

Baiken closed her shoulder and sighed "I need to wrap my head around this" "Yes, and you have all the time in the world, now it's our turn" Diana said making Baiken look up "You wonder why we took you? Right?" "Yes, I was perfectly capable of handling myself" "And that's why we took you, you are, in essence a deadly woman, capable of killing men with firearms, using nothing but a sword" "I am aware of my capabilities" "If you somehow managed to side with Yuna, then it would have been very complicated, we saw you still had the capacity to be guided in the right direction, so we intervened" "Even if I just told you I'm capable?" "Yes, listen to me closely, the world you entered are not run by the sword and bounty hunting, there are laws protecting life, and all humans have the right to it" "All? But some deserve to die?" "No one deserves to die, only fate decides that" "Then my sword will be his fate" "No Baiken!" Diana said loudly "You're clearly not in the right mindset to live among people in normal society, you can't just fix your problems with your sword" "Kurochi-nomai! Where is it anyway!?" Baiken said not taking Diana seriously. "Kuro, chi, no what!?" Zander asked. "My katana!?" "It's safe, here on the plane, but you can't get it if you can't agree to leave your lifestyle of violence behind" Diana said. "It's there to protect me! It's my protector! Are you saying I don't even have the right to protect myself!?" "You do! But cutting down anyone who barely looks at you isn't considered self-defense" "I've been disrespected everywhere I go! Betrayed! I need my sword close! It's all I have! It's all that never back stabbed me or ever disrespected me" "Get your mind off that now!" Diana said sternly "I took you, because I want to help you Baiken, I see great potential in you, all you need is to be shown the right path" Baiken blackly stared at her "I was, on the right path, my own path" "A path that would have lead to your death! A twenty year old woman! Beautiful and elegant! Dead in her own pool of blood somewhere in a dark ally way!" "Then if that was my fate, then so be it" "Aah!" Diana stood up rubbing her hair "You stubborn little child!" "I was forced out of childhood at the age of fourteen" Baiken said slowly. Somehow the three with her figured that out and went silent, but Zander turned to her. "Sussa... Who did this to you? Who turned you into this... This..." "Akuma?" Baiken asked. "What the hell is an Akuma?" "It means demon, in my native tongue" Diana sat in front of her again "Listen to me, I can see clearly you have not been treated fairly" "Yes, since the age of seven I've learned noting but fighting with a sword and pleasuring a man, my mother barely taught me to read and write, I can cook some what..." "Shh" Diana said holding hef finger up, but this made Baiken glare at her "I will treat you like my daughter" "I have a mother!" "You will learn what it is to be young! You will learn what joy is!" "I know joy, I find it through sex" "Enough!" Diana shouted, she was properly angry now and to all rights Zander and Hammond never saw her this furious, but Baiken wasn't phased, she still had that glare on her face. "You ar not a thing Baiken! You are a human being" "I am aware of that! You say its wrong for me to find pleasure in..." "Yes!" "Why!? My body! My choice!" "There are other things out there that can bring you joy Baiken!" "Yes I know, like cutting down a brothel skank that ratted me out!" Diana stood up and reached over to Zander, to his dismay he saw her draw his dart gun "Diana!?" She shot Baiken in her leg making her bounce in her seat. "This! I know this..." She felt woozy "What foul ninjitsu... Is this..." Baiken said but fainted. "Bloody hell Dame Smith!" Hammond said. "Oh shutup Hammond! This girl clearly needs therapy!" "I..." Hammond chose his words and sighed "I noticed" [Rated 18 for violence, the sex in this story is not explicit]

SaberTrueno86 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

I will save you

She twisted on her belly, hands next to her, doing it as slowly and noiseless as possible, now she felt a better position to fly up should she need to.

The silhouette of the man lifted the pistol, then Baiken saw horrified the barrel come up flush to his chin, he wants to end himself!? No!

She was up at a heartbeat and over the gap between the beds, using his bed as a last boost leverage she had her right hand on the pistol and her left elbow collided with his head, with a violent crash they both went into the wall, Baiken's intention was to strike his head hard enough to knock him out, but he didn't even go down, so she clung to him desperately holding the pistol away.

"Baiken!" He grunted.

"You do not have the right to take it!"

"Said the fokkin one who cares not who needs to die! This is my time let go!"

"I refuse!" She yelled bringing her arm around his neck to choke him, but feeling the girth and strength in his neck muscles made her realise her one left arm will not suffice, she needed both! But her right was otherwise occupied by the pistol.

"Baiken!" He yelled again.

Her next option, rid him of the weapon!

Her left arm came round again and pushed his head sideways, the alcohol in his system now helping her with this task.

One hoist and she had her foot on his shoulder, then both hands on to pistol she drew it up hard, it was easier than she predicted and was forced to jump but landed on the bed, tumbling to her feet on the other side.

He came upright, they couldn't see each other's eyes, but they stared into the silhouettes of their faces, creating glares with their minds.

"Give it back" he said.

She looked at to pistol trembling in her hand, then shook her head.

He grunted taking the bottle of whiskey and left the room.

'Where to now?' She thought, the gun is here, surely he has no means to commit sepukku any longer, is it seppuku when you shoot yourself? She couldn't trust him!

She ducked sliding to pistol under the bed then left as well, in the hall she found him stumbling and dashed past him, blocking his way now.


"You drink that stuff... Its poison! Stop drinking it!"

He gave her a smirk and lifted the bottle upside down to his mouth, but in a flash she had it, the spray of whiskey over him and the hall as she jerked it away, then a toss, hoping it finds a hard wall somewhere, to her dismay she heard the 'clunk' of a wood table and the bottle ended whole on the carpet.

"You stubborn bitch" he said leering at her.

"Look at yourself! Stubbornness will be found in your reflection!"

He wanted to walk past her but she blocked him again.

"Move, I'm warning you"

"Empty threats, maybe not under the influence of that poison you would have managed to overthrow my small frame, but now I'm afraid you stand no chance"

"You think?" He said and moved in, but with a quick slip Baiken was under his legs, her silk sleepwear aiding her smoothly over the carpet, she was up behind him, her bare foot stepped the wall and up, aiming for his head her foot swung, she struck and he went down head first into the opposite wall.

That should have done it but Baiken felt her adrenaline surge when he got up again.

"Now youre pissing me off"

"Another empty threat" she said, feeling a need for more striking power she thought of something quick, he came in and swung but she effortlessly avoided, that kick from the wall again but like a capoera dancer she brought both legs together and swung backwards, both heels connected with the side of his face, all Baiken in that split second hoped for was a solid wall to finish the job, but that loud hollow 'Thunk' made him leave a dent in a door.

He groanded and got up again


"Baiken! Stop this nonsense!"

"I refuse! I will... I will save you!"

"Save me from what!?"


He blinked, Baiken saw a split second reason about him and used it to launch, the double leg capouera kick was now her most powerful attack, she barely had it down and figured but its all she felt she had against his larger frame.

She double jumped and twisted, her legs met and came around, but to her dismay he caught her in his arms like a child, feeling in the clutches of danger she twisted, his hands already clasped her nightwear but she tore out of it sending buttons scattering with only her slacks still on, topless she faced him again.

Zander blinked turning away, she couldn't believe even with the poison in him he still showed a lick of respect, but that's the opening she was waiting for, she was off the wall again for altitude, a forward thrust aiming for the door behind I'm, her heel polowed through his face, finally making him crumble.

She glanced up and down the hall, there where no spectators, quickly she grabbed his legs and dragged him back to the room, then came to collect her silk top and closed the door behind her.

She stood breathless looking down at him, what a man, he was stronger than Tachibana, stronger than Yamamoto, his sheer strength had her hot, and she wanted him between her legs, but now? He was rather pathetic.

She put the top over her shoulders again but realised it can't be closed in front, so she allowed it to hang, thinking she'll do the rest with her hands.

The next morning she rose by the noises of his groaning, he sat up and held his head, Baiken watched him cautiously from behind.

"What, the fok happened? It feels like I got hit by a truck?" He said rising to his feet, he turned to find her standing behind her bed, that maroon clothes she had on button less, exposing a beautiful amount of skin from her neck all the way to het navel.

"Are you cured?" She asked ignoring his eyes on her chest.


"Of the poison!?"

"Poison!? I was poisoned!?" He panicked feeling his stomach.

"No, that stuff, alcohol, its poison!"

Zander can't remember her calling it that last night, but he did recall that top coming off, and in the wooziness of his drunk vision he saw her up close for the first time, bare, and she was beyond words. That time in the van the camera attached to Diana's button didn't have good quality, the screen of that van not bigger than a slice of bread, even so he did look away none the less.

"I, I'm sorry I got drunk last night"

"Drunk, so that's what you call it?"

He took his hand away from his throbbing temple "I only remember fragments of what happened?"

She folded her arms but Zander realised she was angry enough not to notice her accidentally push that top slightly apart, the top of her breasts now snug pushed up by her arms.

"You attempted to commit sepukku!"