
Shining Bright

A story about Alexander. After he gets The Sun's blessing, he begins his path in becoming strong in order to protect the dear ones.

TudorC · Fantasy
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2 Chs


"At the beginning there was nothing, just a tiny dot in eternal darkness. This dot was very bright and radiated multicolored lights. These ligths seem to be colliding with the darkness like they are fighting an eternal war."

"After a long, long time, the bright dot is becoming brighter and brighter and darkness is retreating. But wait, the dot is showing signs of instability and then


A very bright, like 100 million suns, explosion."

First Day After Explosion

"Universe has become chaotic. Traces of explosion were everywhere. Across the universe there were a lot of light dots with different sizes, but they all will not even make half of the initial dot. One of these bright dots was our Sun."

Second Day After Explosion

"Around our Sun there was a lot of cosmic trash. This cosmic trash started to encircle around Sun. No matter how much it tried it couldn't get near Sun."

Third Day After Explosion

"Trash continuously gathered around The Sun. It made a gigantic cloud that looked very ominous. But Sun continued to shine even brighter and emited light particles that headed towards the cloud. In the moment light particles touched the cloud it began to shine too and began to contract."

Fourth Day After Explosion

"Creation of the first planet - Heaton. It had a diameter of millions of kilometers and it was the closest to The Sun. The surface of the planet looked like an apocalyptic world. Volcanoes and lava were everywhere. Temperature there was around 1000 grades Celsius, it was like a purgatory. On the horizon shined The Sun, it occupied nearly 50% of sky. Light particles continuously where absorbed in Heaton's atmosphere. In the same day, but later, were created other 7 planets, namely - Radon, Aurora, Eos, Bastor, Hathor, Sunteea, Hatum. All these planets passed through the same phase, but conditions were not so harsh like on the Heaton. The further from The Sun the colder the planet. For example in Hatum temperature was around 90 grades Celsius, but there were a lot of volcanoes and there were faint light particles from The Sun."

Fifth Day After Explosion

"In Heaton rains for the first time. It was no ordinary rain, it was a rain with light, like a blessing from The Sun. From the planet's crust water began to flow. While Heaton continued its transformation, at the edge of Solar System appeared a new planet, the ninth planet, our planet - Eden. It was the smallest planet and furthest from The Sun. It had a diameter around 40000 km, it was the coolest one - around 40 grade Celsius. Very faint bright particles flied in the atmosphere. On the planet there were just 46 volcanoes.

On the next 7 planets after Heaton, light rain also began, but on Eden there was silence, faint bright particles were slowly absorbed by the atmosphere."

Sith Day After Explosion

"On Heaton apeared vegetation, it was red, sometimes yellow, sometimes gold color. The most astonishing thing was that this vegetation did feel very comfortable in this harsh temperature. Later, next planets also got vegetation, beside yellow, red and gold color, there appeared green vegetation but it was rare because it didn't feel comfortable in these environments. Hatum, the 8-th planet, had most of all green vegetation. On Eden began to rain with light."

Seventh Day After Explosion

"On Heaton from water appeared the first animal - Krok. It had a lenght of 10 meters, widht of 2 meters and a height of 1,7 meters. It had scales all over its body, a muscular maxillary and four legs. It looked like a born predator, but 5 seconds later it was eaten by an animal thrice bigger. Later, on next 7 planets, there were similar situation, but the difference was in the size, it was much smaller. When on the first eight planets appeared animals, on Eden appeared vegetation, it was totally green with some exceptions."

Eight Day After Explosion

"On Heaton, a planet entirelly populated with beasts, appeared first humans. Once humans appeared, the light particles flied towards them like a bee flies to a beautiful flower. The light particles touched the bodies of humans and they became much stronger. Humans subconsciously turned to The Sun and kneeled in worship. They got the power of light and fire. They build houses, then villages, they began to hunt and use the power of fire to cook the meat and power of light to see in darkness. On the rest of the planets people also appeared. Light particles also touched their bodies and they got similar powers to the people from Heaton but they need to do some effort in order to use them. Just Eden was at the bottom, there appeared the first animal, its size was just 60 centimeters."

Ninth Day After Explosion

"On Heaton appeared civilization. There were a lot of powerhouses, technology was developed, science advanced, there even wars started because of greed and different interests. The rest of the planets had the same fate. On Eden first humans just appeared. Light particles also touched the, but they become just a bit more powerful than ordinary humans. Not everybody could use the power of light and fire, the people who could they were considered geniuses and had the greatest status. At the end of the ninth day Eden also had a civilization. That's all for today!"

A grey haired old man said. He a long grey beard and deep wrinkles. He looked like he's at the end of his life, but behind these wrinkles hides the kindest look everybody could look at. Before him were seven children from 5 to 8 years old. All their eyes were full of naivity and curiosity. In the center af the group sat a very cute kid. His eyes where like ocean waves and they were sparkling like they found the most interesting thing to look at. He was the youngest kid in the group. He lifted his hand and said "Grandpa, Grandpa, you said that people became stronger in just one day?"

The Grandpa smiled and nodded. In reality this took much more than it, but this way it was easier to explain. "Alexander, good child, in the future you will find out by yourself, have a bit of patience." Evidently he didn't want to tell too much. Soon it was Alexander's 6-th birthday, he will naturally find out by himself.