
Shell Energy Optimization System

Leonvolt Machia Oliver Preston is a 15 year old young lad who is a member of the Preston Royal family. However, he is fat, slow-witted, and even has the worst talent of all time. Because of his succeeding failures, the Royal family is ashamed to recognize him as the 9th Prince of the Kingdom. "You are a failure." "You shall be banished from this Royal family, never to return!" Leonvolt, was kicked out, stripped off the honor of a Royal, and was sent away to the poor lands. But then a reversal in his life ensues. [Welcome to the Shell Energy Optimization System] With the system that he has gained, he shall receive the favor of many. He will let those naysayers swallow their tongue. He will rule the people wisely. He will rise to the top of the world as the greatest Lord of all.

Fukuchii · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


With the surprising event that happened, Leonvolt was not in the mood to go to sleep.

He was staying awake trying to figure out what exactly the system can do. He came up with a few ideas on their functionality.

When he tried to use [Shell Inspection], he was surprised to see that the world around him suddenly became very bright and stuffy.

He was able to see the Shell Energy in his immediate surroundings. They were in various shape and sizes.

He went out his balcony to see the ability's limits and he realized that it was only able to work within a 2 meter radius with him as the center. He is also surprised that there is Shell Energy latched upon his skin.

As Leon tries to grab it, he only feels the sensation of his skin. Shell energy is an intangible source of energy. It is able to exist in the physical world but remains to be unseen.

Everyone knows about Shell Energy, its uses, its infinite possibilities, but nobody ever thought of how Shell Energy looks like.

Leonvolt is the very first human being to see Shell Energy in its primitive state.

He moved on with the next functionality which is called [Shell Utilization] and he was instantly blown out of his mind.

When he prompted the use of the ability, he was overwhelmed by a sudden surge of power that he has never experienced before.

Perhaps he may have experienced that sudden surge of power that caused him to feel so much pain it left him unconscious.

"So it was me unconsciously using these abilities last night that caused me to faint in pain. Or maybe, it only awakened today as I have just become of age and as an effect of its restoration, it caused a sudden reaction that activated the abilities."

"That must be it! The moment it became midnight, I immediately felt that searing pain. Oh, how magnificent. I am actually not a useless man!"

As Leon thought of all the suffering he has experienced at the Royal Castle, he thought that being cast away from the Royal family may have been the best thing to happen in the current situation.

"The Royal Family of the Preston Kingdom will definitely covet this type of ability and once I am under their tight grip, I will be exploited until the end of my life. After all, I am all alone. That father of mine did not even care that much when he banished me. He was just relieved that the youngest was the only failure and not my two older brothers."

It is not to say that what King Charles decided was bad, but it was just not ethical. A bad political cover up.

They do not want anything to cause an unstable factor in their political stability and so they kicked out someone who may have been a massive boon to the Preston Kingdom when going forwards.

They made a huge political mistake unknowingly. But that is the way life is, it is a very unpredictable force.

You may be down now, but who is to say that you can not rise up. Anything is possible as long as you are alive.


Leonvolt then remembers what his Grandma told him. To believe in the potential of people, no matter how weak and low their status can be.

They are the true source of power in the world. It is actually true.

Investing towards a man's future without any expectations of a return. It is a very brave and risky act.

You never know the future of a person.

They could become the people who would destroy and take everything you have ever worked for.

They could be a reliable ally that you can always lean on.

A human is such an unpredictable creature that it is worth it to just support them in what they need.

The social structure in the North has been the stage that the Oliver has always worked hard to maintain.

To allow the people of the North a more steady ground for growth.

Because the believe that anything must come from something. If you do not tweak the training field to be in a fairer ground then the efforts are basically lost then and there.

The reason why the North is continuously maintained as a poor region is because poor people can only get rich.

As opposed to the mainstream strategy that noble houses employ which is increasing the businesses they have to be able to hire people and subsequently reduce poverty.

The North took the high road.

There is one thing that is missing in the noble's poverty elimination startegy .

It is the freedom of choice. People would also want to get to do their own personal choices in what they want to do.

Everyone can make a choice.

When a business is already set up, poor people at work can only do some odd jobs and maybe earn a promotion. But they did not choose to do that job, in a way they have no choice but to do that job to live.

The North decided that the people's choice has to come first. They sacrificed a lot for this socio-economic structure.

Many people has always ridiculed the North for the poverty that it has.

But they never considered that the many people who has successfully achieved something in the North, left the place for other regions.

They are now employed throughout the a Preston Kingdom's various noble houses, owners of big businesses, and some are now successful merchants

When these group of people thought of the North, they remember that bleak life and the poor place.

They realized that it was that environment that evened out the foreground that allowed them to have a better chance in life.

They then began to help in supporting the North.

Now a brilliant change is about to come out from the fruits that the Oliver family has sowed for the North. And it is in the form of Leonvolt Machia Oliver.

"[Shell Optimization]"

As Leon activates the ability, he was surprised by what happened next.

The morning sun then came as the birds began chirping their soft melodies in their nests to welcome the start of the new day.

The slight drizzle last night caused the morning breeze to feel colder than usual. The cold in the North has been a climate that everyone is used to.

On this particular day, Issa is already prepared to start her journey back to the Academy.

"Issa, my daughter. Always stay safe and do not do something ridiculous such as fighting beasts alright? This father of yours is always concerned of you doing those dangerous things. Just study well and learn many things. Then come back home. I will be waiting for you over here. Your mother will be proud of you for everything you have achieved."

Arnold Bell is currently helping his daughter, Issa carry her luggage towards the carriage.

"Father, I will be careful. You know what happened then was an accident. I have no choice but to fight to protect hose little kids. Besides, it was still a baby monster. I was sure that I am able to shoo it away. Believe me on this one. I will always stay safe."

Issa assures her father that she will be careful.

"Issa, my child, here bring these 5 gold with you as an allowance for your trip. I am thankful for all the help you have done during the past few weeks. Go on, continue with your studies and you will have a great future ahead of you."

Grandma Elizabeth gives Issa a small pouch filled with 5 gold coins as an allowance.

Grandma Elizabeth also remembered that she saw Issa and Leon make up and chat merrily after she had left so she was truly grateful for the lass for being Leon's first friend in the territory.

"Madam Elizabeth, this is too much! I do not think I will need this much money for the trip. It is just half a day away from here. I will be fine without bringing much money."

"Oh, you little girl, just take it and do what you want with it. You can keep it as emergency funds or maybe you can treat your friends at school with it. Alright go on now. The sun will rise higher now and it will be too hot for the horses to go on a long journey. Be safe."

Grandma Elizabeth then forcefully lets Issa get on the carriage that will take her straight to the Northern Grace Academy.

The Northern Grace Academy can be found on boundary between the Miller Barony and the Oliver territory. It is in a place called Norther Gateway border town.

The Oliver Manor is in the town of Fronteira bordering the Silent Forest and even a part of the Cold River cuts across some of its nearby streams.

Issa has to travel southward for half a day to reach the Northern Grace Academy. Most of the students in the North attends this school funded by the Oliver family.

Even children from the Miller Barony attends the academy for a more systematic learning environment.

"Young lady, are you all set for the trip?" The coach driver asks Issa in a gentle voice.

"Yes sir, we can go now. I will be in your care today." Issa answers.

As the carriage begins to move, Issa gets her head out of the window to look back to the people standing outside the manor. They are waving at her and saying goodbye.

The servants of the manor has always adored Issa when she was still working with them. They always send her off this way when it was time for her to return to the Academy.

She waves back at them from the carriage.

"Goodbye Issa!"

"Issa! Take care!"

"Little Issa, do your best!"

They shout all the encouraging words they can think of.

"Goodbye! I will see you soon! Bye!"

Issa enthusiastically replies to all their good wishes. She has always put their words in her heart.

In everything she does, she always gives her very best. She knows that even if the people of the Oliver family is not there to see her actions, they know that she will do her very best and she does not want to break their wishes for her.

As she was about to head back inside the carriage, she spots another figure that was running from inside the manor.

It was Leonvolt still in his pajamas.

"Lady Issa!!!! Lady Issa!!!!!"

Leonvolt shouts from the bottom of his heart.

He was still fat and his heavy body was weighing too heavily for him to run faster so he can only call Issa's attention to be able to catch up.

"Mister, please stop the carriage for a while. I think there is a problem back there."

"As you wish young lady."

As the carriage comes to a stop, Leonvolt was able to catch up to the carriage Issa was in.

Issa steps out of the carriage to meet Leonvolt who was running after her.

"Young Lord, why did you chase after the carriage? Is there a problem? Are you okay?"

Issa asks Leonvolt who was still exhausted from that 300 meter run.

"No- no- the- there is no problem."

Leonvolt takes in deep breathes to regain his speech.

"I wanted to give you something as a farewell gift but it took too long to make. I almost did not make it."

Leonvolt explains his purpose for catching up.

"Young Lord, it is definitely unnecessary for you to give me a gift. I am going to be back in 5 months as the semester ends. You did not have to bother."

"No, it is of my own decision to give you a gift. After all, you are my first friend here. I need to treat my friends better. Here, my gift is inside this box. Do not open it until you go inside the carriage. I wish you the very best in your studies. Alright, I better go."

As Leonvolt was about to head back to the manor, Issa suddenly holds unto his pajama's sleeves.

"Young Lord wait for a bit."

"Lady Issa, please do not touch me first. I am sweaty all over and must smell terrible. I am sorry for letting you see such a disgraceful look."

Issa shakes her head as response.

"No, Young Lord. I don't mind those kinds of things. I just appreciate this kind gesture that you have done for me. I feel happy."

Issa speaks as she gets teary eyed.

"Thank you very much, Leon"

Issa smiles at Leon. She walks toward him and leans forward to give him a kiss on the cheek. She swiftly enters the carriage and prompts the carriage driver to go.

Leonvolt, who was left standing after Issa has left, was dumbfounded by the subsequent events.

I was just trying to give her a gift. Did, did she just. Did she just kiss me?


Leonvolt, who has just entered early stage adulthood, was left speechless by a kiss on the cheeks.

Hello, this is the actual chapter set for today. The previous chapter was uploaded quite a little later than it was supposed to. I lost track of the time and failed to upload on time. I hope it won't happen again.

Enjoy! If you have any suggestions, please do not hesitate to comment it. I want to improve more in my writing while I still can.

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