
Shin chakra god of Shinobi

An average anime and manga reader dies after reading through the original Naruto series and reincarnates into the Naruto world starting at a time between Indra and Ashira and the working clans period. Smart Strong Bloodline Sharingan Evil Body possession New justu Exploration of chakra in general Some techniques shin uses may be based on other anime powers but will only use chakra New original lore Secrets Enemies

Thegodofchaos1234 · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Future plans

As the years went by my control and knowledge on chakra increased dramatically as I researched into the art of seals going as far as visiting the early Senju clan disguised as a travelling sage on the path of sealing.It worked and I was taught the basics in seals as that was all that was available for me, it was enough to get started.As i progressed in the sealing arts, I also indulged myself in making a more practical plan of action for myself that I would follow for 2000 years.

Step 1 master the sealing arts to perfection.

Step 2 create a seal similar to the karma mark of the otsutsuki in the fact it would do everything the karma mark does except having its weaknesses.

Step 3 create a chakra technique or seal that can absorb bloodline purity and potential along with knowledge, for example it would work by just touching a corpse and absorbing its chakra along with its memories and bloodline but these things would go directly into the karma mark.

Step 4 create a selective breeding program for my future bodies to have the best traits and bloodlines. Starting with two Uchiha with the purest bloodline for 3 generations for the eye power then two pure senju for another 3 generations for the chakra control and natural healing ability and then two pure Uzumaki for there bloodline powers and extended life span and ability to have the most potent sealing ability and then 2 pure hyuga for there eyes and there potential and finally 2 pure kaguya for there bone release and durability but mainly potential for mutation of all killing ash bone.

Step 5 grant the karma mark to this child.

Step 6 use the bloodline seal to steal the chakra, bloodlines and memories of all the bodies I can get my hands on in addition to take Sharingan eyes and byakugan eyes absorbing there chakra and bloodline potential into the karma seal.

Step 7 repeat the process to perfection without alerting anyone of anything.

Present day

A 6 years old child born around the same time itachi uchiha was born, opened his eyes the child's name was shin uchiha a dark mark stretched across his body lit up in a neon dark purple colour illuminating a small part of the wooden room as the boys eyes changed from a Sharingan with 1 tomoe to a 2 tomoe Sharingan to a 3 tomoe Sharingan to a mangekyo Sharingan to a eternal mangekyo Sharingan to a rinnegan with 10 tomoe to a normal byakugan to a tenseigan to a purple combination of a Sharingan and byakugan to a mangekyo version of it then a white 10 tomoe rinnegan tenseigan combination and finally reverted to its original eye colour all within a fraction of a second as well as many small changes occurred within the cells within the boys body as a far greater dominant chakra combined with the current chakra of the body as 5 main changes occurred these being the bloodlines resonating and synthesising inside the body.

'This never gets old'

Shin felt his chakra in each individual cell as he started to meditate to ensure that nothing had gone wrong.

'Well everything seems to be going perfect'

"Shin breakfast is ready hurry up and eat or else you will be late on your first day of academy!"

'Oh right I forgot this body still had a mother'

"Coming mum!"

'This is going to be a long day'


Approaching the academy, walking along the road casually glancing all around at the faces of the future shinobi which would be in my class giving a longer stare at the head of the uchiha clan fugaku and the mini madara that was itachi talent wise at least.

"Look it's the son of the uchiha patriarch"

"I think his name is itachi"

"I wish my son was only half as talented as him if the rumours are true"

'Mindless idiots envious over itachi rather than giving there own child words of encouragement'

Entering the classroom I took my seat being the closest to the exit of the classroom without bringing any attention to myself

'My plan is simple breeze through the academy become a genin and train this body beyond its limits in preparation for the absolute bullshitery that is the otsutsuki clan mainly by acting as an equal talent to itachi but instead of joking anbu I will leave the village and find a way to join the akatsuki to remain as close to the main story as possible without being inside the village, then just wait it out until the fourth shinobi war to steal both Indra and Ashoka chakras and enough ten tail chakra to raise my own jubbi and unlock the rinne Sharingan along with evolving my bloodlines and getting whatever extra power up possible'

A month passed and it was now are first shrunken growing lesson

Itachi had already thrown his shuriken getting a ten out of ten

I was next

'I'm about to show them that I'm just as talented as itachi even in this new body'

"Shin uchiha!"

"Yes Sensei Diakoku"

I brought my arms back with 5 kunai in each hand and released as I and everyone in the class watched on with anticipation as the kunai curved in the air reaching closer to there target everyone held there breath as the kunai embedded themselves successfully on the target all ten

"Ten out of ten, Next Tenma izumo!"

'That was definitely enough to impress the whole class'

I sensed a pair of eyes staring at the back of my head as I turned around to see itachi staring straight at me.

"Impressive I was not informed about another uchiha genius my age "

"Well I like to keep to myself and train regularly"

This was a lie at least for this body but he wouldn't know that

"Really maybe we could train together I was told to make some friends at least so would you like to be my friend"

'Is this really itachi an anti social ninja that can kill just by looking at you hilarious'

"Sure but only if you teach me how to redirect my kunai by hitting each other"

"Then I agree to training you and you agree to be my friend and rival"

"Ye if that's alright with you"



Leave a comment on anything I could do to improve my work

If you think you know how the story will go I would like to inform you that you are sorrowfully mistaken.

Leave some power stones to show your support

Hopefully my update schedule is daily if not it will be at least one chapter a week with each chapter having a thousand or more words

I am only one person so if you find any errors or mistakes please feel free to comment on them

With that being said I'll take my leave