
Shin chakra god of Shinobi

An average anime and manga reader dies after reading through the original Naruto series and reincarnates into the Naruto world starting at a time between Indra and Ashira and the working clans period. Smart Strong Bloodline Sharingan Evil Body possession New justu Exploration of chakra in general Some techniques shin uses may be based on other anime powers but will only use chakra New original lore Secrets Enemies

Thegodofchaos1234 · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs



That's all I could see.

It felt like years passed by just floating there in the void.

It was a miracle that I didn't go insane by myself.

I guess you could chalk it up to me never really having any friends or any meaningful connections with anyone.

That an the fact I would be considered an anime nerd so I passed the time by planning what I would do if I was reincarnated.

Step 1 look for a source of power

Whether it be a bloodline or Inherited talent

Step 2 Train like my life depended on it because one thing I've learned from anime is that in anime if you train you gain and if your lucky you can get 1% of Saitama's power up.

Step 3 i don't know because without the first two being completed you can't plan for any future actions.

I started humming to pass the time after that, memories of my life filled my head mainly the good times of watching anime and spending money on the best McDonald's big mag I've ever had.

It could have been hours, days or even years for all I knew until a flash of what could only be described as light filled my vision.

Next thing I knew was that I was in the body of Shin Uchiha a member of the uchiha clan with average talent and died parents to boot.If the previous shin was to be an anime character he would probably be a side character or stepping stone for an mc on there way to power.But with me in control I wouldn't let my life be anything but spectacular and amazing.

Although I was now in the body of a 15 year old I knew the potential that the body had, the reason cough cough Sharingan cough cough,what i was going to say was hard work and determination as a protagonist should have.I went through the memories of the previous shin to see what part of the time line of Naruto I was placed in and what shocked me the most wasn't the fact I wasn't in the same generation as Naruto or anyone from canon for that matter, no it was because I was born only 200 years after hagaromo had died.

In my mind I was going Let's goooooo because I had an incredibly pure uchiha bloodline meaning I had incredible potential in the bloodline department which would have either made or slain me.

So ye I was hyped but I controlled my emotions as I followed the previous routine of shin uchiha.

Firstly I got dressed into some training clothes and started the day by hunting my breakfast an unlucky boar was my meal of choice I roasted it above a makeshift campfire making use of a basic fire nature chakra technique to start up a good fire. After finishing my meal I set of in search of a training location within the forming clan compound.After finding the ideal place we're I would not be spied on just in case because I wouldn't know either way.I began by going through all the knowledge on chakra that I had access to whether it be theoretical based on the naruto anime and Fanfics or actual tried and tested knowledge based on the techniques that had already been used by the previous owner of my new body.

There was mainly an array of fire chakra techniques that don't really have names but have been taught to everyone in the clan. For example a fire ball technique similar to the great fireball justu

but clearly less refined and more barbaric than the future version. These techniques had some advantages and disadvantages one being they were extremely powerful but also heavily reliant on a large amount of chakra to use.Whereas other weaker techniques like multi fireball were disregarded by the clan because it was seen as to weak for a mighty uchiha to use, even though the technique used less chakra and was more accurate on single targets.

After trying all the techniques at my disposal I started to go through all the theoretical ways to potentially increase chakra capacity and increase chakra control. For example I started by sticking leaves on my body using chakra but to begin with I could only stick 2 at the same time and by sensing my chakra going throughout my body I had a revelation about chakra. Since I knew that the more you use chakra the greater your chakra capacity increases but I never really thought why just putting under anime logic at its finest, until now that I've actually used chakra I finally understand why it increases as you use it it's because it's like a muscle since it's presented in every cell in your body as you use chakra your cell work to try to regenerate the lost chakra constantly but every time anyone uses chakra a small percentage of the chakra that is used is waste and goes back into your body and so your body as it creates new cells these cells have an increased chakra capacity and durability because of the nature of a chakra enhanced human the chakra users cells regenerate constantly so chakra users regenerate slightly faster and take less damage but this is just a theory that has still yet to be fully explored but it would explain how the eight gates technique works by releasing the potential chakra within each new cell it increases the rate of decay that the body goes through increasing chakra capacity and speed strength and overall energy at the cost of the users health that's why as the eight gates user adapts to the gates they are able to use them longer and potentially gain a slight permanent increase in power the same reason why even lee can use the eight gates even though his chakra network is botched because all the chakra network is ,is a system of pathways like a road network made for the most efficient form of travel for chakra and so a bad road means an increase in difficulty in accessing and using there chakra i e lee. This is also proven by the fact that lee can still increase his strength and speed to superhuman levels because all chakra is is physical and mental energy combined the physical energy being the boost that the eight gates provides and the mental being formed by the users own control over there body for example tsunade senju had the strength of one thousand jounins and yet was one of the people with best chakra control in the series that's also why healing justu worked because the chakra increased the bodies natural regenerative processes and is also the limiting factor of healing jutsu.


I hope you guys like this short first experimental chapter please comment on anything that I should and could improve on and if if you enjoyed it

I don't care about power stones but if you want to show your appreciation feel free to leave your power stones on my story