
Sickly In Love

Maybe in another life? Perhaps then I'll finally be able to love the person I want.... Chiyo a teenage girl was accepted into an Academy that might just change her life. Ever since her parent's passing her older sister has been making all the money, determined to help her Chiyo decided to go study. Yet she knows that if her biggest secret came out, her life could be as good as over, despite this she attends the Academy full of people that can use any means to find out all the dirty secrets of anyone.

Xaonia · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Chapter 3 Part 13

After I talked to Ryan, about who might be the attacker, I couldn't get it out of my mind. Might be the girl that I dropped off the balcony this morning, Krasomila's sister? Does that mean it was also her that poisoned me?

'' Ahh! It's too much for my head! ''

I was in the Bathroom, not only this, but I was supposed to be changing. Instead of changing, I was sitting there flustered of how hard this all is.


- Woah, calm down! -


'' What?! 2 Hours?! ''

- Sorry… I'll be coming out soon! -

I could hear Ryan walking away. I put on the nice dress, Ryan gave to me. It was a cute dress, short, fluffy, yellow, with white details also to it came a butterfly hairpin. The dress really fitted summer. I still couldn't get over the fact, that I've hurt someone. I left the bathroom, with my hair wasn't brushed and the Hair clip in my hand. Ryan was sitting on his bed, hearing me, he looked at me.

- *Sigh* Come here. -

He was disappointed I could see it. I sat down on the floor, and he began brushing my hair. After he was done, he put in the Hair clip.

- Thank You! -

I smiled at him, he was surprised, and looked away quickly. In this very moment, I noticed how bloody the room was.

- Ryan… Why can't we clean up the room? -

I made big puppy eyes, Ryan looked at me.

- For proof. -

I could almost see the stars of greatness surrounding him. I smiled gently at him, to not make him worry. The thing was, I was scared of blood, but I think Ryan was already worried.

- Anyway, I'm going to go change into something more proper. -

He went to the bathroom, I stayed seated. Sitting was quite the mission, especially because the pain was immense. While I was fighting that Alcina, I was stabbed by the sword. I managed to heal myself, but the pain stayed, it burned. In this very moment, the pain became more unbearable. I kept my hand on the place where I was stabbed. I could feel the sweat running down my face.

'' Haaa… This hurts so much… It hurts… I hate it. ''

Tears ran down my face, the pain became bigger with every second. I could feel my own blood on my hands. The wound it began bleeding, really strongly, I was afraid I would bleed out. Everything became blurred as I lost consciousness.




- C… -

Someone's voice was calling, yet my senses were dull.

- … Chi…yo -

- Chiyo! -

My eyes slowly opened, I found Ryan's worried face staring at me. He was holding me in his arms.

- Chiyo… Why didn't you tell me, you got stabbed? You could have bled out just now! You made me so worried! Does it hurt much? I heard it's more painful for a Vampire to get stabbed by this sword than for a human, I was already in great pain! -

I couldn't move my entire body was in pain, even though Ryan bandaged the wound, it kept bleeding wildly. I began losing consciousness again, the last thing I heard was Ryan calling my name.




I woke up in a bed, it was warm. I felt less pain, than before. My senses began returning, and I could hear the voices more clearly. The voices, people were arguing. I recognized one of them; Ryan.

- But! Mother! Father! Please! -

- No! Ryan! This is important! -

- Is binding ties with a country really more essential than your own son?! Your own son's happiness?! -

- Ryan Clement! How dare you… -

- Honey, please, don't get mad at Ryan. He's our son! -

- You're lucky your mother likes you! -

The Man and the Woman left the room. Ryan breathed deeply, he then noticed I'm awake. He immediately came to me.

- Oh Chiyo, I'm glad you're alright! -

He held my hand.

- Ryan… How?.. -

- The Royal Saintess came here to heal me, while she was at it, I asked her to heal you too. -

I closed my eyes, I was enjoying the peace in my body.

- Idiot… -

He laughed.