
Shell Energy Optimization System

Leonvolt Machia Oliver Preston is a 15 year old young lad who is a member of the Preston Royal family. However, he is fat, slow-witted, and even has the worst talent of all time. Because of his succeeding failures, the Royal family is ashamed to recognize him as the 9th Prince of the Kingdom. "You are a failure." "You shall be banished from this Royal family, never to return!" Leonvolt, was kicked out, stripped off the honor of a Royal, and was sent away to the poor lands. But then a reversal in his life ensues. [Welcome to the Shell Energy Optimization System] With the system that he has gained, he shall receive the favor of many. He will let those naysayers swallow their tongue. He will rule the people wisely. He will rise to the top of the world as the greatest Lord of all.

Fukuchii · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Creation 1

Leonvolt, whose head is currently on the clouds, joined his grandma for breakfast.

"Huwaah, a kiss. A kiss huh... Ehe ehehehehe. Kiss."

Currently, his food has not been touched and is just sitting there, while Leonvolt continues to fantasize about the actions that Issa did for him just a while ago.

"Ahem, Little Leon, it is not good conduct to leave your food unattended. Please eat your breakfast already."

Grandma Elizabeth speaks up to remind Leonvolt of the current time.

"Oh, yes. I am sorry Grandma. Please excuse my behavior. I will eat now."

"Haiz, you child, if I did not remind you, you most likely would have forgotten to even eat breakfast. Always maintain a healthy body. Your body is the best personal investment in your whole life. Look at me, I am already so old but is still as strong as a cow."

Grandma Elizabeth flexes herself to Leon.

"Haha, Grandma, if I had to eat this way everyday then I will never be able to lose my weight. Look, all of it are greatly appetizing food that I will not be able to stop eating. I am planning to lose weight so I want to do a diet."

"Is that so? But the kitchen especially prepared this menu for you. It is such a waste not to eat them."

The typical breakfast in the North is a chicken or mushroom soup paired with some wheat bread during the colder mornings.

On a hot day, breakfast can be a mix of egg, bread, any meat slices and an optional hot cup of milk or coffee.

But the current menu in front of Leon is a big slab of pork belly, a roasted chicken, a few loaves of bread with cheese on the side, there is also the creamy mushroom soup that is common in cold mornings but it is served inside a huge soup bowl.

"I think it would be best to give the rest of the food to the servants. I want to make a good change now that I am in my new home. I better lose some weight as a start."

"Are you sure Little Leon? Do you want a guide to help you with your routine? It is dangerous to exercise alone. You might get seriously injured. I better tell your grandpa later. Ooh, speak of the devil."

Leonvolt's grandfather, Lord Gregory Oliver, then walks inside the dining room in a notable manner.

"Wow, what a magnificent scene! I have longed of this scene for ages! Leon, my grandchild, I formally welcome you to the family once again. However, why is the food barely touched? Did you not like it? I better tell those kitchen staff to revise their recipes."

"Oh no, grandpa, it is not bad at all. I have just decided that I will go on a diet to start my body weight rehabilitation plan. Grandma and I were just talking about it."

Leon hurriedly explains to Grandpa Oliver the details to avoid wronging anyone.

"Is that so? Hm, I better get you a fitness trainer then. I remember those days when your Grandma got very fat. We had to-, OW OW OW OW! I am sorry I did not mean it. You are the most slim and sexy woman in this land."

"Hmph! I am too old to fall for your sweet talk. You better get a good trainer for Little Leon."

Before Grandpa Oliver got to reveal anything more to Leon about his grandma's past, Grandma Elizabeth pinched grandpa on the side.

They then began to bicker to each other as they continued with breakfast. Leon's laughter was heard throughout the room giving a delightful atmosphere to a cold morning breakfast.

"Oh right Little Leon, I have a present for you as a welcome gift for formally entering the Oliver family. I was unable to give it to you yesterday. You can get it from me in the office later. Be sure to come okay."

"Huh, a gift? Thank you very much grandpa! I will visit you in your office later. Today's breakfast was the best. I better go back to my room and start to train as well."

"Huh? Train in what Little Leon? We still need to get a trainer for you, you can just begin tomorrow."

"Uh, I- I meant to train my mind and prepare my mental state for the training tomorrow. Everything is absolutely fine. I shall begin training tomorrow Grandma."

Leon decided to hide the fact that he has a system from his grandparents.

It is not that he wish to deceive them. He just wants to continue feeling the love that they give him, with the fact that they still love him when they know he was loser, despite it not being the real fact.

'Grandpa, Grandma, I will do my best to give you a better life. Leave everything to me, this Leonvolt.'

Leon thought internally. Now that he has the Shell Energy Optimization System, anything is possible. There are unlimited possibilities for the North with Leon in here.

Leonvolt proceeds to lock himself up in his room. He checks the system options in his mind.

"Display System Options"

At his inner musings, the system manifested in his mind. Leonvolt played with this function last night to be familiar with its operation.

[System Options]

[Shell Inspection]

[Shell Utilization]

[Shell Optimization]

[Shell Engineering]

The initial abilities that Leonvolt had were only the first three. Another option was added when he discovered a new way to use Shell Energy last night.

Last night, he was able to get some amazing results.

After the party, Leonvolt had awakened the system. Leonvolt tested the skills' basic functions. He was barely able to determine their uses so he decided to study them more.

[Shell Inspection] have initially allowed Leonvolt to only see Shell Energy in the form of flat shapes.

A few moments later he began to see 3 dimensional geometric particles mixed in with them.

As Leon began to become more proficient in its use, he noticed that there are certain patterns that Shell Energy follows.

He decided to call the Shell Energy patterns that he sees as Shell Particles.

There are many irregularly shaped Shell Particles.

Some with round edges, others more angular in shape.

There are some with perfect shapes but vary in their sizes.

Leonvolt noticed that some of these irregular shaped Shell Particles are able to come together but they are not able to stay together as a pair.

They are, after all, not a part of the same particle. They easily move apart from each other while retaining their original shape.

Leonvolt tried to manually put together these Shell Particles together but as expected, he is not able to, as Shell Energy is intangible.

It flows freely in the environment.

Leonvolt originally thought that this was just how Shell Energy acts in their own space but he was proven wrong later when he decided to fiddle with [Shell Utilization].

Leonvolt was hesitant to use that skill at first because of the searing pain he felt when he first used it. But when he decided to use it. He was blown out of his mind.

Leonvolt failed to properly focus his mind when using [Shell Utilization] so Shell Energy began flowing towards the tips of his nerves, of which the fingers is the most accessible.

He then noticed the truth of how Shell Energy flows inside the human body.

Leonvolt activated [Shell Inspection] in tandem with [Shell Utilization].

At first, he only wanted to know if he can use both skills at the same time. But he was able to see something incredible.

As he used [Shell Utilization], Shell Energy was absorbed by his heart like a vortex and these energies, without their stability and pattern in consideration, began flowing towards his hands and fingers.

He slowly felt the familiar pain that he loathe so much.

Leon stopped the skill activation as he begins to find the pain more unbearable but he was still shocked by his discovery.

He began to feel drowsy as result but he was even more motivated to go through with the experiments.

The last skill, [Shell Optimization] was the icing on the cake. As Leon went through with those tests, the [Shell Optimization] skill was what gave him the most shock.

When he first used it, he was just trying it out carelessly.

His hand suddenly began to burst in flames. He was scared out of his wits when it happened.

But then he realized that nothing bad happened to his hand. He tried to use it again but it only put up a little bit of fire on his fingertips.

After discovering the effects of the first two skills, Leon began considering what other effects [Shell Optimization] has and what would be the effect if he used all three skills in tandem.

First, he activated [Shell Inspection] to be able to see the Shell Particles surrounding him.

Then, he used [Shell Utilization] to begin absorbing the Shell Energy towards his body.

Lastly, he activated [Shell Optimization] and he was blown out of his bed by a tiny gale that burst out from his hand. He slammed towards the nearby couch as a result of this accident.

"What? Why did a burst of air come out instead of flame? Wait, I think I get it! The shapes. The shapes will determine what form they will undergo once they pass through Optimization. The wind particles are the cube ones. While the pyramid ones symbolize fire. That must mean the sphere and the prism ones must constitute, water and earth."

Leon continued to experiment until daybreak.

He determined the real function of [Shell Optimization]. It is to finalize or project the function of Shell Energy.

In the case of using his hand as a focus point of Shell Energy, when he used [Shell Optimization], it burst into flames finalizing the function of the Shell Particles used.

With this knowledge in hand, he was able to come up with a new innovation over that span of time.

Leonvolt wanted to try these newly tested abilities to an object and see what happens to it. He first tried it with a twig that he found on his balcony.

When he used [Shell Utilization], he had a hard time trying to transfer the energy to the twig. And he was greatly exhausted as the process drags on and so, he failed multiple times.

His first success was when he was finally able to inject a slim twig with pyramid particles but when he used [Shell Optimization], it burst into flames.

He was greatly frustrated as the subsequent tests were all failures. He was unable to store raw Shell Energy inside an object.

Just as he was about to give up, he noticed a twig with a lot of leaves on it.

He stares at the twig and the leaves for a while before coming up with a genius idea. He began to focus on the particles harder.

Leon used [Shell Utilization] to the nearby particles but as they were about to be absorbed by the vortex on his heart, he gathered the nearby irregular particles, and using [Shell Utilization] he began to piece them together and attempt to surround the target particle to be encased.

He then activated [Shell Optimization] only to the irregular shaped particles that formed the outer shell cover, it caused the irregular Shell Particles to lock in place and....

"It is a success!!" Leon exclaimed excitedly.

Leon noticed earlier that those irregularly shaped particles do not really have their own set identities but instead follows the reaction caused by nearby particles.

Leon also remembers that while Shell Particles pass through matter freely, they are unable to pass through another Shell Particle. Instead, they collide with each other.

Leon then thought, if he is able to trap those specific energy particle with those null particles, then he will be able to manipulate it easily.

And he was able to do exactly that.

[System Prompt]

[Successful discovery of locked option. Option is now unlocked. Congratulations for unlocking Shell Engineering]

A sudden system prompt also appeared that gave Leon a bigger surprise.

He experimented for a while and he was shocked to see that this skill was an ultimate game changer.

[Shell Engineering] allows for the easy arrangement of various irregular shaped Shell Particles. It has basically infinite variations but what is important is that every complex variation has a set effect.

When you use [Shell Engineering] with a set effect on mind, it will automatically gather and arrange the irregular Shell Particles combination needed to achieve it.

It was simply mind blowing.

Leon can basically create any function he wants with Shell Energy.

Leon was filled with an amazing idea.

"Lady Issa will be leaving later, it is already daybreak, I better make it quick."

As Leon began to think of what to give Issa, he continued to practice with twigs.

He thought of various different functions and successfully anchored these Shell Particles inside the twigs with [Shell Optimization].

Leon then found the perfect object to use as a gift for lady Issa. It is a perfectly shaped moonstone.

He then began to channel Shell Energy towards it using the techniques he learned and he successfully completed it.

It has the functions of all 4 elements inside it, encased in a protective shell of engineered particles with the options preventing the 4 elements from going off suddenly and an additional option of chant based activation.

It was the very first Shell technology that Leonvolt Machia Oliver developed.

He missed creating the perfect handle for the stone to be mount on so he just used a thicker twig as the mount, it is channeled with stabilizing functions to keep the stone in place.

'I did it, I really did it. These abilities will be the future. I will become an inventor of new technology.'

Leon revels by himself. He takes a peek outside and he sees lady Issa going inside the carriage, ready to start the trip.

'Celebrate later, now you have got some running to do!'

"Lady Issa!!!! Lady Issa!!!!!"

Leon goes into an early morning sprint.

Hello everyone, Author here.

Phew, almost missed that one. Hahaha.

Unfortunate news, my laptop is currently out of commission so I will be writing through mobile phone.

Luckily, current plot is still recorded on my phone so I will not miss any progress in regards to story telling.

Have fun on the current chapter!

I'll see you around.

Fukuchiicreators' thoughts