
She Is His Best Friend

I sat on her seat and she walked in, obviously surprised to see me on her seat. I deliberately placed my legs on the desk and pretended not to see her. She walked to my front. "Excuse me, you're on my seat."she said but I behaved like she wasn't there. She tapped my legs. "Can't you hear what I'm saying?"she asked. "What are you going to do if I don't stand up? Are you going to call your mummy?"I asked and she hissed. "Just get up and mind your business."she said. "Well I won't."I said with a smirk. She sat on a little space on the desk. What was she doing? A teacher walked in. "Everyone get settled."she said. "Miss are you a new student here? What seems to be the problem?" the teacher asked and she stood up. "I'm sorry ma'am, but this jerk won't leave my seat."she said and everyone exclaimed. What did she just call me? A jerk? She's gone too far, I'm gonna show her how a jerk behaves. I stood up from the seat and turned to the teacher. "Ma'am, I never knew this was her seat. She just barged in and was arguing with me."I said and I could see she was shocked. "What.."the teacher interrupted her. "Miss, this is a school. You should not behave like it's your home. A little courtesy would be appreciated."the teacher said. "But he was the one at fault here."she argued. "The classmates are all witnesses to what she did, right?"I asked the class. "Yes ma'am."they all responded. "What?" "Please have your seat miss."the teacher ordered sternly and she had no choice than to sit down quietly. I went to my seat smirking. I'm sure she'll be cursing me right now. *** Meet Kyla, a sixteen years old girl who was orphaned from a very young age of eleven. Herself and her little sister, Daisy. They were taken to the orphanage and were later adopted by a really nice and wealthy couple, Mr and Mrs Francis. Their aim for going to the adoption center was to adopt a baby, not more than one or two months old. But their resolve changed after seeing Kyla. Kyla and her little sister started attending a school for basically wealthy folks, Hilton highschool. She was despised at first and was almost maimed by her classmates. Meet Jeremy Wilbert, also called 'J', a seventeen-year-old guy, the leader of the 'BIG FIVE' in Hilton highschool. They are known for bullying students who gets in their way. What happens when Kyla gets on their bad side? What happens when Jeremy refuses to listen to anyone except 'His Best Friend' even when he fell in love with Kyla? An original story, filled with drama, suspense, heartbreak, love, betrayal and highschool romance. You wouldn't want to miss it.

Anns_library4321 · Teen
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82 Chs

Who said anything about a taxi?

Soon, I was on the airplane. This was actually my first time in a plane. It was really nice because Mum and Dad booked me a first class cabin. There were few people here. I sighed and laid back shutting my eyes for a while. But I saw Jeremy's face. I quickly opened my eyes and looked around. He wasn't here, am I imagining things now? I have to forget about you Jeremy, even if it hurts me.

I felt someone sat opposite me and I quickly wiped my tears.

"Hello." he said. I took a deep breath and looked at him. He was also a teenager like me, he had dark curly hair and so many features that made him handsome. He also had a British accent.

"Hi." I said and looked out the window.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"You were crying." he said.

"It's none of your business." I said.

"Oh.. ok, I'm sorry for intruding... I'm Darren by the way." he said, stretching out his hand for an handshake. I stared at him for some time.

"I'm Kyla." I said and shook his hands shortly.

"So where are you.."

"Darren or whatever you are called, I'm seriously not in the mood for any conversation right now. So allow me to sit in peace." I said and looked out the window. I didn't care what he thought of me at the moment.

The plane landed safely and I got down. I took my luggages and walked out. I stood outside waiting for the car that was to pick me up.

"Hey Kyla." someone called and I turned to him. Ugh.. Darren.

"What?" I asked as he walked to me with his luggage.

"I could drop you wherever you want to go. You won't get a taxi here easily." he said and I just stared at his Jaguar.

"Who said anything about a taxi?" I asked.

"uh..? I just..."

"Are you miss Kyla?" A man asked as he walked to me.

"Yeah, Jason?" I asked.

"Yes ma'am, your ride is here." he said pointing at a GLK 350.

"Oh, I didn't know you.." I walked out on him and got into the car. Jason took my luggage and put them in the trunk of the car.

He drove me to a magnificent Mansion. it was quite beautiful. I alighted from the car and Jason helped me with my luggages. We walked in and I was wowed by the beauty of the house.

"Kyla." Daisy screamed and ran from the staircase to embrace me.

"Daisy. I miss you so much." I said.

"I miss you too." She said.

"Where is Mum and Dad?" I asked.

"They went out to the office. I refused to go with them because I wanted to welcome you." she said and I smiled.

"Thank you Daisy." I said.

"Come, I'll show you to your room. It's really beautiful. Mum and I decorated it." she said, pulling me upstairs. We entered the beautiful room. It was beautifully decorated with pink colours. The bed, couch, curtains etcetera. Even the walls were pink. There was also a huge TV on the wall, opposite the bed. "Do you like it?" Daisy asked.

"Yeah, it's beautiful." I said. She helped me arrange my stuff in the closet.

"I'll go get you snacks." She said and ran out. I smiled, she really misses me.

I laid on the bed with my back, staring at the beautiful chandelier. I just hope I forget about him here. My phone rang and I picked it up.

"Grace." I called.

"Hello Kyla, are you there already?" She asked.

"Yeah. I already arrived, thanks."

"So how's England?" she asked.

"It's beautiful, really." I said.

"I'm glad you'll be enjoying your stay. Do take pictures and go on a tour, ok?" she said and I smiled. I wish she was here with me.

"Yeah, I will." I said.

"Ok have some rest now, bye." she said and hung up. I dropped the phone on the bed. Daisy came in with a tray full of snacks. I stood up and helped her carry it.

"Daisy, you didn't have to carry this by yourself. It's heavy." I said.

"I wanted to do it myself.. for you." she said and sat on the bed. I smiled and ruffled her hair.

"Thank you." I said and she smiled. We both ate the snacks. Well, you don't expect Daisy to sit beside me while I eat alone, right? Even when she claims the snacks were all for me.

"So you are really going to miss your prom and graduation?" she asked.

"It's no big deal. I'm done with my exams already." I said.

"Really? Well I wouldn't miss my prom. I'll get to wear a beautiful dress. I'll ask Dad to take me shopping for a princess gown." she said and I laughed.

"Well then, don't miss you prom." I said.

"What about Jeremy?" she asked and I choked on the apple juice. I coughed a bit but Daisy didn't seem to notice it, as she continued talking. "I was expecting him to bring me some chocolate chips. I really miss those." she said and I swallowed. I can't get emotional in front of daisy.

"Um.. wow, I really love your British accent. You've only been here for a short time but you speak the British accent really well." I said trying to change the topic.

"Yeah, all my friends in school speak this way. And I decided to speak this way too when we met Queen Elizabeth." she said. I was glad that Jeremy's topic was over. I sighed.

"Daisy I really need to get some rest, now." I said.

"But I haven't shown you around yet." she said.

"We'll do that later, I'm so tired right now." I said.

"Okay, I'll go to my room now." She said sadly.

"But.. you can stay here if you want." I said and she smiled.

"Yes." she said happily. I laid on my bed and listened to her numerous talks until I fell asleep.



"Kyla.. Kyla.. Kyla.." someone called. I opened my eyes and saw Daisy close to my face.

"Daisy? What is it?" I asked sleepily.

"Mum and dad are home." she said, just then the door opened and Mum and Dad came in. I quickly stood up and ran to them. I embraced the both of them.

"I missed you guys." I said.

"We are so happy you decided to come." Dad said and I smiled.

"Did something happen over there?" Mum asked and my smile became faint.

"No mum, I just missed you guys a lot." I said. Yeah, I miss them but I just really did not want to see Jeremy anymore.

Well, the rest of the day was quite uneventful. Soon it was night time.