
Shinobi Squad From Hell

What would happen when a squad from the world of Kenshi suddenly appears in the world of Naruto? What would a group of survivor and dishonoured warriors do against Shinobis and powerful clans? Going from cannibals, beasts and a post-apocalyptic world to a land at war but with vibrant life has never been easier! Uchiha? Senju? Hyuuga? None of the above! The strength of the Sheks will prevail. They have Madara Uchiha? We have Beep! Join the incredible adventures of an out-of-the-ordinary group in uncharted lands where life is worth little and nothing! Watch as no names rise to become Lords and a powerful dynasty is established. ---- What? You aren't convinced yet? This novel will have ninjas and cool wars! And most importantly, BEEP! *** Expect grammar mistakes. The cover is not mine, I find it on the web. Naruto and all it's characters don't belong to me, all rights reserved to it's author. The characters and elements from Kenshi belongs to it's rightful author and Lo-Fi Games. *[THIS IS A SLOW-PACED NOVEL WITH A FEW ELEMENTS OF SLICE OF LIFE, IF YOU EXPECT TO SHIT HIT THE FAN SOON, please just go read something else, I'm sure there's tons of works here made from my fellow authors that would fit with your taste.]* Additional Tags: [Mature][Polygamy][Kingdom-Building][Netori][Seinen]

Xerstoren · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs


"Would you mind explaining to us about the local villages, towns and cities? We don't really know where are we currently stepping on." I asked first.

Asa looked towards Otto, motioning him to answer the question.

The old man swiftly answered "You see this is the Tsumate Village, there are not any nearby village since this is the southernmost village before the great forest begin, but we're nearby the town calle Black Fire, which is the main hub point for the rest of villages around it, there are several of them, just like this village, do you wish to know the name of each one of them?"

He asked with raised brows, probably knowing that doing such thing would take time.

"Are they worth mentioning?" I asked with a nonchalant expression.

"Well, it depends, if you are a merchant like me, then surely they are worth of speaking, after all each village does sell something worth sometimes-" I didn't let him continue and said to him.

"Just continue with the towns and cities in that case."

He nodded and continue "Well, Black Fire Town is a frontier town, is it meant to be used to expand the domains of the Daimyo Saku. Who controls other three towns and one city, which could be said to be the capital of this nation, The Forest Nation."

Finally a name that could be work with, though I was sure I never heard of it before.

"Following the path towards the other town that is nearby, is The Crimson Wood Town. Which is the second biggest on these lands and it's also the main point where the majority of troops are stationed." Before Otto continue with his explanation, I cut him off with a question.

"How far are these two towns that you mentioned?" I was interested knowing the amount of time that it would take us to reach such places.

Otto hummed in acknowledge and answered "Black Fire Town should be at two days of carriage pace. Four by marching standard. While the Crimson Wood Town is at five days in carriage, eight at marching pace."

'So they aren't that far.' I thought to myself while remembering how the distances back in our world could easily take one to two days to cover while running without stop.

"How often do you travel to these places?" Suddenly the monotonous voice of Syntax could be heard, taking everyone's attention.

Otto seemed a little bit surprised but answered nonetheless "Two times per month, at the very least, I can only bring with me so much food before we need it once again."

Hearing his words, Syntax nodded and said to him "If that's the case, we would like to accompany you the next time, take our custody as a form of payment."

Not only Otto but all of us were completely dumbfounded by his words, I couldn't help but frown deeply and throw him a glare, that he allegedly ignore.

Otto looked at Asa and Minami with stupor, only to recover himself with a wry smile and answer to him "Well, it seems like the next time I'll be in your care Mr..." He looked over my tin-teammate with a expecting gaze.

"Syntax, my name is Syntax." The latter simply answered back.

Otto nodded his head and continue "I'll be in you're and your companions care, Mr. Syntax." He then looked back at me and questioned "Are you perhaps planning to sell your swords at the Daimyo?"

I looked briefly at Syntax and then glanced back at Otto "We're in need of certain resources, so we would like to see if we can obtain them while also gaining more information of other places."

I really didn't mind telling him that, since it wouldn't have to seem strange to him to begin with.

In addition, since he is a merchant, it is very likely that he knew where we could get copper, iron and other types of resources that we needed.

"Oh I see, well if you need help with anything else, I could surely lend you a hand." Otto said amiably at us with a kind smile.

I smiled at him back while thanking him.

Before any of us could say anything, Asa raised her voice and asked "Excuse me, but do you have a place to stay? Since you mentioned that you're travellers, I don't think you have somewhere to stay and relax."

Hearing her question, Minami quickly opened her eyes and throw a look at Asa, while seemingly poking at her ribs with her elbow.

"Well, we're certainly looking for a place to stay, but we're managing currently on the woods."

I couldn't help but also raise a brow at her question while answering her with an interest tone on my voice, curious about what could she possibly want "Do you perhaps have something in mind?"

Hearing my question, Asa grinned softly and nodded her head "Indeed, since your group would need to travel in a couple of days, why don't you stay and also help around here? There are various houses that are abandoned that could accommodate your team."

Otto keep looking towards the front with a complicated expression on his face, while Manami thrown away any kind of facade and looked at Asa as if she was crazy.

However the lady seemed unfazed and continue "Although I can't offer you food, you would have a roof under your head, and we can help you with any other thing that you might need. All I'm asking in exchange is for your group to take care of any threat."

Finishing her words, I kept my gaze on her. However, Asa remained stoic in front of not only my eyes, but my entire group, along with Minami.

'I can't deny that this solves all our problems and also provides us with an extra advantage, we will be able to interact with all the villagers.' I thought to myself as a smile formed on my face.

Looking sideways at Minami's worried expression, I replied, "It really is a hard offer to refuse, mostly because when we first discovered this village it was our first idea."

I paused briefly and then continue "You don't have to worry about the food, since we've had ours to begin with. Though a few things needs to be said before I can agree with your proposal."

Asa motioned me to continue with a small nod and a smile.

"Each one of my group members are... Different than you and me, I won't delve too deep into the matter but I hope any of you respect their privacy and don't enter each of their houses when isn't required or mentioned by them." I said to her while taking into account their possible reaction to their appearance.

The three of them seemed surprised at my request, while taking a brief glance at the rest of them "You can be sure of that Ryuuji-san. I'll make sure no one bother any of you." Asa assured me after a moment.

I tapped on the table while saying "Good, now another thing is, throughout these days we would like to continue learning everything you know, everything. If any information you mention is useful, we won't mind lending at hand in exchange."

This point was mostly because I wanted to make sure that everyone could be prepared for whatever might destiny thrown at us, we didn't wanted to say or do something that could potentially led to our death.

"Isn't that what we're doing right now?" I heard Minami muttering under her breath while Asa accepted the second point.

"No, we're not doing that, what we've had been doing prior to all this trade was receiving geographical information. What my boss is requesting right now is complete information to all kinds of stuff." Syntax answered at Minami, not letting her out of the hook.

He continue "Like for example, things like the current year, month, where can we find granite and bronze." I cut him short with a gesture of my hand as I didn't wanted him to move the focus of the conversation towards that direction.

After all, the meeting was bound to last for a long time.

"Now that we have agree with each of our points, I want to warn you that this agreement would last until we leave this place. We don't have the need to head your call if something happens in our absence." I looked at Asa and saw her smile faltering for the first time.

She looked at me eyes for a moment with a complicated expression, until she nodded slowly her head.

Seeing this, I smiled and moved my hand across the table, motioning her for a handshake "In that case, I hope our short-term partnership may be eventful and rewarding for each side."

Asa shaked my hand "I do hope the same Ryuuji-san, Tsumate Village would surely benefit from your stay here."

'So soft.' I thought to myself briefly at the feeling of her hand.

After sealing our deal, we continue with the questions for three more hours, until both sides agreed to pause for the lunch. I sent Manin for Toro so not only he could bring our food and belongings, but also to have our beast companion in the nearby.

After both of them returned, we sat down to eat while updating Manin and Masaru on the situation, along with the new information we obtained.

To everyone's little surprise, this world was in a state of complete war. Tens if not hundreds of small, fragmented nations were fighting among themselves for power and supremacy over one another.

According to Otto and Asa, hundreds of Daimyo's were fighting among themselves at the same time that they not only sent hundreds and thousands of soldiers to their death, but dozens of groups of mercenaries also acted at their call.

Forming a true hell for all ordinary people. Even this village, which was far away from any kind of war front, was affected by bandits in the past.

Each nation was being infected not only by bandits and thieves, who acted rampantly under the poor actions of the rulers who did not have time to interfere in the security of their lands.

If not also by individuals who, according to Otto, Asa and Minami, acted openly under the banners of their clans.

These clans seem to be fearsome forces, each Daimyo doing it's best to have under his call at least one of these clans, who provide the rulers of their shinobi.

Individuals of immense power that no ordinary person could face. And that in case of facing and defeating one of these. There was a risk of receiving retribution from the clan to which they belonged.

These Shinobi were highly trained individuals that could call the forces of nature under their might. Something which greatly concerned me as a certain memory from Thomas came to my mind while hearing their explanation.

Something that I really hope with all my heart that wasn't the truth. Because in the event of it being certain, then that would mean that not only we were in a deathly world that was by many magnitudes worse than Kenshi, but we were throughoutly -fucked.

Sadly, before I was able to ask two questions that for surely would answer my doubts, we have to pause the meeting for the lunch.

Seeing my concerned expression, Syntax asked me "What is it Ryuuji? You still have that long face since you heard what these shinobi's are capable of."

Syntax question made the entire squad pay attention to us.

"I'm a little bit worried of the scope of power these people can have, I mean, we're coming from a place that it was tough enough, but if this place and these people are anything like my imagination is thinking, then we have a lot to concern about." I answered at him and my team truthfully.

I didn't want for them to take any of this with ease, more so if my fears were real. If Thomas memories are anything to go by, then not only could these shinobi's could defeat us in a matter of seconds, but their existence and abilities would complicate a lot of things for us.

With infiltration being the least of our worries.

Of course right now why would they do such thing? But I was thinking mostly in the future, when we have already established ourselves. Then it would be more real the threat that these kind of families could become.

"You don't need to worry too much boss, if those guys didn't took the power for the normal Daimyo's until now, then we can surely work around them." Seto's voice put me out of my thoughts as she said this with a goofy smile.

I heard Syntax humming in agreement while he added "Indeed, and we can also always gather enough currency to buy not only information but maybe get ourselves someone to teach us some sort of arts or countermeasures against these people. There's a reason after all these people keep working under normal people."

I nodded my head half-heartedly, knowing that whatever I might say, wouldn't change their own views until they saw it by themselves.

'Maybe seeing one of these people in battle will give them an idea of what I'm talking about.' I thought to myself while reminding of the memory of Thomas.

A memory where only a man was able to decimate an entire army of shinobi's, not only with his fighting technique, but with his abilities and his eyes.

And I was sure that none on my team would be able to face one of the fodder that died under that man hands.

"Don't worry boss, Beep would surely beat these shinobi's! I was able to beat the Shinobi guild leader last time and I will surely beat these other too! Beep is the strongest swordman after all!" Beep patted my shoulder with his hand while trying to cheer me up.

I slapped his hand away as the bastard was only cleaning his grassy hand after eating a fish, "Clean your hand with your own clothes damn it!" I shout at him while the squad laughed at me.

After finishing our lunch, we returned once again to Asa's house, we were eating in one of the abandoned houses after all, as we didn't wanted to make any of the villager more uncomfortable than they already were.

After returning to or previous seats, I was able to see that Minami seemed more calm while Asa left a jug of water with various cups around. Meanwhile Otto was trying to clean his beard from the left over of his food.

"Now, before going to lunch you were speaking about these clans, tell me what you know about them, the more noticeable clans and in what type of situations these guys step into the fray." I didn't diddle around and asked directly.

Surprisingly it was Minami once again that answered me, like most of the conversation around these clans "Well you already know how they are employed, but the reason these clans are so tightly shut and regarded so high is because of their techniques, that could only be learnt from them and by being one of them. These techniques vary greatly from one of another, and they could potentially do everything you could imagine, from taking one's identity to powers that could destroy entire armies."

The serious look she was giving while the uptight atmosphere around Asa and Otto, let us know how much these people respected these shinobi's.

"There are many clans that are renowned, but in our nation the Ayate Clan is the one in power. There are other minor clans around that worked with them under the Daimyo Saku power, but they don't cooperate with each other that much."

As Minami finished saying this, I couldn't hold any longer and asked her "So you're a clan member too, right?"

And immediately I saw not only her but Asa and Otto froze on their seat. Making me grin a little bit while continuing "I was wondering when we first sat here why was she around, Lady Asa is the village chief wife and Otto is the local merchant so it makes sense why they would sit with us, but you? I wasn't really able to think of a reason but after all these talks regarding the clans and the deep knowledge that you seem to have about them, it all clicked to me."

Minami seemed to gulp down a bug as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Both Asa and Otto looked at her with clear worry on their faces.

"Hatsune-san if you want we can take it from here on..." Asa said to her in a low voice while grasping Minami's hand.

The latter just shook her head and gazed at me "I am indeed a member of a clan." She admitted herself while pausing briefly, letting out a deep breath she seemed to relax and continue "However, I run away from my family with my husband, we didn't wanted to have such life for our children's. I wished for them to have a normal childhood, away from the horrors I've been through. So I hope you all can maintain this knowledge within the confines of this house."

For a brief moment, I saw the same haunting eyes I was so accustomed to see in the deserts of Kenshi, those eyes of tormented people that only wished for a moment of peace.

Something that I also wished to have once and wished to have now.

Due to that, I tried to give my kindest smile while reassuring her "Don't worry, what you shared with us won't leave this place. You have given to us valuable information that I'm sure it would have take us a lot of effort to get in other scenarios."

As I was saying that, it was almost palpable the curiosity that Syntax was feeling currently, and how much he was holding back from starting launching rounds of questions at her.

Minami smiled at my words and acknowledge "Yes, that would have been the case, although I'm sure you would be abe to gather some information, it would have cost you a good amount of coins. Not many were able to see what shinobi's are capable of, and those who did, are mostly death."

It did make a lot of sense, they were most likely the last resort any Daimyo would want to use. Their triumph card.

"In any case, if you're a mercenary, it is most likely you will face other mercenary groups and normal soldiers, shinobi's are only deployed in certain situations, such as false flags, sabotaging, assassinations and against other shinobi's." She continue with her explanation.

"So your group doesn't need to worry too much about meeting them, if anything the more dangerous clans are the hardest to pay, so not many Daimyos are able to afford them." As she finished saying this, she grabbed a cup and drink the water.

"But aren't normal clans also dangerous?" Syntax couldn't help but answer her back, seemingly confused at her previous words.

Minami gulped down the water and answered him "Of course they are, any normal shinobi can destroy the majority of mercenaries or other highly trained forces, thanks to chakra we can achieve feats that not amount of normal training can achieve or dream to contest against."

She then paused herself briefly, seeming to recall something "Well, there are certain people that are able to not only hold their ground against normal shinobi, but also best them in battle, but they are samurai's under the various Daimyos power. I can't say too much about them since I only know little bits of information of them." She looked at us with a wry smile.

I waved my hand in dismissal "It doesn't matter, we can get more information later on." Then adjusted my position while sitting with my body inclining forward, putting my most serious face I asked her "What do you know about the Senju and Uchiha?"

I took the risk by asking this since I saw that she didn't talk before of any other clans aside from the Ayate. Not only by asking this I was blowing our alibi, but if Manami does answered it, I was bound to be interrogate by my squad later on.

And just like I was fearing, Manami's face morphed in surprise, then in a deep frown while she eyed me with a wary gaze.

I instinctively move my hand to the grip of my katana after I knew this woman was a Shinobi.

Otto's and Asa's faces also morphed in surprise and distrust after hearing my question.

"How do you know about them?" The plain tone in Manami's question was palpable for everyone, as I felt my squad tensing up and getting ready to jump at the minimum action.

I looked directly at her eyes and answered "It doesn't matter, just tell me what you know about them." Various words passed through my head while other scenarios with different phrasing were being simulate in my mind.

Manami remained silent for a minute almost, constantly looking at my eyes. She slowly opened her mouth and said "Only big nations employs them, they are two of the most dangerous clans after all, but I guess you must know that since from wherever you came from, their reputation was able to reach."

I didn't payed more attention to her as something else made me gulp down in nervousness and resignation.

'We're actually in the world of Naruto.' The realization send shivers down my spine, more so knowing that we seemed to be far away from any cannon or whatever point of the story that I could use at my advantage from the recollection of memories that Thomas has after reading the manga.

Letting out a deep breath, I felt not only myself but the entire room relaxing a little bit but from different reasons. 'At least this is not the universe of Warhammer as I first thought.' I said to myself in relaxation.

Meanwhile the other people relaxed after seeing my serious look disappear from my face and seemingly lost myself in thoughts. Something that didn't went unnoticed by Manami, who looked at me with strangeness.

However, just after I relaxed a little bit and I was about to speak with Minami, something stuck on the front of my mind.

' But I was saved by the emperor...' I didn't let my mind wander in the direction that my head was implying. There were more pressing matters to talk at the moment.

"Well I only heard a few vague stories from such people, I was curious after all. Anyways, what other things should we need to worry about?" I tried to divert the conversation to another focus while trying to tame my wild thoughts as I heard Otto explaining a few more things absentmindedly.

I received the answers I needed and much more, a cold water reminder that my present was more dangerous than I first thought.

That this third life of mine wouldn't be so easy as I first thought and that there was a reason why the Emperor's gave me another chance.

It is time to take charge of my destiny and prepare myself not only for the fate of this world, but for the machinations of the one who put me here in the first place.

It is time to write the first page on my history in this world.

3.9k words!

sorry if there's not corrections since I wasn't able to write yesterday due to work!

I'm going to try and see if I can write two chapters today before sleeping since I have to work early tomorrow.

I hope you enjoy my work and don't doubt to leave a comment and a power stone!

Cya soon.

Xerstorencreators' thoughts