
She plays A, she plays O

Ning Xuechu was the daughter of the Ning family who had been separated for many years, and now the property of the Ning family is in the hands of the top Alpha An Jianqing. She has long been differentiated into an Alpha. In order to successfully get a huge inheritance, she has to pretend to be an Omega to seduce An Jianqing. What she didn’t know was that An Jianqing was actually a top Omega. ———— After a reception, An Jianqing’s face flushed. Her body gradually became hot and her eyes were hazy. In her blurred vision, she saw someone approaching, but she couldn’t see her face clearly. There is the smell of a top Alpha in the air, which is her favorite sweet and sour cherry flavor. She couldn’t help wrapping her arms around the Alpha’s neck, offering her red lips tremblingly. Afterwards, An Jianqing kept looking for the Alpha from that night. And the person she was looking for was someone she would never suspect… ———————————————————— Hello, this is my second work [the first one is still not finished, but the novel is very long]. I found this novel and wanted to share it with others who might be interested. As always, I’m not the author, just the translator/editor.

Mitak_E · Book&Literature
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18 Chs

Chapter 18

An Jianqing heard the sound and got up to get her phone.

Seeing the name above, her expression remained the same, and she picked it up as usual to answer.

Without waiting for her to speak, there was a loud sound from the other end of the phone, a mix of loud voices and loud music, obviously at a bar.

"Jianqing, I drank too much because your words were too hurtful today... come to pick me up..." The drunken voice seemed to accuse.

An Jianqing's heartbeat tightened, her eyes flashed, and a trace of remorse appeared.

"I'll be right there." She hung up the phone and turned to get her coat.

Ning Xuechu was sitting on the sofa, seeing everything and hearing it clearly.

She closed her eyes and cried loudly when An Jianqing opened the door.

"Don't hit me...Please...don't hit me..." 

Suddenly there was a cry of fear in the quiet room.

An Jianqing held the doorknob for a while, stopped and turned around.

The person on the sofa was hugging the pillow and waving her hands randomly.

Through the weak light, she could see a pair of closed eyes, and the teardrops falling from the end of her eyes.

This is a nightmare!

An Jianqing felt nervous, hurried over, squatted in front of the sofa, grabbed Ning Xuechu's struggling fingers with both hands and said softly, "Xuechu, wake up."

Ning Xuechu opened her eyes and was confused for a moment.

She suddenly hugged An Jianqing, choked and cried non-stop, tears fell on An Jianqing's neck.

"Xuechu, it's alright, sister is here, no one will bully you." An Jianqing said soothingly, gently stroking Ning Xuechu's back with one hand.

"I had a nightmare... People who I couldn't see clearly in the dream were chasing me... They caught up with me with sticks in their hands and kept hitting me. No matter how much I begged for mercy, they wouldn't stop..." Ning Xuechu said while crying, and her body trembled slightly.

These words are not made up by her, but actually happened to her, and more than once.

She has had such nightmares for countless nights, and now it is very handy for acting now.

"Xuechu, don't be afraid... Your sister is here." An Jianqing was distressed and repeated over and over to comfort her.

Ning Xuechu estimated the time in her heart.

About half an hour later, she stopped crying, raised her head with red eyes, and said uneasily, "Sister, I'm sorry... I've caused you trouble again."

"You'll be fine, I'll pour you a glass of water." An Jianqing breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and poured water.

The phone rang again, An Jianqing didn't answer, just hung up, and then the phone was turned off.

Ning Xuechu watched quietly, the corners of her lips lifted slowly, showing a proud look.

Qiu Mengxi wanted to use the excuse of being drunk to deceive An Jianqing, but she refused to let the woman do so.

When An Jianqing turned around, Ning Xuechu immediately lowered her head and hugged herself tightly, her thin body nestled in the corner of the sofa, looking like she was abandoned by someone, looking very helpless and pitiful.

"Xuechu, drink a glass of water." An Jianqing said softly.

Ning Xuechu shook her head, reached out to wipe away her tears, and buried her head in the crook of her arms.

This fragile appearance made An Jianqing's heart soften, and there was a look of sympathy and unbearableness in her eyes.

"Xuechu, it was just a nightmare. Dreams and reality are the opposite, maybe someone who will pursue you will appear soon." An Jianqing smiled softly and comforted.

Ning Xuechu sniffed, raised her head and looked innocent, "Really? Sister..."

"Of course it's true." An Jianqing smiled and handed over the glass again.

This time, Ning Xuechu held it and took a few sips.

The warm water immediately warmed the whole body, Ning Xuechu felt that the timing was almost right, and her eyes returned to clarity, and said embarrassedly, "Sister, was I shameful just now? I am already this big and still cry."

An Jianqing shook her head, reached out and stroked Ning Xuechu's soft hair, then asked softly, "Xuechu, are you feeling better?"

Ning Xuechu blushed and nodded, not daring to look up in embarrassment.

After a while, she blinked carefully, "Sister, can I sleep here tonight? I just had a nightmare, and I'm afraid to sleep alone."

In the last two words, the volume is very low, showing a pitiful energy.

An Jianqing chuckled lightly, "Sleep in peace, with sister here, there will be no bad people. "

Ning Xuechu smiled happily and lay down with a pillow in her arms.

An Jianqing turned the light up a little and continued to work at the computer desk.

Listening to the keyboard sound, Ning Xuechu frowned slightly.

How could an Alpha so easily agree to share a room with an Omega?

The last time she fell asleep, An Jianqing couldn't wake her up, but this time they were both very awake.

Could it be that, in An Jianqing's heart, she is just a child, not a woman at all?

Thinking of this possibility, Ning Xuechu's eyes turned cold, and she felt a little uncomfortable.

However, this unpleasantness quickly disappeared over time.

Seeing An Jianqing's appearance, it doesn't look like she will go out again, which means that her plan was successful.

She won against Qiu Mengxi.

An Jianqing barely slept all night. She went to work in the company early in the morning. 

She turned on her mobile phone and saw more than 20 missed calls.

It was all from Qiu Mengxi, and even her various social software were bombarded with news from Qiu Mengxi.

{Why didn't you answer the phone last night? Why why why!} This sentence swiped directly.

An Jianqing almost didn't know the word 'why'.

She rubbed her eyebrows and replied briefly, {I had something to do.}

There was no immediate reply from there, she should still be drunk and has not woken up yet.

For some reason, An Jianqing breathed a sigh of relief, she could not face Qiu Mengxi's almost crazy questioning for a while.

Qiu Mengxi once said that she doesn't like stalkers, but her current behaviour seems to be no different from "stalkers".

An Jianqing put down her phone and concentrated on her work.

When she was about to get off work, her office was pushed open, and there was a rose and red wine scent in the air.

"Mengxi, this is a company, not a bar, please put away your pheromones." An Jianqing clenched her fingers together, resisting the Omega's instinct.

Even if you use an inhibitor, and temporarily be immune to Alpha's pheromone, but the opponent's level is too high, and it will still have some impact on her.

She has to be careful not to let anyone see her flaws.

"Yesterday, you hung up on me because of that ordinary Omega, didn't you?" Qiu Mengxi put her hands on the table with undisguised anger on her face.

An Jianqing heard the contempt in her words, and anger came out of her brain, temporarily suppressing her body's instincts.

She raised her head, looked directly at Qiu Mengxi, and said seriously, "She is an ordinary Omega, but not an ordinary person."

This answer amounts to a direct acknowledgement.

Qiu Mengxi's face became contorted with anger, she reached out and knocked over the potted plant on the table, and mocked loudly, "She is an ordinary Omega, even if her identity is not ordinary, she is just an ordinary rich family daughter."

The word 'ordinary' stimulated An Jianqing's heart, and the broken potted plant on the ground hit her heart like a mallet.

She looked at the person full of anger in front of her, and she was different from the sweet smile she remembered when she was a child.

An Jianqing suddenly realized that the good memories in her heart were just memories after all.

For so many years, Qiu Mengxi was no longer the simple and lovely little girl she used to be, and she was not a humble and cowardly orphan.

Everything is changing and it will never go back.

"Miss Qiu, I hope you can respect the daughter of the Ning family, maybe you will meet in cooperation in the future." An Jianqing's expression was sharp, and she changed her previous name.

Qiu Mengxi was dazed and sneered, "You think an Omega can control a huge company? Besides, she's just an ordinary Omega."

An Jianqing's face sank, but she didn't answer, but the fingers on her side tightened.

Disguised as an Alpha for so many years, she subconsciously ignored Qiu Mengxi's deep contempt for Omega.

No matter how high the level of Omega, for Qiu Mengxi they are just a plaything that can be coaxed with money and power.

Aside from childhood filters, Qiu Mengxi's personality and character are not her type.

An Jianqing felt tired for a moment, as if she had found her favourite dessert, peeled off the fragrant surface, and the inside was already rotten.

Disappointment and indescribable nausea.

"Qing, what kind of ecstasy soup did she give you to make you give up? Is it because of that figure?" Qiu Mengxi said mockingly.

An Jianqing stood up, suppressed her anger and asked in a cold voice, "Qiu Mengxi, do you think all Omegas are as despicable as you think?"

"Aren't they?" Qiu Mengxi snorted.

An Jianqing became more and more disappointed, and the light in her eyes dimmed.

This side may be Qiu Mengxi's true face.

An Jianqing didn't want to make meaningless debates, no matter what she said, it couldn't change this person's contempt and disdain for Omega.

"Miss Qiu, I'm off work, please find my secretary." After An Jianqing finished speaking, she sorted out the items on the table as if no one else was there.

Hearing this, Qiu Mengxi's anger increased, and she sneered, "She is really good at tricks, she turned you around in less than a month, and you speak for her wholeheartedly."

"Xuechu is a kind and simple girl, please don't talk nonsense." An Jianqing retorted without raising her head.

Qiu Mengxi suddenly felt humiliated.

She has always been flattered by others, and there has never been a case where she took the initiative to put down her face and was ignored.

An Jianqing is the first.

Qiu Mengxi was very angry, she turned around and went out, walked to the door, turned around and sneered, "An Jianqing, you have to be careful to not lead the wolf into your room. If you are driven out of your house and live on the street in the future, don't tell me it's my fault for not reminding you."

"Thank you." An Jianqing showed a standard smile, her tone indifferent.

With a 'bang', the door was slammed shut.

An Jianqing's smile disappeared, staring at the potted plant on the ground in a daze.

It was given to her by Qiu Mengxi on her eighteenth birthday.

She has been taking care of it carefully, but the person who delivered the flowers broke all her efforts.

Or, from beginning to end, she was the only one who cared.

An Jianqing gave a wry smile, picked up the potted plant, hesitated for a moment, and threw it into the trash can.

At this moment, something seemed to be missing from her heart.

An Jianqing watched quietly and was just about to pick it up when the phone rang.

As if waking up from a dream, she quickly left and walked to the desk to answer the phone, "Xuechu, there was a delay today, I will pick you up now."

"Sister, don't worry, I just came out. I have something I want to tell you." Ning Xuechu said, and her voice gradually became lower after the words.

An Jianqing's heart was tight, and her intuition was that something was wrong.

She quickly packed up and drove to the school.