
Shining Darkness

In a post apocalyptic world where the human race is in danger of going extinct. Join our hero as he and his friends fight for their survival against human and alien foes alike

Wevara · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Chapter 8 Overide

Lex was lying on his bed starring at the ceiling. Well actually he was starring at his system screen.


Override countdown progress >>> 98.7%

Override countdown progress >>> 99.6%

Override countdown progress >>> 99.9%

Override complete

System reboot initiated....


An intense amount of pain invaded every cell in Lex's body . He felt like his body was being cut from the inside. The pain got too intense and he eventually passed out. While Lex was unconscious, unbeknownst to him his whole body was changing. All the cells in his body where breaking down only to instantly reform.

His hair changed from red to pitch black to snow white before going back to red again. It also grew longer as it now reached his lower back. Other than the hair nothing else about his body changed.

Lex woke up to a splitting headache but it got better after he drank some water. He tried to remember what happened but could not recall anything. He even forgot feeling any pain . As he turned his head to look at the time he realized that he had passed out for about 2 hours. A strand of his hair flew in in his face "Hmm that's weird" he said while moving it behind his ear.

'System on'

{ Reboot successful }


Name : Lex Black

Race : ?????

Rank : 1

Force : 2/2

Strength : 13

Speed : 8

Endurance : 6

Mind : 3

Elements : Fire ; Darkness ; Light.

Fire element -> Lvl 1.

Darkness element -> Lvl 0.

Light element -> Lvl 0.

Skills: None


"Huh , Adam was right it really is like a game " Lex murmured. He could understand some stuff from the screen 'Force must be how much 'Force' energy i have left , but what does 'Mind' mean ?' Lex's attention was then puled towards the elements part of the screen.

"Ok then my system is broken , what on earth is this ? Darkness , Light ?." The world only had 4 elements , Light and darkness where definitely not part of them.

Lex wondered if he should ask Ms Laura tomorrow about this but he decided to try something first.

He took his phone and dialed a number. "Yo Adam can you do me a favor"

'Sure bro whatcha need?'

"Can you pull up your system real quick and tell me what you see"Lex requested.

'This is the second time you are asking me about this Lexus, im getting worried'

"It's nothing serious i just wanna compare some stuff"

'Ok get a paper and pen , i'll describe it for you "

Lex sat on his study table and began writing down Adam's system.


Name : Adam Jones

Race : Human

Rank : 1

Force : 12/12

Element : Fire -> Lvl 2

Skills: None


Lex could immediately spot the differences between the two systems. The most obvious one was that Adam's system actually made some sense. He knew what everything on Adam's system meant . Lex was though surprised to see the numbers, Adam had 12 Force while he himself had only 2. "I guess this is what Ms Laura meant by that Adam is a genius."

Lex didn't know how much stronger Adam was , but he did remember Laura saying he was the strongest in the class.

"My perculiar system must be effects of the override ....." Lex then noticed something he had ignored when he first opened his screen "Why the hell are there question marks next to my race , Am i not human?"

Lex felt his headache coming back "I need something for this pain " He walked over to his cupboard and took a look inside. " And I'm out of pain killers , i better go get buy some more" " Where did i put that student card again? " " Oh yeah there it is ." He said as he put on his black hoodie walking towards the door. "Almost forgot to lock" , he said as he turned the key into the door. "I should most probably stop talking to myself right about now ." he chuckled.

Lex decided to run to the store.It was only about 700 meters away and he liked the feeling of the night air blowing against his face as he ran. Two minutes after running at full speed Lex realized that he was not feeling the usual drawbacks of running. He was not at all out of breath and he even felt as if he could speed up . "Let's try this out " Lex accelerated and tried to put his body to its limit.

His red hair blew in the wind as he ran as fast as he ever had in his life. A smile appeared on his face as he had never felt so free , he felt like he could run forever. However he had to stop as he had arrived at the 24 hour convenient store .

"A pack of instant painkillers please" he said as he handed his card to the guy in the shop"

"Lex right ? "A feminine voice resounded from behind him.

Lex turned, only to to see the dim yellow lights of the convenience store illuminating the most beautiful girl he ever saw. Her long hair seemed to create a glowing green halo which further illuminated her figure. Time seemed to stop for Lex as he felt his heart beating backwards.

"Hey are you ok ?" she asked after seeing Lex's flushed face.

"Yes ! hie I'm Linda I mean you're fine , no I'm Lex you're Linda and im fine hie " he stammered

"Hey kid get your stuff" The worker in the store called.

Lex turned to take his pills with quick thank you "Some advice for you kid, don't be yourself" the man tease whispered.

Lex turned to face Linda again after a deep breath. "Headache?" Linda asked pointing at the pills.

"Yeah a little bit " Lex answered , a little nervous as it was his first time talking to Linda alone.

"Do you think it has something to do with the systems ? cause i also have one"

"Could be im not sure , but Ms Laura should have told us of side effects right ? " Lex answered

"I guess we will ask her tomorrow then "


An awkward silence ensued between the two. "I gotta go ,see you later , Lex " Linda said as she began to walk away

"See ya" Lex muttered as he walked home

When Lex left , the man in the store took out his phone and dialed a number.

"Boss you said to tell you if i hear something, two kids came to the store, they where talking about systems"

A man's voice came from the other end "So the school went ahead with the system program, this could be a problem. Good work soldier keep me posted."

Lex was walking home contemplating about how he looked like a fool in front of Linda when a man in a black suit blocked his path.

"Greetings Lex Black , please follow me " the stranger said.

"Who are you , how do you know my name and why would i follow you" Lex asked backing away , he was ready to run.

"I can answer all your questions with one sentence"

"I work for your father."