

Josephine_Njuguini · Fantasy
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30 Chs

She Is The One

Episode 27

Dan stood up from his seat, reached into his trouser back pocket, and removed his wallet, Florence thought maybe that he wanted to pay the bill for the food, Dan removed an old necklace from his wallet then went back to take his seat, holding the necklace in his hand, he started narrating a story to Florence.

"My grandmother died when I was seventeen. That was the first time I cried for losing someone I love. Before she died, she called me one day and gave me this necklace, she told me that she got the necklace from her mother, it was one of the things that she treasured the most because the necklace would comfort her every time she thinks of her mother, the necklace would remind her that her mother was always with her.

She told me she didn't want me to forget about her, and that I was the best and most disciplined grandson she ever had, so to honor her mother's memory, she had to pass the necklace to someone she loved, she chose to give it to me, I would always hold it in my hands whenever I was feeling scared and the fear would go away.

I can never forget her and right now I am not scared anymore, but still, this necklace means everything to me. It reminds me of her. I promised her that I would keep that necklace until such a time when I would get the love of my life, and I think this is that time. I want you to have this necklace Florence; you are the woman I love. In honor of my grandmother's memory, I would like you to take care of it." Dan narrated the story to her. Florence was in tears, she was not sure if she was worth having the necklace, she loved Dan very much and she knew that necklace meant a lot to him. She accepted to take the necklace, she promised Dan that she would honor the promise he made to his grandmother.

Dan stood up from his seat again to help Florence in putting on the necklace, then he kissed her once more. Those who were looking at them started clapping for them, it was one of the most beautiful and important moments in their lives. They left the hotel and went to Hippo point for a picnic. They had no food so Dan bought some snacks from the supermarket. Joel was the photographer of the day. They took photos, played together, carrying each other on the back and doing everything that they had ever wished to do. You would think that they were the only two people in the world. Nothing else existed to them. They were not concerned of the many eyes looking at them. They were completely in love.

At around six in the evening, they left for home. When they reached Ndoru, Florence didn't want to get out of the car, staying away from Dan even for a night was like going to hell. One night was a whole decade to her. She wanted nights to end quickly. All that mattered to her was her lovely Dan. But she had to go back to her mother because she was not Dan's wife, maybe not just yet. It was hurting but she had to go.

She gave Dan a French very wet kiss then got out of the car, it was a hell of a day to Joel indeed. He saw many things but to Dan and Florence he didn't exist. When they got home, His mother called him in the sitting room and told him to sit down.

"So I hear you had a very wonderful day with that pig I saw in church last time. Is that why you came back? How would you choose that filthy 'thing' over Sarah? I said I forgave you but that pig can never marry my son. If you really love her then you have to let go of her." Mrs. Mary said to Dan. Dan didn't know Chris (her mom's driver) had been stalking him the whole day. Chris followed them to the hotel, and later to the Hippo point where they went for a picnic and even took pictures of them.

Mrs. Mary knew Dan would not let go of Florence so she sent Chris to stalk him. Dan was now worried, trying to figure out what he was going to do. Just when he thought everything was getting better, then another shocker from his mother. He loved Florence very much and that is why he gave her the necklace and now the life of the woman he loves was in jeopardy and he only had two options, either to fight his mother and protect the woman or to let go of Florence. The following day, Dan traveled back to Kisumu to his father to explain to him what he was going through. How he was being tortured mentally and emotionally by his mother.

"Good morning Dad, how are you feeling today?" Dan greeted his father "Morning son, I feel like I'm not dying any soon, so you are still stuck with me in this world." Prof. Ojwang replied jokingly. "I still need you Dad, actually I need you now more than ever.""It seems something is disturbing your mind son, you can talk to me." His Dad asked him to speak out.

"Dad, I told you our wedding with Sarah ended in a mess, it's because I didn't love her and I still don't love her. I have never been in love with her. It was Mom who pushed me to be with her. I am in love with another lady and she loves me too. She is the one who made me run out of the church on our wedding day. Mum realized I met with her yesterday and now she threatened to do something bad if I don't let go of her. I love this lady very much, Daddy. Now I am confused, I don't know what to do." Dan explained to his father. "Son, the biggest mistake I ever made was marrying your mother, I am sorry to say this. You can never have peace if you marry someone who doesn't love you because of who you are but because of other things or who you don't love. And I am proud of you because you didn't do that mistake. If you are sure this woman loves you as you are, not Dan the son of Prof. Ojwang, then you have every reason to fight for her. But if she loves you because of what you have then you will regret marrying her some days to come. Think about that very carefully and then make your decision. If you decide to be with her then fight, don't let your mother take your happiness away from you." His father advised him. Dan was now challenged, he didn't know if Florence loved him because of his money or fell in love with the person in him, the only thing he was sure of was his love for Florence.

He decided to stand and fight for what he loves. Dan went back home to talk to his mother. When he arrived, he called Lisa and James to the sitting room where his mother was seated. He told them to take a seat because he had something to share with them."Lisa and James, I have called you here because you are my blood and whatever I want to share with you today is something which is very important especially to me. You all saw what happened some weeks back at our wedding with Sarah and trust me I am not proud of it. That is why I had to run away from home for some time. It was something awful and I just hope that Sarah will one day find in her heart the grace to forgive me. I never loved Sarah and that is why I couldn't marry her. Mother, I told you several times that I had no feelings for Sarah but you insisted and pushed me to the wall, forgetting that I am a human being with feelings too. I accepted to marry Sarah just to make you happy Mum but on that day while I was reading that Vow, I realized that I was not marrying for any of you. I am in love with someone else, and I am sure she loves me back, not because we are rich but she is just in love with the person in me. I am planning to propose to her very soon and I will bring her home. Mother, you know I love you very much and I will always respect you, but this is now someone I am willing to spend the rest of my life both in times of happiness and in times of sorrow, both in good times and bad times. I don't want to live this kind of life you are living with Dad and so I have to marry the woman I love. Please I am humbly requesting you to support me in this. I love you and I don't want us to cross paths with you mummy, but if you try stopping me then I swear you will make me do something you will live to regret in your life." Dan threatened his mother in a way. Mrs. Mary was in shock, she had not seen his son talk to someone that way. She didn't say anything, she just rose up and took off to her bedroom….

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