
sigh ,here we go again

Nyawa_Mainza · Fantasy
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4 Chs

chapter 3

It's only Andrew and I in the library silence enveloped

I sighed for the millioneth time .I let out a dramatic breath.

Andrew sat on the chair and faced me ."Well that was pleasant." he said

"Sure was." I replied

I took a sit besides Andrew.

"Are we gonna talk about us?" I arched my eyes brows at him.

"Us ? there is no us Andrew I barely know you and there's nothing to talk about ."

Andrew runs his fingers through his hair.

"I know that you have powers and that something big is gonna happen today ."

I spin and gave him a look. "How sure are you Andrew for all we know it's nothing at all let's just go back to finishing our detention so that I can not see you again."

I took a stand and grabbed a pile of dusty books ,I then proceeded to pack them away steadily coughing and sneezing as the dust tickled my nose .

From the corner of my eye I saw Andrew follow in my footsteps and soon enough we're both packing away .

" Look I haven't seen my parents in years ,I live with my older brother Max he has powers too ,for as long as I could remember I've always been different and I've worked most of my knife trying to hide it ." Andrew said

I stopped to look at him ,knowing the feeling very well .

"My parents went missing out of the blue,there are more like us and for months we've been meeting in a camp and training because apparently a big attack is going to take place anytime soon ."

I arched my eyes brows and looked at him with intent.

" I don't know how else to explain all this cause it probably sounds like the most ridiculous things ever. "

"Damn right ." I added

"But if you're interested follow me after detention. "

"If I don't. " I asked

"Well you'll spend the whole day regretting and plundering over why you didn't follow me and when any attack happens you'll be clueless probably eliminated because you were too prideful to take my advice." he whispered the last part in my ear.

"Someone's coming ." he said

In an instant he pushed me against the book case narrowed the distance between him and I.His lips are inches from mine , inches feel my electric charges dance around in my body.

Who does this guy think he is?

Footsteps near and from the corner of my eye I saw a girl appear she gives us a glance thinks nothing of it then proceeds to go on her way .Once gone I quickly push away Andrew and look at him irritation flashed on my face .

He looks around alarmingly then stared at me.

He raises his hand then everything stops again like what happened in the parking lot the whole time stopped situation .

I looked at him confused .

"Look as much as there are people like us there are also the bad type of us."

My anxiety pitches .

"Wha...t..what do you mean. .?" I asked my tone holding dread.

"There are bad things in this world sweetie bad things ,I can't explain everything here its not safe not at all we're both not safe here as I speak ."

"Here you go with the cliffhangers ,how am I supposed to trust you if you have barely today me anything huh what if you want time hurt me give me a reason to trust you !!" I demanded.

Andrew walked up to me and stood in front of me our height difference is evident cause I had to lift my head to meet his gaze .

"If I wanted to hurt you ,I was would have months ago ,in fact I've been protecting you because there are so many instances when those bad things in the world were going to end your and you barely even noticed just as much I know about you without you telling me who's to say others don't?"

I swallowed much you saliva and a serious stare off takes place between us,none of us threatening to break eye contact .However I must admit his eyes are beautiful his personality not the best but hey could be worse right ?

He then gave me a smile a genuine smile and I had to stop myself from melting because it was that good of a smile. Don't get me wrong I wasn't fan girling over this go no i barely knew him but that didn't change the fact that he was a walking work of art.

I maturely rolled my eyes at him if he thinks I'm an easy to get girl he was wrong.

He lifted his hands and soon time resumed,remind me later to inquire how he did that .

"Let's not talk about our private matters here babe ." he then gave me a wink and a smirk.

I blushed involuntarily. I got the message not to discuss about our super powers and proceeded to get another pile of books and packed them away.

"Well then while we're here let's get to know each other better BABE." I emphasized on them babe part.

He gave me a small smirk then tossed me a mother pile of books.

What the fuck have I gotten myself into ?