

Baiken closed her shoulder and sighed "I need to wrap my head around this" "Yes, and you have all the time in the world, now it's our turn" Diana said making Baiken look up "You wonder why we took you? Right?" "Yes, I was perfectly capable of handling myself" "And that's why we took you, you are, in essence a deadly woman, capable of killing men with firearms, using nothing but a sword" "I am aware of my capabilities" "If you somehow managed to side with Yuna, then it would have been very complicated, we saw you still had the capacity to be guided in the right direction, so we intervened" "Even if I just told you I'm capable?" "Yes, listen to me closely, the world you entered are not run by the sword and bounty hunting, there are laws protecting life, and all humans have the right to it" "All? But some deserve to die?" "No one deserves to die, only fate decides that" "Then my sword will be his fate" "No Baiken!" Diana said loudly "You're clearly not in the right mindset to live among people in normal society, you can't just fix your problems with your sword" "Kurochi-nomai! Where is it anyway!?" Baiken said not taking Diana seriously. "Kuro, chi, no what!?" Zander asked. "My katana!?" "It's safe, here on the plane, but you can't get it if you can't agree to leave your lifestyle of violence behind" Diana said. "It's there to protect me! It's my protector! Are you saying I don't even have the right to protect myself!?" "You do! But cutting down anyone who barely looks at you isn't considered self-defense" "I've been disrespected everywhere I go! Betrayed! I need my sword close! It's all I have! It's all that never back stabbed me or ever disrespected me" "Get your mind off that now!" Diana said sternly "I took you, because I want to help you Baiken, I see great potential in you, all you need is to be shown the right path" Baiken blackly stared at her "I was, on the right path, my own path" "A path that would have lead to your death! A twenty year old woman! Beautiful and elegant! Dead in her own pool of blood somewhere in a dark ally way!" "Then if that was my fate, then so be it" "Aah!" Diana stood up rubbing her hair "You stubborn little child!" "I was forced out of childhood at the age of fourteen" Baiken said slowly. Somehow the three with her figured that out and went silent, but Zander turned to her. "Sussa... Who did this to you? Who turned you into this... This..." "Akuma?" Baiken asked. "What the hell is an Akuma?" "It means demon, in my native tongue" Diana sat in front of her again "Listen to me, I can see clearly you have not been treated fairly" "Yes, since the age of seven I've learned noting but fighting with a sword and pleasuring a man, my mother barely taught me to read and write, I can cook some what..." "Shh" Diana said holding hef finger up, but this made Baiken glare at her "I will treat you like my daughter" "I have a mother!" "You will learn what it is to be young! You will learn what joy is!" "I know joy, I find it through sex" "Enough!" Diana shouted, she was properly angry now and to all rights Zander and Hammond never saw her this furious, but Baiken wasn't phased, she still had that glare on her face. "You ar not a thing Baiken! You are a human being" "I am aware of that! You say its wrong for me to find pleasure in..." "Yes!" "Why!? My body! My choice!" "There are other things out there that can bring you joy Baiken!" "Yes I know, like cutting down a brothel skank that ratted me out!" Diana stood up and reached over to Zander, to his dismay he saw her draw his dart gun "Diana!?" She shot Baiken in her leg making her bounce in her seat. "This! I know this..." She felt woozy "What foul ninjitsu... Is this..." Baiken said but fainted. "Bloody hell Dame Smith!" Hammond said. "Oh shutup Hammond! This girl clearly needs therapy!" "I..." Hammond chose his words and sighed "I noticed" [Rated 18 for violence, the sex in this story is not explicit]

SaberTrueno86 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs


Tachibana frowned "But, it should be an honor for you?"

"Why? Because he's my father? Or because he was a samurai? I didn't know him, he didn't play any significant role in my life, I think instead in his death he left me for the jaws of demons... I was forced to learn how to fight with a sword, and because of that I walk around with a body so bruised not even a concubine wants to use me as a sex worker"



"If you order me, I will go cut her neck for disrespecting you"

"No need, I already cut her down"

Tachibana got a smile, but Baiken wasn't finished "I was raped at first, and therefore forced to like sex, I saw no other way, and my body was marked by this man, his work on me unfinished when I fled"

"The bastard!"

"He's the least of my worries for now, Naka spilled me to the emperor, I have a huge bounty on my head that grows weekly, soon the whole of Japan will be after me... Maybe even you Hyabusa San, I doubt you can resist a high bounty like that"

Tachibana shook his head "I doubt I can disrespect your father like that"

"Well it doesn't matter, for now may I ask you to teach me ninjitsu?"

"We don't really teach outsiders, but I think we can make an exception in your case. I hope our elder will agree, I'd like to give you all the advantage you need against the demons chasing you"

"Thankyou, in return I'll keep to our agreement, I will share a bed with you tonight"

Tachibana laughed "It seems fair towards me, but you need something different to convince my elder, he will consider you a whore if you offer him the same"

Baiken clenched the sword in her hand "I'll think of something"

The two proceeded down the small mountain path almost hidden to the naked eye, until they came upon the village where Tachibana resides, it as well was hidden to a degree.

The people watched her as she passed them, she heard the whispers about her eyes, her clothes, even the sword in her left hand. Tachibana pulled a skin rag away from in the door of a wooden house, and held it open for Baiken to enter. She saw the old man sitting on a mat, the inside kept to a traditional Japanese look, but the life in the mountains were clearly an element here, fur rugs, leather screens, even rocks and leaves of some trees were used as decoration.

Baiken formally bowed at the man as Tachibana came past.

"Kurusaki sensei, this is Kazuna Baiken, the daughter of Benkei sama"

The old man bowed back "My my, so you finally arrived here"

"I was brought here by fate, it wasn't my intention to find this place Kurusaki sama"

"Indeed, fate works it's own way, are you here following in your father's footsteps?"

"No sir, I have no intention in doing that, I'm carving my own path"

"I see, a shame, but then again who are we to convince you otherwhise?"

"Thankyou for not being angry sir"

"Of course, one makes their own destiny. Is there something we can assist you with during your visit?"

"Yes, thankyou sir, I wish to learn ninjitsu to some degree, I'm willing to return the favour"

The old man stroke his white beard "What favour do you have in mind?"

She held the katana in both hands, then bent over extending it to him "Chi-Mai, my father's katana, it does hold significant value to me, but it's a burden really, too many of my father's enemies recognise it and the potential of death follows close by. I have not let it go yet because I want it somewhere safe, and I know it will be safe with you sir"

Kurusaki stood up and took the sword with both hands inspecting it.

"So this is the katana that almost won over southern Japan? It is indeed a masterpiece"

"Thankyou sir, my father would be honored"

"It is a good gift, and yes I will keep it safe, but this is merely a peace offering, I need a favour from you as well"

"Yes sir, anything"

"After the teachings of ninjitsu has been bestowed upon you, you need to go and kill a deserter"

"A deserter?"

"Yes, strangely, a girl just like you left us for her own selfish desires, and we need her either back here, or dead"

"I will do this for you sir"

"Good" Kurusaki seethed the sword and placed it on a stand along with other katanas, he then lifted a much longer one and brought it to her.

"This will be your new weapon, Kurochi-nomai, the black blood dance, as your father's blade was blood dance, this one was named such as it was the sword that ultemately defeated your father, and the one who wielded it was the deserter you need to go kill, a kunoichi named Yuna Sakura, she's a full fledged shinobi Kazuna San, and extremely dangerous. Everyone I sent after her hasn't returned, which tells me she has further bettered her skill"

"Those who went after her? Were they skilled?"

"Yes, the three ranks in my village are Genin, chunin and Jonin, Jonin is the highest rank, and Sakura is one"

Baiken started to hesitate, a woman capable of killing her father, a man who had legendary skill with a katana...

"How, long do I need to reach Jonin?"

"Ten years atleast"

"That long?"

"Unfornutely it is a very stranuos excersise to learn ninjitsu, but it's not impossible"

Baiken gave it some thought again, then looked up at Kurusaki.

"I will train here for three years, and use the experience I get in that time frame to move on"

"In that time you won't even pass genin rank?"

"I don't care much about rank, I figure I just need three ninjitsu techniques to defeat her"

Kurusaki looked at Tachibana, who shrugged.

"Very well, what do you have in mind?"

"One heavy offensive technique, an illusion technique, and one to hide my presence"

Again Kurusaki looked at Tachibana.

"I can teach her those I know" Tachibana said bowing.

"Good" Kurusaki held the katana over to her with one hand "You are from here on forward part of the Toshin kuro kosai, the black blade society, you will learn to control your chi, and the secrets you learn should die with you, do you accept?"

Baiken bowed and took the sword "I accept, master Kurusaki"