
shogun of wano

Kozuki Isshin, the elder brother of kozuki sukiyaki, didn't get the title of shogun. A mysterious figure who has his frail body filled with scars but has a serene smile on his face, standing even taller than his brother and a full grown oden. He becomes the shogun due to some unforeseen circumstances, find out how he stands out from others and his disturbing yet fascinating past.

godlyarrogantz_305 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

CHAPTER 3 - yearly Daimyo gathering

Kurozumi Orochi was the last member of the family of kirozumi, his father had been killed along with his family because they poisoned the daimyos, and greed lead them to their downfall.

His grandmother managed to convince his dunce ass to attempt to overthrow the shogun again, He got into working with yasuie, just starting and he planned to steal money from the daimyos under the disguise of a servant.

But his real target to steal money from was Isshin, the wealthiest man in wano, he is said to have a treasury surpassing even the great kozuki clan, and his wealth is often shared for the prospects that pique his interest.

Orochi was crafty and cunning but stupid in the end, he didn't know what kind of a monster isshin was even in the outside world, even his grandmother didn't know much.

But his grandmother linked up with kaido with her methods and managed to get kaido attracted to wanos seastone abundance.

But all this was a plan currently, something like this doesn't even have a chance of happening since powerhouses like hygoro and isshin pay close attention to it. the border.

Today was a normal day for Chiyo, she usually spent her time cooking special sweets for herself or writing books, but as she was walking on the road, she was given respect for her reputation as a kind and lovely author and woman of great power and stature.

a person with a bushy and spiky hair, he wore a dotted kimono with a dark robe over it, walking toward her with a smile,

" hahaha! Chiyo sama! how wonderful to meet you here!"

" ah! it's been some time hasn't it little yasuie?" Chiyo said smiling and greeting the figure, daimyo of hakumai, and part of the legendary family of shimotsuki.

" I have come to meet with isshin sama! it's almost time for the yearly gathering of daimyos! so I came early to meet him and you of course!" he said smiling and genuinely.

" hahaha! such a nice boy! I wish the other shimotsukis were so expressive with their emotions, everyone is so cold! hahaha"

" I tell them that too! especially ushimaru that boy is a complete coldie! he won't talk to you if it isnt for food or anything hahaha"

" you said something about me, yasuie?" a man asked coming from behind as his eyes glowed in red

" a-ah! I said nothing about you ushimaru! stop scaring me!"

" what about you old ha-"

as he was about to finish that sentence, he felt something sliding down his cheek and his haki activated a second later, he touched it to find blood and a scary smile on chiyo

" i-i u-uh meant, how are you sister Chiyo?"

" I'm doing fine thank you, come I will lead you guys to our home, isshin must have came back "

saying this they walked towards the castle where the family stayed