
She Hates The Billionaire

He is wealthy and she is poor, As children, he would always bully and mock her in front of her friends and schoolmates because she was fat, a nerd and she was from a striving family, he would constantly humiliate her in front of the whole school and chase anybody that try to get close to her. She hated him to the core that she prayed they never meet in life, after highschool, she got a scholarship to study in the States, they never met again. Six years later, they meet each other in an unexpected way, fate is playing a game with them. Will he asked for forgiveness and Will she ever forgive him and let her hate turn to love or will her hate run deep? Let's find out.

Clarity_57 · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 3


Mateo's POV


I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in," I continued typing on my laptop. I looked up and saw a very beautiful and attractive woman who looked awfully familiar. She was admiring my office. Normally, most women would admire me before anything else but she was different.

I cleared my throat and she looked at me for a while as if trying to remember something.

"Son of a freaking gun, Mateo?!!," The lady exclaimed. her eyes widened.

  I froze." Freaking shit, Marissa?!!", I exclaimed as I recognized her and shot up from my chair.

It's really her, shit.

"No no, this cannot be happening," she took her bag and was walking to the door fuming.

 "Wait, Marissa."

"What do you want you prick?" she fired at me, blazing with intense rage.

"Aren't you here for the job interview?" I blurted out without thinking.

Shit, what am I doing?

"Take your stupid job interview and SHOVE IT UP YOUR DRY ASS!!!!" She screamed at me and began to wheeze.

"Marissa, what's wrong?!!" I ran to her, holding her.

"My.... In... inhaler.... bag" she managed to say. I quickly took the bag and looked for the inhaler and help her take it.

She inhaled and sat down, glaring at me.

"I could have died because of you," she said.

"I didn't know you were asthmatic. Now shall we continue the interview, you are wasting my time," I said and walked back to my seat and picked up her CV.

Dalia? Banks? She changed her name.

"Pfft! What interview? What makes you think I will work for you?" She scoffed. After the episode that just happened, I avoided trying to make her angry.

"Because you need the job," I folded my arms across my chest and smirked knowing I hit a point.

I heard her curse underneath her breath.

"Yeah, but you're wrong because other companies will be willing to hire me," she grinned smugly and attempted to get up from the seat but i held both arms of the seat, trapping her in-between the seat and me.

"I could put you on blacklist and nobody would employ you," I said casually and stared into her blue green eyes.

Her eyes are beautiful.

"You wouldn't dare."

"Whenever you are ready," I walked to my seat and sat down. "Call my secretary."

"I hate you," venom laced in her voice, a disturbing feeling erupted in my chest.

"Why do you hate me so much?" I asked her, staring into her raging eyes.

"Have you forgotten how many times you humiliated me? Don't expect me to forgive you just because we are grown-ups, goddammit I'm leaving, you make me sick," with that she walked away.

I felt guilty remembering the humiliations she went through in my hands.


"Mr Silvetti, you have a meeting with Mr Cornell in thirty minutes," my secretary informed me before leaving the office. I walked to the window looking down, I saw her get in her car and drive off.