
She Fell For Her.. (GL)

Yusun_Park · LGBT+
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16 Chs

Damn, you're loaded!!


Summary Of: Our Mark?

Raven and Grace enter the elegant bar, and Raven's intent gaze searches for someone specific. Grace asks Raven who she's looking for, and Raven playfully teases her about not knowing. Raven spots Mark approaching and acknowledges his presence. Grace realizes it's Mark, the sports captain. Raven and Grace engage in light banter.

Mark greets Raven, and Grace remarks on being the third wheel. Raven processes the situation and talks briefly with Mark. Grace leans in to ask Raven what's going on. Raven and Mark reveal they are both meeting a client at the bar.

Grace is confused and asks what's happening. Raven explains the situation to Grace in a private space. Raven reveals that Grace is a designer for Raven's brother's fashion brand. Grace is surprised and shocked by this revelation.

Raven suspects Mark is the brand ambassador. Raven confirms with her brother that Mark is the brand ambassador. Raven shares the confirmation with Grace. Grace realizes she needs to design a suit for Mark. Raven and Grace make a plan to work together on this task.



Grace playfully confronted Raven about the unexpected situation they found themselves in.

"Come on, you should have at least told me what I was signing up for. Staying with me is not that bad," Grace teased, her eyes twinkling with a mixture of amusement and mock annoyance.

Raven's smirk widened, realizing she might have underestimated Grace's candid reaction.

"Alright, my bad," Raven chuckled, admitting her oversight.

As they approached where Mark was waiting, Raven's attention shifted to the task at hand.

"Is the room arranged for this?" Raven inquired, her focus returning to the situation.

Mark, standing nearby, nodded with a friendly smile. "Yup, let's go. Everything is set up."

Inside the designated room, Grace's no-nonsense approach took center stage as she addressed Mark directly.

"What exactly do you want, Mark?" Grace's words were direct, her tone focused and professional. "You have my number, and I can send the design over text."

Raven's eyes widened slightly as she stood nearby, the realization dawning on her. She leaned in, her voice lighthearted yet genuine.

"Aye, I never thought of that," Raven interjected, her eyes widening with realization. A playful smile played on her lips as she admitted with a chuckle.

Mark, leaning against a table with his arms crossed and his lips quirked up in a slightly amused smile. "Really? You didn't think of it?"

Raven, leaning casually against a nearby wall, nodded in agreement with a smirk. "Sounds good, works right?"

Mark opened his mouth to respond, "Nop—", but Grace, not one to waste time, quickly chimed in, preempting his reply.

"Works," Grace affirmed, giving a decisive nod and a small smile.

Raven decided to play her friend card, aiming for a more relaxed approach.

"Look, Mark, as a friend of ours—" Raven began, her tone friendly and light.

Mark let out a sigh, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Fine, fine."

Raven chuckled at Mark's acquiescence, his response cutting her sentence short. "I didn't even complete my sentence."

Mark rolled his eyes, clearly anticipating Raven's next move. "I know what you're going to ask for."

With an amused glint in her eyes, Raven playfully waved her hand, as if conceding to Mark's assumption. "Alright, you win this time."

Mark responded with a good-natured nod, his eyes dancing with mirth.

Raven addressed Mark with a playful grin. "Very well, I'll take my leave."

With a wave and a nod, Raven playfully bid Mark farewell, leaving him to his own devices.

Grace followed Raven's lead, using her as an excuse to exit the situation with Mark.

"Raven is my ride home, so I'm going as well," Grace chimed in, giving Mark a friendly smile as she aligned herself with Raven's departure.

As Raven and Grace began their leisurely walk toward the exit, Mark remained standing where he was, his gaze fixed on their retreating figures. His brows furrowed slightly as he watched them go, his thoughts whirling in the aftermath.

He mumbled to himself, his words barely audible, "Why am I... always..."

Raven and Grace's departure was halted by a sudden realization, prompting them to turn back towards Mark, their expressions a mix of amusement and disbelief. Raven's voice carried a teasing edge as she raised an eyebrow, her tone playfully questioning. "Yo, how can you forget about coffee, Mark?!"

Grace, not one to miss an opportunity to join in on the banter, chimed in with a smirk. "Yeah, seriously, Mark."

Caught off guard by their unexpected return and their bemused expressions, Mark blinked in confusion, his thoughts momentarily derailed.

"Wait, what the..." Mark's words trailed off as he struggled to catch up with the swift change in direction the conversation had taken.

Raven and Grace, undeterred by Mark's bewilderment, approached him again with a renewed determination to rectify the situation.

Raven's tone was resolute as she addressed Mark. "Let's go somewhere else." It was clear that Raven was not about to let Mark forget about their pending coffee plans.

As Mark stood there, still processing the sudden turn of events, Grace took a moment to offer him some private advice. Her voice carried a hushed tone, meant only for Mark's ears.

"Come on, I know you like her," Grace whispered, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "She's asking you to go for coffee."

Mark's surprise was evident as he processed Grace's words, his brows furrowing slightly. "Right now?", he spoke out loudly.

Grace's whispered advice continued, a mix of encouragement and practicality. "Seriously, Mark. She can say no now. This is not a love story for her to go all 'this is my way of saying I want to drink coffee with you' or something like that."

Raven, sensing the shift in dynamics and perhaps Grace's intervention, relented, her tone softening as she addressed Mark. "Okay, fine. Not today then." It was clear that Raven was willing to meet halfway, acknowledging the unexpectedness of the situation.

Their exchange left Mark with a mixture of emotions, a blend of surprise, curiosity, and a newfound awareness of the dynamics at play.

As Raven and Mark stood there, the air slightly tense after the coffee suggestion, Grace approached Raven in a reassuring manner. She leaned in, her voice a gentle and reassuring whisper.

"Come on, dude, that was out of impulse," Grace whispered to Raven. "He probably regretted saying it."

Raven turned to Grace, her expression a mix of uncertainty and curiosity, as if seeking her friend's opinion on the matter.

In the midst of their exchange, Raven's voice shifted from a contemplative tone to a slightly more assertive one, as she turned to address Mark directly.

"What?" she asked, her tone a combination of inquiry and a hint of playful command. "You want to go for coffee or no?"

Mark's response was direct, almost shamelessly so, as he met Raven's gaze with a hint of a smile.

"Sure…" he agreed, his answer carrying a sense of willingness and perhaps a touch of humor.

The sound of Raven's laughter pierced the moment, a genuine and hearty sound that Mark hadn't heard from her in quite some time.

Her amusement was contagious, and it brought a genuine smile to Mark's face. Even Grace, always attuned to the dynamics of their group, couldn't help but join in on the laughter, creating a light and easy atmosphere among them.

After their amusing exchange, they stepped out of the bar, greeted by the cool evening breeze. They walked toward the parking lot, the glow of the streetlights casting a warm ambiance.

Raven's teasing tone continued as they made their way, her words aimed at Mark in a playful manner.

"Kawasaki bike! Damn, you're loaded," she joked, clearly amused by the sight of his impressive ride.

Mark, while slightly sheepish, didn't let the teasing get to him. He maintained his friendly demeanor and responded to Raven's question.

"Where are we going to?" he inquired, his curiosity evident.

Grace, always one to inject enthusiasm into their plans, chimed in eagerly.

"Raven, the usuals?" she suggested, her excitement palpable.

Raven nodded in agreement, her smile infectious.

"Yup. Mark, just follow me," she instructed, a tone of camaraderie in her words. It was an invitation for a casual outing, a simple yet memorable adventure that none of them had anticipated at the start of their meeting.


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