
Shining Darkness

In a post apocalyptic world where the human race is in danger of going extinct. Join our hero as he and his friends fight for their survival against human and alien foes alike

Wevara · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
52 Chs

Chapter 7 Systems

'_What just happened?'_ were the thoughts filling the minds of everyone who saw the crystal breaking. Ms Laura was even more surprised, but she suppressed her reaction.

"We need a replacement orb in class 4A4" Ms Laura said into her sleeve before turning towards the confused class. "The 'Element identifier' was probably damaged after evaluating the power of the entire class". She lied , the orbs where rank 3 devices. Laura knew very well that it was impossible for the students to damage those devices only rank 2 or higher Cultivators could even scratch them.

However she saw the confusion and worry on Lex's face and she didn't want to add to that worry. "A new orb is coming in a few minutes, Lex you will try again, go sit down for the meantime.

Before Lex could even wonder what happened, the last of the four scientists entered with a new orb in his hands, which he promptly gave to Laura.

"Ohh that was fast" she commented before thanking the man.

"Come try again Lex" As Lex prepared to do the test again, Ms Laura was secretly crossing her fingers behind her back. Lex's hands where shaking. No one has ever failed to awaken an element before so Lex was not worried before, but after the orb broke he started to doubt himself. He didn't believe for a second what Ms Laura said about the orb being damaged.

His shaking hands touched the orb and at first nothing happened, the orb didn't react. After a few seconds though, the crystal started to change colour and a sigh of relief escaped Lex's mouth. However he was soon surprised to see the colour.

The orb started to glow a reddish orange colour before

turning red. Lex was confused. '_Was i wrong? did mom or dad actually have red hair ?_'

One person in the class was too excited though "Wooo ! Yes! Flame brothers" Lex did not need to turn to realize who those words came from.

With his newly acquired red hair floating in the wind coming through an open window. Lex went to sit on his seat next to his 'flame brother'.

"I can't believe this dude this is great, we have the same power!" Adam said happiness oozing from himself.

"Yah , i also can't believe it "Lex said , really not believing how he got the fire element.

Ms Laura waved her hand as soon as the four scientists left , and this time small silver round objects the size of pills flew out of her sleeve. The students at first thought that they were pills but soon threw that idea out the window when they held up the spheres close to their eyes.

"Before you ask , those things are called systems , and i will explain what they are once you eat them." Laura explained but she seemed off for some reason.

"Mrs Laura we trust you as our teacher and everything but exactly what are 'systems' ? we can't just eat something we don't know about, especially something which clearly has wires inside." A student said while looking at the pill shaped object in his palm

"Its something that will help you control your powers " Laura replied in a hurry. Lex was now sure that it had something to do with the pill in his hands , but he also knew that their teacher would never intensionally hurt them.

After hearing it would make them stronger the students immediately ate the pills . '_Whats the worst that could happen?_' he thought as he gulped down.

"Don't be scared at what you will see " Ms Laura tried to warn them but none of the students even heard her as they where all staring at something in the air.



"Please wait a few minutes for the counter to reach 100% " Laura directed.The children where not even that surprised as Virtual reality was a common thing , but they all felt that this was different.



{Initialization complete}

{Confirming Host}

{Host confirmed

Name : Lex Black

Race : Error

Element: Error * Error√÷¶∆°¥€× Error@#_&$Err..&+#

System detected ><>>π√•

System overide initiated

Override countdown progress >>> 1%

Override countdown progress >>> 1.6%

Override countdown progress >>> 2.1%


'_What the f.... is this?_' Lex thought '_is it supposed to say that?_'Lex was snapped out of his thoughts by Ms Laura.

"In front of you is what we call a system screen , and just like the games you play it show you your stats , right now your screen should be showing you your name , Race , Element and Force.

Lex was confused , his screen did not correspond to what he was being told but a knock arrived at the door before he could ask Ms Laura about his system. Laura went and spoke to someone at the door before coming back to face the class "I have been summoned somewhere important so we will continue this tomorrow, you guys are dismissed"

"Wait Ms Laura how do we turn it off ?" Michael shouted.

"Oh yeah just say 'System off' in your mind and it will disappear , say 'System on' and it will appear." Laura answered as she left through the door.

"Hey Adam what is your system saying ?" Lex inquired his friend.

"Just like Ms Laura said , why you asking? "

"Nah is nothing just forget about it"

"Bro is there something wrong with your system?" Adam asked suspicious of Lex's behavior.

"It's nothing Adam don't worry about it alright"

"You sure"?

"Positive" Lex tried to reassure him.

"If you say so bro , let's go home im starving."

Meanwhile Laura was again inside Mr Brown's office.

"Report on the awakening and system project Laura, did everything go well?" Mr Brown asked

"For the systems sir we will not know until tomorrow morning, the systems have yet to completely fuse with the brain" Ms Laura sighed. She felt bad knowing most of her students would not wake up the next day.

"As for the awakening ceremony, it was a complete success we even have a few good talents.... even if they might die tonight" she murmured the last line.

"Great then you are excused" Mr Brown pretended not to hear Laura's last line

"Although something weird did happen sir. The crystal we where using broke as i was evaluating the last student ,but we quickly got a new one"

Mr Brown looked up at Laura in surprise

A new one ? how did you get a new crystal?"

"I called the lab and a new crystal was brought in , is there a problem?" She asked

"The school only received 10 orbs meant for 10 classrooms and there where no extras I'm sure of that."

Laura was confused "Then where did that crystal come from?"

"That's what i am wondering, who gave you the new one anyway?" Mr Brown enquired

"One of the four scientists who where overlooking the test".She replied

One of Mr Brown's hand removed his glasses while the other rubbed his eyes

"Laura only 3 men where assigned to your class" He revealed

"Then where did that other scientist come from"

"And where did he get that orb".