
She Is His Addiction

"I have bad news." Lian paced the hotel room and said. "Bad news?" Fidel folded the papers in his hands and asked. "Am pregnant." She said. Fidel laughed while looking at her. "Being pregnant isn't bad news. It's worth being celebrated." He walked over and tried to touch her belly but she walked away. "Fidel I know you're just some human who is super different from everyone else. This is wartime. Millions of people are waiting for me to stop the evil magic. Everyone is looking up to me. Look around Sky Wing, what do you see? desperate people. Let me just tell you that am going to terminate it. This isn't the right time to sit down and nurse pregnancy. I have a long way to go and everything else can wait." Lian said seriously. "What? Terminate my own child? That's not going to happen. Listen to me, I know what you're thinking but am here with you, I will protect you, I will protect my child. It must live!" Fidel said emphasising every word. *** And the sword went right into her belly. Terror was written all over her face as she looked at the oracle's smiling face. Fidel saw her fall and everything seemed to stand still. His eyes suddenly lost color and he roared towards the oracle. "Kai, Max, take madam away. call a plane and have her flown back to K nation immediately!" Adam gave the order....

Dragon_2120 · Fantasy
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27 Chs



"The deal is done and dusted." Anes, Lian's brother and senior Jones's one and only son said as he checked the bank statements.

"God I thought she was up to something as usual. I don't understand how Mr Fidel holds on for that long." Senior Jones said.

Kate sat lonely and didn't say a word. Just a few days ago Lian was very mad at everyone over her issues with Fidel, today she posed and just said yes. Was something up?

After the Jones company went bankrupt, they didn't have another way of income and a way to boost the company. Anes was on the verge of breaking and just loosing hope. But senior Jones couldn't let go of a company he had worked hard to maintain. He was to look for a strategy.

Senior Jones heard the rumour That Mr Nolan was worried about his son not showing interest in ladies yet he was dying to meet an heir of his lineage. Senior Jones reached out to him and told him of his three daughters. Anything to do with the family heir, of course, Mr Nolan wouldn't bargain.

Lian was the Jones' daughter who never cared about the family's goings. The bankruptcy of the family was none of her business. After all the family he once gave her all didn't even give her a job when he badly needed any. Even her stepmom told her right in her face that she wasn't welcomed there. So she chose to be on her own and work for her own money.

When she was forced to stay home because the family had special visitors, that's when she met Fidel. Asked to choose between the Jones' girls, he pointed straight at Lian. Though he didn't know anything about the family, he could read the shock in the eyes of the other girls. But he didn't care. At last, he met whom his heart beats for.

She had tried to resist, to fight back and ended up loosing her job and the trust from the Nolans. But one person never gave up on her, not even after she scattered her first wedding with Fidel. He still wanted to win her by all means. And today, she finally said yes. Who wouldn't sigh?

"But that's the lamest reason we gave out one of own for, " Anes said. Generally, Anes didn't know who's side to support. He was simply a camouflage being. Today he would support the rest of his family and the next minute he would be on Lian's side.

"And that's the easiest way ever got quick money when we had needed it." Senior Jones said.

"What about me? Everyone got hyped because she said yes and forgot not all of us are married. That wasn't even supposed to be her luck." Kate lamented.

"You two worship different God mothers right?" Anes said.

"If I were you I would just keep my mouth shut." Kate snorted back at her brother.

"Even if you were her, at least she did something for the family." Anes snorted as he started to move away.

"Everyone was ready to do that. Who knew someone we never valued would get such a bit of luck?"


Lian arrived at the hotel in the company of guards with uniforms with the Nolan's logo imprinted on them. Everyone turned around to stare. The last time the Nolan cars arrived at the hotel, The great Fidel himself came to take Lian's resignation letter. Who wouldn't wonder what was happening?

Instead, Lian herself got out of the car after Adam opened the doors for her.


"No, am fine. Just leave. I'll inform you when I need you." Lian said. This whole being escorted by high-class guards sucked and she couldn't wait to dismiss them. So, they wouldn't stay and wait for her. She won't accept it either.

"But boss said..."

"Forget what boss said. You guys can go and be with him. I'll inform you in case anything comes up." She said and started walking away. Adam sighed and motioned the guards to stop.

Eva ran to her and hugged her. After all, they had been through thin and thick together so it made sense when they still stick together even though the wife of a CEO was like a goddess not to be touched by just anyone. Even Eva had tasted the violent part of Fidel and couldn't dare mess with him. But Fidel couldn't be a barrier in their long-time relationship. Besides, Lian was unpredictable to everyone but to Eva, she could see right through her. They spend a good time of their lives together including the fact that they went to the same school, same university and worked together. Lian called Eva over to the hotel and gave her work, Lian was given the work by Mrs Oliver Stone who claimed she resembled someone she knew. Lian was grateful, though curious who the person was.

But when Mrs Oliver said the person was from Sky Wing, she ruled out the fact that the person was who she thought she was. Not from Sky Wing...

Lian walked into the elevator waving at Eva before the elevator closed. Instead of going to her office, she went straight to Mrs Stone's office.

"Well..." Mrs Stone sighed. "I can't tell you how much I missed you. I never expected that. I shook and just broke down."

Lian went and hugged her. "Mmh... That devil of a human being." She laughed. Mrs Oliver was surprised.

"Mind your mouth little one. You don't know how powerful the Nolans are."

Well, Mrs Oliver Stone didn't know Lian was married to Fidel Nolan. It happened in a flash and was kept out of the media. After choosing Lian over the others, Fidel would have wanted to let her live her life the best way she wanted, but Lian was rebellious and wild. She didn't cooperate. So Fidel would find a way to pin her by his side. First, he locked her in the darkroom after she turned him down and embarrassed him in front of his father.

The next thing he did was to personally show up at the Grand Hotel, a rare thing and demanded for a forceful resignation letter for Lian. Mrs Oliver Stone gave it to him, at the same time wondering how Lian offended such a big figure.

Not just showing up at Grand Hotel, many people only heard of Fidel, but few people ever saw him. Fidel didn't show his face in public. He wasn't anyone you could meet anywhere. You've ever heard of big figures who didn't brag around? That was Fidel. In fact, showing up at Grand Hotel shook everyone.