be ready ."

"Ready for what ?" I asked I had a feeling I wasn't going to like what I was going to hear .

"A fight that will shake the earth's core ."

With that we quickly stepped out of the library wasting no time.