

Josephine_Njuguini · Fantasy
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30 Chs

She Is The One

Episode 26

Dan woke up very early the following day, he was to go

to Kisumu to visit his father in the hospital, Joel was not

around so he had to drive by himself. He took a shower,

took his breakfast, took the car keys then left the house.

When he reached the car-shed, he found Joel washing

the car, maybe that was the new job that Joel talked

about. He was surprised to see him.

"Hey, Joe, what are you doing here? I thought you said

you were engaged somewhere?" Dan asked him.

"Good morning sir, yes, that is what I say, I also thought

I was engaged too, but after getting your call, I realized

there was no other place I would rather be. I missed you,

sir." Joel replied

Dan was very happy, he was very happy with Joel.

"Thank you, Joe, it's good to see you again, can you take

me to Kisumu? I was heading there to see Dad." Dan


"I thought you'll never ask, I have really missed this

machine, 'my car keys' please." Joel stretched his hands

to get the keys from Dan laughing

When they arrived at Agha Khan, they found his father

talking to some of the officials from the UN who had come

to see how he was doing. They waited for about thirty

minutes for the officials to leave. They wanted to

transfer Dan's father to India but he refused. After they

left, Dan got in to talk to his father, his father was

heartbroken, he was disappointed in him.

"Son, what brings you here today? Or you have come to

confirm if I'm still alive? I can't believe that all of the

people, you can run away from me the time I needed you

the most son, I am so disappointed in you. I thought I

had raised a better person, what got into you son?" Pro. Ojwang had no idea that his son varnished and had not

been around for some time. He also didnt know of what

happened in the wedding because no one had told him, it

was only Lisa who could come to visit him once in a

while, his wife Mrs. Mary was just a 'public figure' they

never loved each other anymore, she never visited his

husband in the hospital even though she was the first one

to receive the call about her husband's accident. But his

father was right, Dan left him the time he needed him the

most, maybe he was just dealing with stress, but his

father was in a coma, he cared about his feelings and

himself more than his dying father

"Dad, I am very sorry I wasn't there for you, so many

things happen, horrible things and I am sorry I was selfish, I only cared about myself, I left, I went back to

the U.S, I wanted to forget about everything which

actually didnt work for me, I know I left you on your

death bed, that was so selfish of me, but I am here now,

and I am kindly requesting you to find a place in your

heart to forgive me. I love you Dad, I always will, but

this thing, what happened, I was so devastated Dad, I couldn't stay around." Dan explained to his Dad what

happened, his Dad was the first person to know where he

disappeared to.

Dan had a friend in Kisumu, a colleague who was also a

lawyer in the united states when he disappeared from the

hospital, he switched off his phone, then went to his

friend's house, fortunately enough, he found his friend

just about to leave heading to the airport to travel to the

U.S, Dan had enough money to take him to the U.S and

he was also with his passport, one of the documents that

he was always walking around with, so they went to the

U.S, he came back the day he activated his sim card

again. That day he slept in a hotel in Nairobi because he

jetted in late in the evening, he then took a fight to Kisumu

the following day and that is when he got back home.

His father forgave him and told him to always be free to

share and consult with people who care about him before

making such reckless decisions.

After talking to his father, Dan and Joel left, he was to meet

Florence in Kisumu that day. They met at Sovereign hotel.Florence was very happy to see him, Dan didnt want to

discuss the past with her so he didnt talk about it, they

started chatting, reminding each other

of there best moments, how they went to Impala

Sanctuary, how Florence almost got lost in the Ferry till

they found themself holding each other's hand and

looking at each other in the eye, the feeling was so

romantic, the environment was more romantic and cool,

Dan pulledFlorence closer, they were both in the urge of

kissing each other, this time, they couldn't resist it. They

kissed, everyone in the hotel turned around to look at
