
She’s Gone

In a world where mythical beings exist, they are extremely rare and feared. They are feared because of their overpowered nature and the inability to keep their godly powers in check. The entire world has made it their goal to wipe out these beings because of their lack of control. The only problem is that they look just like normal people. How are they supposed to find out who is what? Why do they not try to help the people?

Harmony_Hadden · Teen
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


They started walking down the hall chatting when all of the sudden someone slapped Dylan on the head. He turned to see Harmony.

"Why aren't you in class?! I thought you were taught better than to skip!" She said, standing in front of him, glaring at him like never before.

"Woah, woah, woah. Easy tiger. I was taking him to class, so chill. Anyway, why do you care about this kid? I mean he is so little and weak. Not to mention that he is human." J'marion said with a curious smirk now on his face as his eyes glowed red.

"Mari, quite it. You'll the freshman and why do you care about if I care about the kid?" Harmony said, rolling her eyes at him.

"Sorry to cut in but I still need to get to class and learn about the school's hierarchy. Oh, and please don't refer to me as 'freshman' or 'human '. If you want to call me something call me Dylan or neko. Got it? Good! Now Harmony take me to my class before that chick over there gets near me or I won't be so nice." Dylan said in an annoyed tone.

Meanwhile, Harmony sighed and J'marion stood there, shocked that someone had the guts to interrupt his conversation knowing that he is the king. J'marion snapped out of shock.

"You know the punishment for interrupting the king's or Ace's conversation is either public humiliation and be their servant for a week. Or a fight for the title. Which do you prefer?" J'marion said amusement laced in his voice while a gleam of curiosity flickered in his eyes.

Dylan was about to say something but was then slapped in the head by harmony and someone else.

" Mari! You know that those rules don't apply for the freshmen! So don't even try to pull that b.s. on him with us standing right here! " The unknown person exclaimed in annoyance and anger.

"Well, Bella, it's not my fault of, he didn't read the rules and regulations before he got here! He didn't even know I was the king of the school!" J'marion exclaimed being too stubborn to back down even though he knew that she was right.

While they continued to argue harmony and Dylan were left off to the side watching in amusement as this was something that they had/still did a lot as siblings. They used to have even bigger fights with their siblings before everything happened. Harmony had a flash back off the night that it happened.

*flashback start nobody POV*

"Why can't you two just shut up for once?! Is it that hard to do?! Like come on you, two are fighting over a flipping couch cushion! And no-one else is even on the massive thing! I really don't see why you guys are fighting!" harmony was practically yelling at them as she had just gotten home from school and already had a headache. She noticed that they ignored her, so her anger was growing by the minute. So she picked up the metal bat by the door and slammed it to the floor. That got their attention.

"Got your attention? Good! Now Dylan, why don't you just love to the other cushion as Amanda was sitting there first." Harmony was pissed, and she didn't get pissed easily (at least not at this point in time). Dylan and Amanda were deathly terrified of her because she was one of the strongest people in her school. Which was founded on fighting! She was literally the top person there.

Then, as she had just calmed her self down, a crash of glass could be heard from her parents' room.

"Stay here! If I yell run, you run! Protect each other and try not to get separated!" Harmony told them, then headed to her parents' room bat in hand.

She rounded the corner to her parents' room and saw them on the floor lifeless. Her father and mother both holding a gun in their hands, a sign that they didn't go without a fight. She then saw another man with two smoking handguns in his hands. He wore a dark leather coat, a cowboy hat, steal toed boots and two bands of ammo each around his chest, legs, arms and hat.

The man looked up at her with stone gray eyes. And those eyes had delight, joy, thrill, and hunger for more on them and harmony could tell. She was beyond pissed at this man to the point she almost forgot that she wasn't the only one who was still alive.... Almost.

She yelled run, and then she heard the door open and heard the security camera alarms going off at their fast movement she knew that they were safe. She felt all the anger that she had been bottling up explode within her. The man was standing there curious as to what a seemingly weak girl could do against him.

She had lost all self-control and it was as if a demon had possessed her. And in reality she had let that psychotic side of herself lose. She was also a demonized wolf, so she had increased everything. Now she was out for blood with the unforgivingly cruel sight in front of her. The last chain of sanity was gone.

She dropped the bat and looked dead at the killer. He laughed a little at this poor excuse of an intimidating glare.

"If you're trying to be intimidating then try a little harder cinnamon roll! HAahaha!" He laughed and this is what really made her test her ability to stay still.

"You know I wasn't trying to be intimidating I was trying to decide if you should you know live or die? But who am I to make that decision? God? No.... Satan? Not the last time I checked. The grim reaper? Nope... Good friend though. But I am just your ordinary demonized wolf so do you know what that means??? No? Well then, let me explain. So we are normally docile beings and don't cause any harm unless provoked. Then they turn into ruthless, blood, thirsty, cold-hearted, killing machines. They will generally lose all sanity for the time being. They don't remember anything about the time period they lost sanity. Woo they can't be tried in court and therefore can't be arrested. Now I will let you figure out the rest. Now you have 5 seconds to run. 5..." Harmony started to count down. The man started to run as he realized that he did more than provoke the mystical being.

"4..." She continued listening to his shallow breathing in the distance .

"3....." She listened to the thumping of his boots on the grass as he had jumped out of the one story house window.

"2..." Lastly, she listened to the thumping of his heart as it raced in adrenaline and fear.

"1....." She listened to him, make a sudden stop and grab something no. ... Someone

"0....." She gritted her teeth, knowing that there would only be two people close enough to the house for him to grab. .... Her siblings.

She lost complete control and ran at in human speeds to catch up to him. She was there in less than half a second.

She stood there and saw that he had Amanda at her point ready to shoot her....

*flashback end*

Dylan waved his hand in front of harmony's face, snapping her out of her thoughts.