
Shining Bright

A story about Alexander. After he gets The Sun's blessing, he begins his path in becoming strong in order to protect the dear ones.

TudorC · Fantasy
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2 Chs


Grandpa looked at the kids and asked "Any more questions?" This time, the oldest of the group, Chuck, rised his hand. The old man lightly smiled and pointed at him. Seeing that, Chuck didn't hesitate "Grandpa, are people from other planets strong?"

Hearing his question Grandpa frowned massaging his chin "Very strong, Chuck. If we take the most powerful entity from Eden, on Hatum this entity will be like ordinary person. I don't even dare to compare to people from Heaton, there an ant will be enough to kill us."

"So powerfull!" Kids marveled. Larian, who was a bit younger than Chuck couldn't help but ask, unwillingness on his face, "Why Grandpa, why are they more powerful than us?"

Grandpa seems to anticipate this question and answered directly "Because of the Sun's blessings." Then he looked at them and seen confusion in their eyes. He sighed and said "Our Sun emits light particles, these are called blessings. These blessings give people unbelievable power. Heaton, being closer to the Sun, it naturally gets more blessings from it. With distance particles dissipate. In other words, the further it is from the Sun the fewer blessings. We are on the ninth planet, the farthest planet from the Sun, so its natural that we are the weakest one."

Hearing this kids became dejected. Grandpa looked at them and grinned "But it doesn't mean that there is no chance."

Kids became restless. "Tell us Grandpa, tell us!"

Old man looked at them, proud of himself "You need to train more, much more than your peers on other planets. You need to break through your limits and never stop in your path to become strong. If childs on other planets are five times more powerful than you, you train five times harder. If they beat you don't be dejected, use them to become stronger. Pressure is the best motivator. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Kids looked at Grandpa with a decisive expression. Alexander was very intelligent for his years. He had golden hair, very unusual in contrast to his peers. His blue eyes sparkled, he raised his hand and said "Grandpa, I want to be strong!"

Hearing this Grandpa laughed "Very strong?"

Alexander was excited, with a playful expression he said "Very, very strong!"

"Why do you want to be strong?" Grandpa asked.

"To protect myself and my parents." Alexander said with his cute voice.

The old man was surprised. He made a gesture toward Alexander. The young kid got up and started to walk to Grandpa. He walked so like he was about to fall and you felt like you need to support him, but he made it in the end.

Grandpa said laughing "Good child, your parents will be proud of you!" Alexander also laughed playfully with his slightly flushed cheeks. He then came back to his place among the group.

Grandpa then looked at them and said "Now lets start!"

They were in a cave. Cave's darkness was removed by a warm stake. Somewhere in the deepest part of the cave drops of water were falling on the rocks. Grandpa exited the cave with the group of kids. Once they exited the cave they appeared in a green lush forest. Ancient trees were everywhere with a heigh of more than 100 meters.

In the distance there was a big volcano. Rivers of lava were flowing from the volcano, it was an active volcano. Light earthquakes were felt near it. Near volcano there was a big city. Everybody would say that the city is too close to volcano, but no, it was established like its very life depends on it. The cone of the volcano throwed hot lava and rocks in direction of the city. It looks like the city is in danger but an invisible dome stopped them. The city had a metallic shade like it was build from volcanic rocks. The city's name was Manta.

The group of kids and an old man exited the forest and walked to the volcano. After 10 minutes they were 100 meters from the volcano, separated by a big river of lava. It seemed like there is no way to traverse it but Grandpa made a gesture and light particles flied towards lava river. At the beginning there was no reaction, but 10 seconds later from the depths of the river appeared a narrow path made from rocks.

"Cough, cough..."

The old man coughed loudly and had a pale look.

"Grandpa, what happened? Are you alright?" asked kids with worry in their eyes.

"I'm alright, I'm not like I was used to be in my prime. Lets not stop." He looked at the group and said with a serious expression "Follow me, walk where I walk and listen only to me." Kids nodded and followed him step by step.

The path was narrow and you could see lava boiling and emanating toxic gas, but the gas was repeled by an invisible force coming from Grandpa.

On the other side there was a big cave with two big torches at entrance. Kids with the old man entered the cave. After 5 minutes of walking they have seen a big altar. Before the altar there was a circular platform.

Grandpa looked at the kids and said "You all, besides Alexander, walk to the platform."

Alexander looked like he was treated unfair but Grandpa said "You are too young. Only if you are six or more you can train here. Training here now would put your life in danger. What I would tell your parents if you die?" He then looked at the platform and said "You can start the training."

Hearing Grandpa, everybody sat in lotus position and began meditating. Grandpa made a gesture with his hands and the cave somewhat changed. In the superior part of the cave there was a hole and in this hole you could see the Sun. The Sun emanated faint blessings towards the platform where were the kids. A faint particle aproached Chuck and he tried to absorb it, but he failed. Absorbing blessings from the Sun was very tough for people from Eden. It was no wonder that Chuck failed absorb it. Similar situation was seen with other kids as well. Later, Larian was meditating and a faint blessing aproaches him, the faint blessing touched his body. Beads of sweat were on Larian's forehead. His will was firm and after 10 minutes he absorbed it, enduring a terrible pain. Once he absorbed it, his aura began to change a bit, it became more pure and, at the same time, more powerful. From him now spread a pressure that acted at the genetic level.

Grandpa was happy and told himself "We have another genius!" looking at the Sun.

Near him was Alexander that marveled at this sight. He told himself with anticipation "Just two days, just two days and I will be 6."