
shogun of wano

Kozuki Isshin, the elder brother of kozuki sukiyaki, didn't get the title of shogun. A mysterious figure who has his frail body filled with scars but has a serene smile on his face, standing even taller than his brother and a full grown oden. He becomes the shogun due to some unforeseen circumstances, find out how he stands out from others and his disturbing yet fascinating past.

godlyarrogantz_305 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 16 - A young isshin

Isshin sat on the edge of the waterfall cliff and reminisced about his meeting with Chiyo

61 years ago...

A young boy was wreaking havoc in the capital of wano Kuni, men and women were following him with farmer tools in their hands and the young boy was in the front of the crowd laughing and running for his life.

soon The boy was cornered with his back against the wall and a horde of angry townspeople in front of him, his smile didn't leave his face and he jumped, very high and ran away jumping from house roof to house roof.

The boy laughed his heart out as he heard the curses of the people, he suddenly jumped sideways barely dodging a kunai aiming for his head.

" oye kiyabe! don't be jealous I stole your sister from you! hahaha"

a man clothed in ninja yoroi appeared before him and swung his katana which isshin simply blocked with his forearm and smiled.

" Kensei sama has called for your presence in the shogun chamber, report immediately you disgrace "

" hahaha! grumpy kiyobe is always fun to play with hahaha!"

Both of them moved at high speeds to the beautiful castle standing atop all the other houses in wano.

In the chamber of the shogun, a middle-aged man sat with an indifferent face, beside him were 15 other men dressed neatly and their expressions were cold and disciplined.

" wassup old man, did you miss me?" said isshin as he appeared with kiyabe beside him panting heavily.

the moment isshin appeared 15 swords all aimed at his vital points.

Isshin just smiled and ignored the swords aiming at him and looked at his father who stared back at him with a cold expression.

" it seems you have grown stronger, son "

"it seems to be so "

" Are you done with your childish behavior? we need to move onto more serious topics as you will be the next shogun of wano"

by this time the samurai withdrew and stood beside their lord as they were originally doing.

" hmmm not finished playing around but what's the thing I need to do? "

" get engaged "

"thought so, whose is the lucky person?"

" I have only pity for the poor girl who has to marry you," said Kensei showing his fatherly side but changing back to his indifferent face.

" she is waiting for you in the garden of the kozuki castle, and...if something is suspicious and you break her heart...then remember I swore to kozuki Kensei and not the kozuki family, I will have no remorse to slice you "

isshin stood up from his seat and brought his face in front of the man that had just spoken, Kai Hiroshi was the strongest samurai under his father's retainers and the only person among his father's vassals that stand a threat to him.

" that is if you CAN hurt me," he said tauntingly and enjoyed seeing Kai clutch his katana and grind his teeth at him.

" enough isshin, go to the garden, I have things to do rather than play these games of yours "

isshin put his hands behind his head and walked away under the eyes of the shogun and his retainers on his way to meet his so-called " fiance "

" This will be fun "