
She plays A, she plays O

Ning Xuechu was the daughter of the Ning family who had been separated for many years, and now the property of the Ning family is in the hands of the top Alpha An Jianqing. She has long been differentiated into an Alpha. In order to successfully get a huge inheritance, she has to pretend to be an Omega to seduce An Jianqing. What she didn’t know was that An Jianqing was actually a top Omega. ———— After a reception, An Jianqing’s face flushed. Her body gradually became hot and her eyes were hazy. In her blurred vision, she saw someone approaching, but she couldn’t see her face clearly. There is the smell of a top Alpha in the air, which is her favorite sweet and sour cherry flavor. She couldn’t help wrapping her arms around the Alpha’s neck, offering her red lips tremblingly. Afterwards, An Jianqing kept looking for the Alpha from that night. And the person she was looking for was someone she would never suspect… ———————————————————— Hello, this is my second work [the first one is still not finished, but the novel is very long]. I found this novel and wanted to share it with others who might be interested. As always, I’m not the author, just the translator/editor.

Mitak_E · Book&Literature
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18 Chs

Chapter 17

Two cars stopped at the red light 

intersection, An Jianqing tilted her head and met Qiu Mengxi's eyes.

She looked at Qiu Mengxi with a warning in her eyes.

She knew very well that Qiu Mengxi's way of chasing people, flowers, luxury cars, and sweet words could easily make an Omega go into a daze on her conditions.

"Jianqing, why are you so serious? It's just a meal." Qiu Mengxi said with a smile, deliberately emphasizing the following words.

She looked happy, and her mood was not at all affected because of An Jianqing's cold face, or in her heart, An Jianqing's anger was because of jealousy.

In the past, when she made a girlfriend, An Jianqing would feel sad, but what she showed was always generous blessings, and she couldn't see other thoughts at all.

To make An Jianqing break the defence today is enough to create a subtle excitement in her heart, as if this can prove her importance in An Jianqing's heart.

"Xuechu, come to my side." An Jianqing said, and continued to stare at Qiu Mengxi, "Since we have dinner together, then I won't bother you."

"How can it be troublesome to be accompanied by a beautiful woman?" Qiu Mengxi hooked her lips and looked at the orange light to start the car.

An Jianqing was shocked, the panic and worry in her heart overwhelmed other emotions.

When she saw Qiu Mengxi pick up Ning Xuechu, her first reaction was not the usual jealousy and sadness, but worry.

She was worried that Ning Xuechu was not experienced in the world and would fall into the beautiful dream of love carefully fabricated by Qiu Mengxi.

She knows the pain she will endure if she likes a promiscuous Alpha, and she doesn't want Ning Xuechu to be deceived.

Even if Qiu Mengxi made a promise, she did not believe that Qiu Mengxi would take the relationship seriously.

Two cars in tandem, parked in front of the fine dining restaurant.

An Jianqing got out of the car first, walked over to open the car door, looked at the rose in Ning Xuechu's arms and said, "Xuechu, come down and give the flowers back."

Her voice was cold. Ning Xuechu was a little scared. She put down the flower obediently, lowered her head and followed An Jianqing as if she had done something wrong.

Qiu Mengxi saw this and smiled even more happily, "Jianqing, why do you see things like this, sooner or later..."

She didn't say the following words, but the meaning in her eyes was obvious enough.

"Xuechu likes a gentle and kind Alpha." An Jianqing said coldly, reaching out and pulling Ning Xuechu through the door.

Qiu Mengxi stood on the spot, the smile on her face turned cold.

Three people sat at the same table, and two of them were in a bad mood.

Ning Xuechu was caught in the middle, under the pressure of two Alphas, and carefully picked up the dishes in front of her.

She looked left and right, saw that neither of them touched the chopsticks, and asked carefully, "Sister, why don't you eat?"

"You eat, go back to my car after eating, and I will take you back." An Jianqing said, her voice still cold.

Ning Xuechu nodded obediently, did not dare to say a word, and concentrated on eating.

None of the other two spoke first, the atmosphere at the table was quiet and strange, but this did not affect Ning Xuechu's appetite at all.

Seeing An Jianqing treat Qiu Mengxi coldly for her sake, she felt a sense of pleasure in her heart.

To make An Jianqing like her, she must first cut off the secret feelings in An Jianqing's heart.

"Sister, I'm done." Ning Xuechu put down her chopsticks and whispered.

"Good, wait for me in the car." An Jianqing said.

Looking at the appearance of the two, they have something to talk about separately.

Ning Xuechu nodded obediently, glanced at An Jianqing uneasily, and left with a worried face.

"Mengxi, Xuechu has a pure heart. I will find someone who can entrust her to for life in the future, so that I can be worthy of the kindness of the Ning family for raising me." 

An Jianqing said seriously.

The fact that she was adopted by the Ning family was an open secret in the upper class, but as time passed and her status in the Ning family grew, no one mentioned it again.

At this moment, An Jianqing took the initiative to say it, which is enough to show her prudence.

Hearing the meaning of the words, Qiu Mengxi sneered, shook the glass and said, "Are you sure that Miss Ning is really innocent and harmless?"

Although the Omega was pure and innocent, she felt that this person was not like that.

"What do you mean by that?" An Jianqing raised her eyebrows, her eyes already filled with anger, "Xuechu is different from the people you played with before."

This is the first time that An Jianqing has spoken to the person in front of her in a serious and angry tone, and even used the word 'playing' with obvious contempt.

She is not qualified to manage Qiu Mengxi's romantic affairs, and she has no interest in doing that. Even if she has feelings for her, she knows exactly what she can do and which things must not cross the line.

"Playing? In your eyes, am I like this?" Qiu Mengxi followed the glass and stared at An Jianqing, "I have never played with anyone, everything was all voluntary."

Hearing this, An Jianqing suddenly felt a hint of disappointment.

She doesn't like sophistry.

Qiu Mengxi once told them that those lovers were just her boring pastime, and she would change the prey after the novelty.

Now, right and wrong are reversed here, and the words are all the fault of those people who love vanity, unaware that it is her love affair that caused all this.

An Jianqing said coldly, with a very serious look.

"The person you should marry is a high-level Omega who is right in line with you and can give birth to an heir." An Jianqing stood up and added.

At this moment, she no longer has the hidden light in her eyes, and her words and deeds are like the coldness in the business field.

Qiu Mengxi was silent for a while, then burst out laughing, and asked as if mocking herself, "Jianqing, do you really have to be so heartless to me for an unimportant person?"

"She is a very important person to me. I hope you can remember this matter. I will never allow anyone to hurt her." An Jianqing leaned over and supported herself on the table with one hand, her eyes sharp.

After saying this, she turned and left without any hesitation.

Qiu Mengxi felt an uncontrollable anger and grievance in her heart. She threw the wine glass in her hand and tore off the tablecloth.

The food on the table was knocked to the ground instantly, making bursts of clanging noises.

Qiu Mengxi felt uneasy and kicked the chair.

She is very aware of An Jianqing's feelings and has always been proud of it.

For so many years, she has long been accustomed to An Jianqing's admiration and obedience to her. Even if it is impossible for them to be together, she can make the other Alpha lower her eyebrows and enjoy the pleasure of conquering the same kind, she will acquiesce to everything.

But she didn't expect that An Jianqing would turn her face over because of an ordinary Omega.

She has been giving back, but An Jianqing didn't appreciate it. The more she said, the more unpleasant it became.

When did she suffer from this kind of suffocation?

The more she thought about it, the more angry Qiu Mengxi became, so she decided to go to the bar to find someone to ease her mood.

An Jianqing got into the car with a cold expression on her face.

Ning Xuechu was frightened, blinked her eyes with a pitiful expression, and asked in a low voice, "Sister, did I do something wrong? You can beat me and scold me, but don't ignore me. I…"

"Xuechu, don't think too much, let's go back." An Jianqing smiled lightly, regretting her anger.

Ning Xuechu was not wrong in this matter. It was difficult for an ordinary Omega to refuse a high-level Alpha's goodwill, but because of the thought in her heart, she was unconsciously angry with both of them.

She tried her best to prevent the two from being together. On the one hand, she was worried that Ning Xuechu would simply be deceived, but on the other hand, it was also related to her selfishness.

She can't calmly watch Qiu Mengxi live in love with someone else, at least she can't do it at this moment.

"Xuechu, don't accept other people's gifts casually in the future, just tell me what you want." An Jianqing started the car and said.

The biggest reason for Qiu Mengxi's past lovers' fall was that they lost to the sweet words woven by money. As long as Ning Xuechu's needs are met materially, the possibility of being cheated can be reduced.

"Sister, I know I'm wrong, and I won't accept gifts from others casually in the future." Ning Xuechu lowered her head, her voice choked.

An Jianqing's heart suddenly softened, and a complicated look flashed in her eyes.

She was glad for Ning Xuechu's sensible and well-behaved personality, and she was ashamed of the thought in her heart.

"Xuechu, I didn't mean to blame you, don't blame yourself." An Jianqing comforted her softly.

"Thank you, sister..." Ning Xuechu raised her head with bright tears in her eyes.

An Jianqing smiled soothingly, the frost on her face melted.

Ning Xuechu followed with a smile, and the raised eyebrows made her look innocent and harmless.

In the evening, after taking a bath, Ning Xuechu lay comfortably on the bed.

She cocked the corners of her mouth and put her hands behind her head, she was very happy.

An Jianqing's reaction today was unexpected. Although I don't know what the two said, it is certain that the relationship between the two will never return to how it was in the past.

As long as she thought of An Jianqing facing that woman with a cold face, she couldn't help but feel happy.

Ning Xuechu was so happy that she couldn't sleep, she got up in a dress and came to An Jianqing's door.

She knocked on the door, and soon someone came to open the door.

"Xuechu, what's the matter?" An Jianqing asked, still wearing daytime clothes.

"Sister, I can't sleep, can I watch a movie in your room?" Ning Xuechu said nervously, putting both hands in front of her and fiddling with her fingernails.

"Okay." An Jianqing readily agreed, turned around and said, "I'm busy, Xuechu, please lower your voice."

"Okay, thank you, sister." Ning Xuchu nodded happily.

She picked a movie at random, turned it to silent and started watching.

Ning Xuechu was not interested in movies, she just came here to pass the time and get a better relationship with An Jianqing.

But An Jianqing is busy, so she can't find someone to chat with.

The movie was playing silently, and the boring plot made Ning Xuechu want to sleep.

She held the pillow in her arms, yawned, and continued to watch with energy.

A bell rang suddenly in the quiet room, Ning Xuechu followed the sound and saw that it was An Jianqing's phone screen lighting up.

The words 'Qiu Mengxi' came into view.