
Shun Uchiha: One Click Upgrade

An Otaku gets his soul transformed through a ripple in time and space. This guy’s name is Shun Uchiha! With the help of the One Click System, Shun quickly becomes an existence for beyond the level of Shinobi. Join us as we watch him grow up into the next Madara, and becomes the God of the Narutoverse and the God of the….Uchiha! Era: Warring State Period Other Stories: Naruto:Gojo Satoru in the Narutoverse, Aizen Uchiha: Strongest Instant Upgrade System

Kamery_Driver_1580 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Friendly fight and a serious bet

Senju Main Camp

Hashirama is sitting down on his bed with red eyes staring at a picture with him and Tobirama.

Hashirama is laughing while taking the picture, and Tobirama still have that cold look on his face that says 'I don't take shit from no one.'

"I'm sorry, Young brother, I should've never let you go there alone."

After that battle, Hashirama has 'surprisingly' got over it a bit, which caused some respect in the Senju Clan.

"Lord Hashirama"

Said one of the Senju members, they have been leaving Hashirama alone, so he can mourn for his brother's death.

The Senju Clan respects Hashirama even more is because, most people would give up their careers in war because of grief.

Seeing their clan leader almost back to normal made them further motivated and have further respect for Hashirama.


"The Uchiha Clan have been attacking our members non stop, Shun Uchiha even captured our last supplies from the Uzumaki Clan.

"That Shun Uchiha"

Said Hashirama with hatred and killing intent in his voice and eyes, the Senju Clan right now needs help because of what happened.

That battle against Shun and Hashirama have already spread, the entire world fear Shun's name, and the rest of the world; barely fears Hashirama anymore.

After Shun defeated Hashirama, his deeds and accomplishments has surpassed even Madara, some people think he should be the new Clan Head.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Uchiha Main Camp

"Lord Shun, right now, our Uchiha Clan have surpassed the Senju Clan."

Said the Uchiha with a happy tone in his voice, ever since Shun rose to power, the Senju Clan doesn't have a chance.

Now, that Shun killed Tobirama, the Senju Clan's Will has collapsed causing a lot of defeats and lack of communication in battle.

"Yes, the Senju Clan are nothing in front of Lord Shun."

All of the Clan members respect from Shun have surpassed even Madara, which caused Madara to act a little sour.

"Lord Shun"

"Lord Madara wants you to go to the private battlefield for a warmup."

The rest of the Uchiha are excited, most of them never really saw Shun's fight against Hashirama, so seeing Shun fight Madara is a must-see.


Shun with his extremely handsome face and long black hair left his private tent to go the private training grounds.

A few minutes later, Shun arrives and see Madara there with his infamous Gunbai and his long sharp scythe.

"You're finally here, Shun"

Said Madara he has always wanted to fight Shun, now seeing Shun beat Hashirama while he can't, jealously arose in his heart.

"If I win, I'll become the New Clan Head"


The entire room was silent after hearing Shun's proclamation, they thought that this was a friendly fight, but now they sense the intensity in the atmosphere.

"What do you mean?"

Said Madara with narrow eyes, he wanted to fight Shun, because he wanted to see if the rumors were true.

But now he see Shun's true color, a power-hungry politician really, who'll do anything to get Clan Head and more power for himself.

"Do you accept the deal"

Said Shun with a smile on his face, Shun knows right now, that if he wants the Uchiha to be the greatest, Madara is an obstacle.



Madara disappears and appears beside Shun with a kick heading his way.


Shun dodged his head and started fighting back, Madara notice that Shun has definitely improved causing Madara to get serious.



Shun jumps up and did a flying-heel kick to Madara's temple causing his vision to go blurry and his hearing to spasm.

"Fire Style: Multi Fire Ball Jutsu"

After making the hand seals, huge amounts of Fireballs rained down from the sky on Madara causing him to move.



The Fireball's power were really strong causing huge holes and pitch-black spots all over the ground.


Even cracks were all over the ground, causing Madara to step back from the dangerous spots in the ground.


An excited expression appeared on Madara's face, no one had the power to challenge except Hashirama, now seeing someone powerful enough to fight him caused Madara to be extremely happy.

"I love this dance"


The huge blue Susanoo wrapped around Madara causing the private Training Ground to blow away under the pressure.

"Let's fight for real, Shun Uchiha"



The familiar dark-red Susanoo came and wrapped around Shun's figure just like Madara's did.

The two huge Susanoo both height are hundreds of feet tall, but Shun's Susanoo is far more superior and powerful than Madara's Susanoo.



The two huge fists came down on each other creating a huge sonic boom causing time and space to freeze.

Uzumaki Clan

An old man with a white goatee, brown and green vest on, he also has on a white sheet wrapped around his head.

This man's name is Ashina Uzumaki, he is the leader of the legendary Uzumaki Clan that are feared for their seals.

"Let's go meet Hashirama"

(Next Chapter Senju and Uzumaki Clan Alliance)