
We are desk mates

Everyone was watching her but she, she was focused in the boy who was seated at the end of the row. Upon arriving close to him she said "Good morning Hiro" with her best smile.

Hiro didn't take his eyes off of her the minute she entered the class. Thinking "we are in the same class". In a very quiet way he was happy even though he didn't express it. He thought that the teacher would put Erin with someone else but he kind of knew that she would choose to sit with him.

• Good morning Erin - he responded normally.

The class was shocked even the teacher didn't know how to react. Hiro had a bad reputation for all sorts of things and not only the students were afraid of him but somehow even the teachers put some sort of distance. No one wanted to be close with him and he wouldn't let no one sit next to him.

" But how come this new girl was able to do that? Is she crazy?! She must be." - everyone was thinking.

Meanwhile Erin had already putted down her backpack, gotten out her notebook and her pencil case.

Ms.Corin didn't know what to do but just in case she asked again :

• Erin you want to sit there ?

• Yep - she responded directly.

• Hiro is that ok with you ?

• Yeah - he said it quickly.

"Well then there shouldn't be a problem" - she thought. For some reason she felt relived.

• Ok class we will start now, open the book at page 23...

And like this the first period had begun. Erin peaked at Hiro and he was so focused in the lesson. She took her pencil and wrote on the corner of the book "I'm glad we are together ^^" and then poked Hiro. He turned towards her and she had that weird grin again. Then he looked at what she had written. He didn't change his expression but he was happy. Hiro then wrote "Me too" and Erin continued smiling.

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