
She Is His Best Friend

I sat on her seat and she walked in, obviously surprised to see me on her seat. I deliberately placed my legs on the desk and pretended not to see her. She walked to my front. "Excuse me, you're on my seat."she said but I behaved like she wasn't there. She tapped my legs. "Can't you hear what I'm saying?"she asked. "What are you going to do if I don't stand up? Are you going to call your mummy?"I asked and she hissed. "Just get up and mind your business."she said. "Well I won't."I said with a smirk. She sat on a little space on the desk. What was she doing? A teacher walked in. "Everyone get settled."she said. "Miss are you a new student here? What seems to be the problem?" the teacher asked and she stood up. "I'm sorry ma'am, but this jerk won't leave my seat."she said and everyone exclaimed. What did she just call me? A jerk? She's gone too far, I'm gonna show her how a jerk behaves. I stood up from the seat and turned to the teacher. "Ma'am, I never knew this was her seat. She just barged in and was arguing with me."I said and I could see she was shocked. "What.."the teacher interrupted her. "Miss, this is a school. You should not behave like it's your home. A little courtesy would be appreciated."the teacher said. "But he was the one at fault here."she argued. "The classmates are all witnesses to what she did, right?"I asked the class. "Yes ma'am."they all responded. "What?" "Please have your seat miss."the teacher ordered sternly and she had no choice than to sit down quietly. I went to my seat smirking. I'm sure she'll be cursing me right now. *** Meet Kyla, a sixteen years old girl who was orphaned from a very young age of eleven. Herself and her little sister, Daisy. They were taken to the orphanage and were later adopted by a really nice and wealthy couple, Mr and Mrs Francis. Their aim for going to the adoption center was to adopt a baby, not more than one or two months old. But their resolve changed after seeing Kyla. Kyla and her little sister started attending a school for basically wealthy folks, Hilton highschool. She was despised at first and was almost maimed by her classmates. Meet Jeremy Wilbert, also called 'J', a seventeen-year-old guy, the leader of the 'BIG FIVE' in Hilton highschool. They are known for bullying students who gets in their way. What happens when Kyla gets on their bad side? What happens when Jeremy refuses to listen to anyone except 'His Best Friend' even when he fell in love with Kyla? An original story, filled with drama, suspense, heartbreak, love, betrayal and highschool romance. You wouldn't want to miss it.

Anns_library4321 · Teen
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82 Chs

Love sick.


I tossed and turned on my bed. I couldn't sleep. Since morning, it was like something was missing, something was gone. I turned to my bedside table and my eyes met with Kyla's picture. I sighed.

She is so beautiful.

Ugh, how could she break up with me? What did I do wrong? Why does she like hurting me? Am I not good enough for her? I felt my cheeks getting wet again. Damn it.

I fell asleep late.



I decided to visit J at home. I was told by the house helps that he hasn't come out from his room all morning. I walked upstairs to his room. I saw that he was in a bad shape.

"J? What happened to you?" I asked feeling his temperature. He was really hot. I think he was running a fever. I quickly called his doctor and told him to come as fast as possible. I sat beside him on the bed. "J how come you're having a fever? You were ok yesterday." I said.

"I don't even know."he said.

"Don't worry, you are going to be fine." I said. The doctor came and did some checkups on him.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked.

"Hmm... He's ok. I don't see anything wrong with him." The doctor said.

"But his temperature is high."I said

"I know but medically, nothing seems wrong with him." he said.

"Then I think he's love sick." I said.

"What do you mean by that?" he asked.

"Well his girlfriend recently broke up with him and he hasn't been himself." I said.

"Oh." he said. "Then I guess that girl is very lucky to have someone that thinks about her so much." he said and I chuckled a bit. "Ok, nevertheless, give him these drugs and if his condition doesn't change before tomorrow, then give me a call." he said and gave me some drugs before leaving.

I made him take the drugs after he ate. Before noon, he was ok already. I sat with him on the bed, he was staring at nothing in particular.

"Hey buddy, you're thinking of Kyla?" I asked and he looked at me.

"Of course, who else should I be thinking about? You?"he scoffed and I chuckled. "Why does she like hurting me?" he asked and I chuckled again.

"First of all, she's not hurting you. You are the one hurting her. She hasn't done anything wrong." I said.

"How can you say that? She broke up with me, is that not wrong?"he asked.

"That's because you hurt her a lot. You've never given her the attention she deserves." I said.

"What attention? I always go out with her and..."

"No, you are always with Violet and you're always taking Violet's side. She feels left out. You shouldn't give other girls more attention than your girlfriend no matter how close they are to you. She feels bad when you are always with Violet. Every girl would feel that way." I said.

"Violet is just a friend and Kyla knows that. Why is she always jealous? She's the one who has my heart, not Violet." he said.

"But you didn't make her feel that way. The truth is that Violet is toying with you. She's manipulating you, she had always wanted you all to herself, that's why she hated Kyla. She just pretends around you."I said.

"Brian please stop that rubbish, stop saying that. Violet has nothing to do with this." he said.

"That's what you think, but because of her, you lost the love of your life." I said.

"It wasn't Violet's fault ok? Kyle is just so jealous." he said.

"This is exactly why she left you. You are always defending Violet and not her. She may be jealous, that's because she doesn't want to share you with anyone else. She..."

"You know what? I've heard enough of this nonsense. I need you to get out of my house." he said and I was shocked.

"What? You're sending me out because I'm telling you the truth?" I asked.

"Just get out, I want to be alone." he said and I swayed my head sadly.

"Kyla did the right thing by leaving you. You are just so full of yourself. You know what I think? I think you don't deserve a girl like her because you are a jerk." I said and stormed out.


I'm just so confused right now. I laid on the bed. I can't believe I just drove Brian out of my house. What's happening to me? What is fucking wrong with me?




We were at the basketball court for practice and I was playing total rubbish. I couldn't even shoot the ball into the net for once. I was totally distracted.

"Wilbert." coach called in anger. "What's the meaning of this nonsense you are doing here?" He yelled at me. Everyone stopped playing, even the cheerleaders stopped dancing. Everyone was staring at me.

"I'm sorry coach, I'II.."

"You'll what? The States championships is next week and you couldn't even shoot the ball into the net. What's wrong with you?" he shouted angrily. "Michael even dribbled you and took the ball from you." he said. Yeah, Michael was like, the least in the team. He doesn't stand a chance against me usually but he did today. I just wasn't feeling it. Something was missing. "What do you have to say?" Coach asked.

"I'll try again." I said.

"You better do well this time." he said and walked away. He blew his whistle and we started again. I managed to take the ball from Jason and I was dribbling Mitchell. He was trying to take the ball from me but I wasn't allowing him to do that. I immediately saw Kyle's face and realised Mitch already took the ball. Damn it. Coach blew his whistle and everyone stopped playing again. He marched to me with angry eyes.

"Go and sit on the bench." he ordered and everyone started mummuring.

"What? Coach, I just.."

"I said go and sit on the bench."he yelled and I sighed and quietly walked to the bench and sat down.

"Kyle, what have you done to me?" I muttered to myself.

Soon, practice was over. I walked to the changing room and changed into my clothes. I walked to the cheerleaders room. Violet was the only friend I could talk to right now. Brian and Mitch were both avoiding me. I deserved it anyway. I spoke badly to them in anger.

I walked to the cheerleaders room and heard Violet and Crystal talking. I leaned towards the door to hear what they were saying because I heard my name being mentioned severally.

"Vi, I think we should stop this already, it's affecting him greatly. Didn't you see his condition earlier?" Crystal asked.

"But I'm almost close to having him. Kyla has broken up with him already, so it will be easier to make him mine now."Violet said and I was surprised, shocked and angered. Does this mean.. Wait what?