
Chapter 6: Fighting Underground

After Chelsea leaves, I do my daily quest, and then head over to Leon's house, he is actually waiting outside for me. We head to the gym, and I have him work as much of his body as he can, then I leave him at the gym waiting for his girlfriend. Heading to the bank, I withdraw all of my savings, and call a guy I know, well her name is Alice; "Hey Alice does the looking glass show where I can find a spot of tea?" I say the code

"Oh the noble Ethan Ray wants to get his hands on the Mad hatter's tea party!" she says with a hint of excitement "Why are you looking is it for the tea, or just to see if the hatter, the rabbit, or the queen will give you a prize?"

"I am hoping for some tea and the queen's heart, now can you tell me where the party's at?" The girl on the other end doesn't give me directions, just pulls up in her blue hovercar, and takes me to a safehouse, Where she has me change into a new set of clothes, these ones look like a suit, but is sky blue and the she gives me a mask, it has the likeness of a wolf for the face. "Also before you go thinking of my stage name it's Dentes Aurei." I then follow her out to the car again and she hands me the blind fold. I feel the way the car goes, not that it will help much, as the 'tea party' changes location every time only letting itself be known for people like Alice who scout for new fighters. I've been to a few of these parties, but never wanted to get involved, mainly because the fights are a quick way to fall into the life of a gangster, and I would rather not get into something I can't leave quickly. Alice goes up to the counter and registers me for the fights, I sign up for up to three. A few minutes later The announcer closes the bout before mine as one guy knock the other one out.

"Ladies and gentle man I'm The Mad Hatter and I welcome a new contender to the teapot, he goes by the name Dentes Aurei, which I'm told is old Latin for Golden Fang," then the crowd parts and I step forward at a light jog "Wow what a strapping young lad, clad in the blue of Alice, so that means my fighter will be up first!" the crowd gathered goes nuts.

A man comes out of the crowd, he is built like a old school body builder, "This is my fighter Muscle maniac!" and the crowd begins cheering again, Hatter moves to the side and get ready to signal for the fight to start. I watch him and the other man, then I see it, an almost imperceptible nod, then the other fighter charges at me, I lower my stance further. His first punch sails over my head as I duck below it, and fire a counter jab up into his arm, he recoils quickly, and then changes to a position as if to grab at me, I step in, and kick for his leg sweeping his feet out from under him, I continue my push, by driving my fist down into his jaw as soon as I have my footing back from the sweep, that knocks him out [ding host managed to knock out his opponent 'muscle maniac' exp gained +100 total 195/400] 'is being a werewolf really that much of a difference' then I look at the Hatter who looks like he just found a new toy "Well folks there you have it Dentes Aurei took out my muscle maniac in just a few strikes, so that means he wins the bet on him, also as he is signed up for more fights, he gets a five minute break, before he faces the rabbit's lackey Hop Fu, Then I go to where I see Alice, she looks happy to see me in one piece.

"How much do you have riding on me?" I ask ruffling her hair

"More than enough, you better not lose, or maybe you should if you beat that stupid rabbit, you'll have to fight one of the queen's men, and that fight will be to the death." she replies and seems to notice the smile under my mask, but the five minutes are almost up, so I return to the middle of the arena. there is an old man standing there, but despite his age, he is giving me a dangerous feeling. Hatter returns holding a glass of tea.

'What are you two waiting for everyone knows who you are already." then he tips his hat which is the starting bell. I look at the old man but he's not there, I feel his kick coming from the side and turn locking down my block, bad idea, as he jumps once he touches the ground and hits me from another side. I take the hit, [ding! host has taken critical damage (health 80/100) {sheesh if not for that endurance of yours you would have had your ribs crushed} energy will be used to heal] I see then ignore the message, trying to track the movements of my opponent, I can't get a read on him, it looks like a combo style of drunken boxing with monkey style kung Fu, so I switch into a Jiu Jitsu stance, shimmying as I wait for him to get in range. Once he makes his leap I go for his leg as it touches the ground kicking against his shin with enough force to break his leg, he falters then I use my momentum to drive into his liver with my fist, he tries to get his feet, but the alcohol he clearly drank knocks him out [Ding host gains 150 exp total; 345/400 exp], Hatter spits his tea "We have a winner. A clear upset as Hop Fu has had his liquor knocked back into his blood stream, can't say I'm disappointed to see him down, as he cost us a fortune in drinks. Same thing but Dante gets a full fifteen minute break this time before he goes up against the Queen's Guard Seth."

I look at my stats quickly Remembering that I have 6 unused stat points, I look at putting them into health and energy, [Ding each point put into health or energy will give ten additional units I put two into each health: 100/120 energy: 80/120] I see that I was healed after I exited combat at the expense of energy, then I return to the ring and Hatter comes up to me; "You do know that if you decide to fight Seth, he can kill you?"

"Yes I know, am I allowed to kill him as well?" I whisper back

"Of course, but he has an ability so it will be a bitch, but fortunately for you I think you'll actually succeed." then the fifteen minutes are up and Seth come into the arena taking his shirt off, I decide to shed my jacket and shirt as well." [Ding-dong Emergency quest issued: fight of the Six of Hearts: Seth, to the death(or until you can turn him as even if you tear his throat out with your jaws he'll become a new wolf fully submitted to you.] 'this system is an otaku girl and she just taped herself on the head after flexing. Lunasa help me' [You'll also get two levels and maybe something more!]

"Match start!" then the hatter jumps back, I lock eyes with Seth. he has no expression, and then I see him form a spear made of thorns, 'I bet that my endurance has nothing on that toothpick' Seth draw back his arm to throw the spear. I lunge forward dropping to all fours, the spear flies, I shove my mask forward to shield myself from the attack dodging narrowly to the side, and send both of my fist one after the other into his stomach to interrupt his breathing and rhythm, it only works for a second and the he pulls back and dodges to the side. I take advantage of the opportunity to strike before he gets another spear ready, and kick him in the hand where its forming causing him to impale my foot, but I don't think he can abandon a spear once he's started making it, otherwise, he would've done so, I decide to close the distance and bite his throat my wolf fangs appear in my mouth, and I tear the chunk clean out, his spear dissipates, and he falls to the ground. "Brutal, I love it!" Hatter says "the winner is Dentes Aurei, The Golden Fang, but as you killed him you are allowed to take his ability if you don't have one."

"I will help him in the process of absorbing his ability" Alice says appearing out of seemingly thin air, I see her holding a briefcase, probably our winnings. "don't worry I have your cut too."

I pick up Seth and the piece of his throat, turn and leave, heading to The hovercar, I get in and put the piece of throat back in [Ding-dong host has directly reached level 6 and gained four stat points to allocate also total exp 395/1600. the new wolf will awaken shortly, but will be in a healing sleep until the full moon] Alice enters the hover car and hands me the briefcase " this is your cut I already put mine in the safe in the trunk." then she says she can keep his body on ice for a few weeks until she can have him buried after I absorb his ability. I ask why I can't absorb his ability now, she says it's because it has to recrystallize before it can be taken out of his corpse, which is fine by me. She drops me off at home. its dark already so I go in and shower before checking the briefcase, it has all of my money and my cut of the bets, The total is $48,275. it makes my head spin as I only put down $10000. I am happy about my winnings, I relock the case, and get ready for bed.